



2000-2002:哈爾濱工業大學機電學院 講師;
2002-2009:哈爾濱工業大學機電學院 副教授;
2009:哈爾濱工業大學機電學院 教授;
2010:哈爾濱工業大學機電學院 博士生導師;
2005-2006:日本東京農工大學 訪問學者;
2007.11-12:日本東京農工大學 訪問研究員。




[1]Xiaodong Yang, Jianwen Guo, Xiaofei Chen, and Masanori Kunieda, Molecular dynamics simulation of the material removal mechanism in micro-EDM, Precision Engineering, 2011, Vol.35, pp:51–57 (SCI檢)
[2]Xiaodong YANG, Chunwei XU, and Masanori KUNIEDA, Miniaturization of WEDM Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding Method, Precision Engineering, Vol.34/2, 2010, pp:279-285 (SCI檢)
[3]Kunieda, M., Hayasaka, A., Yang, X. D., Sano, S., and Araie, I., Study on Nano EDM Using Capacity Coupled Pulse Generator, Annals of the CIRP, Vol.56/1, 2007, pp: 213-216 (SCI檢)
[4]Xiaodong YANG, Xiaofei CHEN, Jianwen GUO and Masanori KUNIEDA, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Removed Materials Distribution in Micro-EDM Gap, CIRP HPC, Gifu, Japan, 2010, pp:343-346
[5]Xiaodong YANG, Jianwen GUO, Xiaofei CHEN, and Masanori KUNIEDA, Study on Influences of Material Micro-Structure in Micro-EDM by Molecular Dynamics Simulation, ISEM XVI, Shanghai, China, 2010, 717-720
[6]Xiaodong YANG, Zhaobing WU, and Guanxin CHI, Study on Micro WEDM Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding Method, ISEM XVI, Shanghai, China, 2010, 675-680
[7]Tomohiro Koyano, Yuna Yahagi, Masanori Kunieda, and Xiaodong Yang, High Spindle Speed Micro EDM Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding Method, ISEM XVI, Shanghai, China, 2010, 699-602
[8]Xiaodong Yang, Yong Wan, and Fuqiang Hu, Study on influence of stray inductance in micro EDM using electrostatic induction feeding method,ICoPE2010 & 13th ICPE, Singapore, 2010, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 447-448, pp: 263-267
[9]Yuna Yahagi, Tomohiro Koyano, Masanori Kunieda, and Xiaodong Yang, High Spindle Speed Wire Electrical Discharge Grinding Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding Method,ICoPE2010 & 13th ICPE, Singapore, 2010, Key Engineering Materials Vols. 447-448, pp: 268-271
[10]Xiaodong Yang, Jianwen Guo, and Xiaofei Chen, Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Forming Process of Discharge Crater in Micro-EDM, Asian Symposium for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology 2009, Kokura, Japan, 最佳論文獎
[11]YANG Xiaodong, LIU Peng, Optimization of Triangulations Based on Serial Fault Data, Tsinghua Science and Technology, Vol.14/S1, pp:38-42(2009)
[12]Yang, XD., Kunieda , M., and Sano, S., Study on the influence of stray capacitance in Micro EDM using electrostatic induction feeding, International Journal of Electrical Machining, 2008, No.13, pp: 35-40
[13]X.D. Yang, B.H. Liu, and Y. Wang, Triangular Surface Reconstruction of CT Images by Using Isosurface construction, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.10-12, pp:503-507 (2008)
[14]X.D. Yang, Y. Wang, and P. Yang , 3-D Modeling for Teeth Correction on the Basis of Optical Measurement, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.10-12, pp:662-666 (2008)
[15]Xiaodong Yang, Masanori Kunieda, and Sadao Sano, Study on the influence of stray capacitance in Micro EDM using electrostatic induction feeding, Proc. of AEMS2007, Nagoya, Japan, 2007, pp: 236-241 最佳論文獎
[16]Yang, XD., Kimori, M., Kunieda , M., Araie, I., and Sano, S., Machining Properties of Micro EDM Using Electrostatic Induction Feeding, Proc. of ISEM XV, Pittsburgh, USA, 2007, pp: 231-234
[17]矢萩優名, 小谷野智広, 國枝正典, 楊暁冬, 高速回転主軸への靜電誘導給電による微細放電加工の加工特性向上, 日本電気加工學會全國大會講演論文集, 2009, pp:77-80
[18]矢萩優名,小谷野智広,國枝正典,楊暁冬,靜電誘導給電による高速回転主軸を用いた微細放電加工,2009度日本精密工學會全國大會秋季大會學術講演會講演論文集,2009, pp:759-760
[19]楊暁冬,徐春偉,國枝正典,靜電誘導給電法によるワイヤ放電加工の微細化, 2008度日本精密工學會全國大會秋季大會學術講演會講演論文集, 2008, pp:759-760
[20]木森將仁,國枝正典,楊 暁冬,佐野定男,靜電誘導給電を用いた放電加工の微細化,電気加工技術, Vol.31/98, 2007,pp:13-18
[22]早坂暁彥,楊暁冬,國枝正典,新家一朗,靜電誘導給電を用いた微細放電加工の加工特性,2006度日本精密工學會全國大會春季大會學術講演會講演論文集,2006, pp:679-680
[24 楊曉冬,趙萬生,基於Web的人工神經網路電火花加工工藝預測,哈爾濱工業大學學報,Vol.37/8, 2005.8, pp: 1029-1031
[25]Haipeng Huang, Xiaodong Yang, Yang Wang, Three-dimensional Modeling of the Concealed Teeth Correcting Equipment and the Investigation of it’s Moulding by Rapid Prototyping Technology, 2005,12
[26]楊曉冬, 宋穎慧, 趙萬生, 基於遺傳演演算法的電火花加工電參數優化模型, 哈爾濱工業大學學報, Vol.34/4, pp: 450-454 (2002)
[1]特種加工(第5版), 機械工業出版社, 2008.7
[4]先進電火花加工技術, 國防工業出版社, 2003.10


[3]Asian Symposium for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology 2009,
Kokura, Japan, 2009/11, Best Paper Award
[4]Asian Electrical Machining Symposium 2007,
Nagoya, Japan, 2007/11, Best Paper Award