

楊曉冬(1987---),籍貫山東,現為山東大學新聞傳播學院副研究員。2017年畢業於新加坡南洋理工大學,獲得傳播學博士學位。曾擔任Asian Journal of Communication(亞洲傳播學刊)的助理編輯,以及Chinese Journal of Communication(中華傳播學刊)的審稿人。現已發表多篇SSCI學術論文,所發表的論文期刊包括Mass Communication & Society, Science Communication, Internet Research, International Journal of Communication等。論文多次被國際傳播學會(ICA)和美國新聞與大眾傳播教育協會(AEJMC)年會會議接收。




2012-2017新加坡南洋理工大學 傳播學 博士
PhD in Communication Studies, Nanyang Technological University


1.Yang, X., Chuah, A. S., Lee, E. W., & Ho, S. S. (2017). Extending the Cognitive Mediation Model: Examining Factors Associated With Perceived Familiarity and Factual Knowledge of Nanotechnology.Mass Communication and Society,20(3), 403-426.(SSCI)
2.Yang, X.,& Ho, S. S. (2017). Decreasing the knowledge gap among different socioeconomic status groups on the issue of climate change.Environmental Hazards, 16(3), 276-290.(SSCI)
3.Ho, S. S.,Yang, X.,Thanwarani, A., & Chan, J. M. (2017). Examining public acquisition of science knowledge from social media in Singapore: an extension of the cognitive mediation model. Asian Journal of Communication, 27(2), 193-212.(SSCI)
4.Xu, X.,Yang, X.,Lu, J., Lan, J., Peng, T., Wu, Y., & Chen, W. (2017).Examining the effects of network externalities, density, and closure on in-game currency price in online games.Internet Research,27(4), 924-941.
5.Liao, Y., Ho, S. S., &Yang, X.(2016). Motivators of pro-environmental behavior: Examining the underlying processes in the influence of presumed media influence model.Science Communication, 38(1), 51-73.(SSCI)
6.Yang, X., Chen, L., & Feng, Q. (2016). Risk Perception of Food Safety Issues on Social Media.Chinese Journal of Communication,9(2), 124-138.(SSCI)
7.Yang, X.,& Li, L. (2016). Will the Spiral of Silence Spin on Social Networking Sites? An Experiment on Opinion Climate, Fear of Isolation and Outspokenness.China Media Research, 12(1), 79-87.
8.Chen, L. &Yang, X.(2015). Nature and Effectiveness of Online Social Support for Intercultural Adaptation of Mainland Chinese International Students.International Journal of Communication, 9,2161-2181.(SSCI)


1.Yang, X., & Chen, L. (2018, May).Reexamine Third Person Effects in the Context of Collective Actions.Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of International Communication Association (Environmental Communication Division).(ICA) 2018,Prague, Czech Republic.
2.Yang, X.,& Hao, X (2017, May). Addressing Climate Change as a Collective Action Problem: Revisiting Media Effects in Promoting Pro-environmental Behavioral Intention.Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of International Communication Association (Environmental Communication Division).(ICA) 2017, San Diego, USA.
3.Yang, X.,& Hao, X (2017, May). How Media Influence Illusion? An Examination of Media Effects on Illusion in Perceived Knowledge Differential between Self and Other.Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of International Communication Association.(ICA) 2017, San Diego, USA.
4.Chen, L.,Yang, X.,Chuah, S. F., & Ho, S. S.(2017, May). Cyberspace Risk for Adolescents: An Investigation of Factors Influencing Cybervictimization.Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of International Communication Association (Communication & Technology Division).(ICA) 2017, San Diego, USA.
5.Yang, X., Chuah, S. F., & Lee, E. W. (2016, June). Extending the Cognitive Mediation Model: Factors Associated with Perceived Familiarity and Factual Knowledge of Nanotechnology.Paper presented at the annual conference of International Communication Association,(ICA) 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.
6.Ho, S. S.,Yang, X.,Thanwarani, A. & Chan, J. M. (2016, June).Acquiring science knowledge from social media: An extension of the cognitive mediation model.Paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of International Communication Association (Communication & Technology Division).(ICA) 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.
7.Yang, X., Hao, X., & Ho, S. S. (2015). Personal Predispositions as Predictors of Media Attention on Breast Cancer: Knowledge, Fatalistic Belief, and Risk Perception.Presented at International Communication Association Conference(ICA)2015, Puerto Rico.
8.Yang, X.& Ho, S. S. (2015). The Knowledge Gap Hypothesis: Climate Change as An Impersonal Risk.Presented at International Communication Association Conference(ICA) 2015, Puerto Rico.
9.Chuah, S. F.,Yang, X., & Chen, L. (2015, San Francisco). Integrating Self-Construal in Theory of Reasoned Action: Examining How Self-Construal, Social Norms, and Attitude Relate to Healthy Lifestyle Intention in Singapore.Presented at Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference(AEJMC) 2015, San Francisco, USA.
10.Yang, X., Lee, W. J., & Chuah, S.F. (2015). Familiarity Or Knowledge? Examining How Media Attention, Interpersonal Communication and Elaboration Relate To Nanotechnology Knowledge Acquisition - An Extension Of The Cognitive Mediation Model.Presented at The Sixth Honours Symposium for Asian PhD students in Communication Research,2015, Seoul, Korea.
11.Chen, L. &Yang, X.(2014).Nature and Effectiveness of Online Social Support for Intercultural Adaptation of Mainland Chinese Overseas Students.Presented atAssociation for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Conference(AEJMC) 2014, Montreal, Canada.
12.Yang, X.(2013). Do you know fansubbers? An Investigation into Fansubbers’ Recruiting Activities in Online Community.Presentedat ICA 2013 Regional Conference, Shanghai, China.


2014-2016新加坡南洋理工大學自主研究項目Media Effects on Public Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Related to Climate Change(研究基金:$3,000)