2015/01~ ,北京交通大學土建學院建工系,副教授
國家自然科學基金面上項目(主持,NO. 51278273)
中國博士后基金面上項目(主持,NO. 2012M510457)
Algeria Oran Stadium 鋼結構項目(主要參與人,橫向)
Singapore National Stadium 鋼結構項目(主要參與人,橫向)
1. Chao Dou,Z.Q. Jiang*,Yong-lin Pi, et al.Elastic buckling of steel arches with discrete lateral braces.Engineering Structures, 2018, 156: 12-20.(SCI)
2. Z.Q. Jiang,Chao Dou*, Y.L. GUO, et al.End Detailing Experimental Study of the Pinned Double-Rectangular Tube Assembled Buckling-Restrained Brace.Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2017, 133: 334-344.(SCI)
3. Z.Q. Jiang, Chao Dou*, Y.L. GUO, et al.Theoretical Study on Design Methods for Pinned Assembled BRB withFlat Core.Engineering Structures. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.12.004. Vol. 133: 1-13, 2017/2.(SCI)
4. Chao Dou*, Zi-Qin Jiang, et al. Elastic Shear Buckling of Sinusoidally Corrugated Steel Plate Shear Wall. Engineering Structures, 2016, 121: 136-146. DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2016.04.047. (SCI)
5. Chao Dou*, Yong-lin Pi. Effects of Geometric Imperfections on Flexural Buckling Resistance of Laterally Braced Columns. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2016,142(9),DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001508, 04016048.(SCI)
6. Chao Dou*, Yong-lin Pi. Flexural-Torsional Buckling Resistance Design of Circular Arches with Elastic End Restraints. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2016, 142(2), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001373,04015104.(SCI)
7. Chao Dou*, Yan-lin Guo, Si-yuan Zhao, Yong-lin Pi. Experimental Investigation into Flexural-torsional Ultimate Resistance of Steel Circular Arches. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2015, 141(10),DOI:10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001240,04015006.(SCI)
8. Chao Dou*, Yan-lin Guo, Yong-lin Pi, Si-yuan Zhao. Flexural-Torsional Buckling and Ultimate Resistance of Parabolic Steel Arches Subjected to Uniformly Distributed Vertical Load. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2014, 140(10), 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0000997,04014075.(SCI)
9. Chao Dou*, Yan-lin Guo, Yong-lin Pi, Si-yuan Zhao, et al. Effects of shape functions on flexural-torsional buckling of fixed circular arches. Engineering Structures, 2014 (59): 238-247.(SCI)
10. Chao Dou*, Yan-Lin Guo, Si-Yuan Zhao, et al. Elastic Out-of-plane Buckling Load of Circular Steel Tubular Truss Arches Incorporating Shearing Effects. Engineering Structures, 2013 (52): 697-706.(SCI)
11. Yan-lin Guo, Si-yuan Zhao, Chao Dou, Yong-Lin Pi. Out-of-plane elastic buckling of circular arches with elastic end restraints. Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 2014,140(10).(SCI)
12. Yan-lin Guo, Si-yuan Zhao, Chao Dou. Out-of-plane elastic buckling behavior of hinged planar truss arch with lateral bracings. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2014 (95): 290-299.(SCI)
13. Yan-Lin Guo, Si-Yuan Zhao, Chao Dou, Yong-Lin Pi. Out-of-plane strength design of spatially trussed arches with a rectangular lattice section. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2013 (88): 321-329.(SCI)
14. Bo-Hao Zhang, Yan-Lin Guo, Chao Dou. Ultimate bearing capacity of asymmetrically double tapered steel columns with tubular cross-section. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2013 (89): 52-62.(SCI)
16. 竇超*, 郭彥林. 受彎圓弧拱平面外穩定承載力分析。建築結構學報, 2012, 33(7): 18-26.(EI)
17. 竇超*, 郭彥林. 壓彎圓弧拱平面外穩定承載力設計方法。建築結構學報, 2012, 33(7): 27-36.(EI)
18. 竇超*,郭彥林, 王永海, 等. 基於目標索力的“位移-荷載雙控”張拉演演算法研究及應用。建築結構學報, 2010, 31(4): 10-18.(EI)
19. 郭彥林, 竇超*. 有平面外支撐的工形截面圓弧鋼拱彈性穩定性能及支撐剛度設計。建築結構學報, 2012, 33(7): 37-45.(EI)
20. 郭彥林*, 竇超. 我國拱形鋼結構設計理論研究現狀與展望。建築結構學報, 2012, 33(7): 1-17.(EI)
21. 竇超*, 郭彥林. 圓弧拱平面外彈性彎扭屈曲臨界荷載分析. 工程力學, 2012, 29(3): 83-89.(EI)
22. 郭彥林, 竇超*. 單層折面空間網格結構性能研究及設計. 建築結構學報, 2010, 31(4): 19-30.(EI)
23. 郭彥林, 竇超*, 王永海, 等. 深圳大運會體育中心體育場整體模型承載力試驗研究. 建築結構學報, 2010, 31(4): 1-9.(EI)
24. 郭彥林, 趙思遠, 竇超. 倒三角截面空間桁架拱平面外彈塑性穩定設計方法研究. 工程力學, 2014, 31(9): 71-80. (EI)
25. 竇超*, 郭彥林. 單軸對稱截面圓弧拱彈性彎扭屈曲臨界荷載[J]. 建築工程與科學學報, 2011, 28(4): 69-74.
26. 郭彥林, 竇超*. 鋼拱結構設計理論與我國鋼拱結構技術規程. 鋼結構, 2009, 24(5): 59-70.
27. 竇超*, 郭彥林. 國外某體育場鋼結構屋蓋設計與施工分析. 施工技術, 2007, 36(6): 12-15.
1. 《現代拱形鋼結構設計原理與應用》,郭彥林,竇超. 科學出版社,2013年9月.
2. 國家行業標準《拱形鋼結構技術規程》(JGJ/T249 2011),編製組成員
2. 一種通過高強度螺栓連接的內加勁組合鋼板剪力牆, ZL201310373756.6, 發明專利, 第1發明人
3. 波浪腹板鋼拱的一種計算機輔助成型方法, ZL200910082899.5, 發明專利, 第3發明人
4. 一種空間結構整體模型試驗索力自平衡載入控制方法, ZL200910087768.6, 發明專利, 第3發明人
5. 一種波形鋼板與混凝土組合剪力牆, ZL201010233162.1, 發明專利, 第3發明人
6. 一種巨型環狀鋼結構的施工方法, ZL201010140441.3, 發明專利, 第3發明人
7. 雙矩形管約束型H形截面裝配式防屈曲耗能支撐, ZL200910259642.2, 發明專利, 第3發明人