

潘高峰,博士,西南大學電子信息工程學院,特聘副教授,碩士生導師,IEEE Member。近年來,一直從事無線通信與無線網路領域相關研究,主要研究方向涉及認知無線電技術、保密通信技術以及綠色通信技術;以項目負責人身份先後主持承擔了6項科研項目,其中,國家自然科學基金項目1項,省部級項目2項。在國內外期刊和會議上已發表/錄用論文30餘篇,其中SCI檢索13篇,EI檢索十餘篇。目前,現為電子信息工程領域國際主流期刊的審稿人。


潘高峰,博士,副研究員,碩士生導師,IEEE Member。
近年來,一直從事無線通信與無線網路領域相關研究,主要研究方向涉及認知無線電技術、保密通信技術以及綠色通信技術;以項目負責人身份先後主持承擔了6項科研項目,其中,國家自然科學基金項目1項,省部級項目2項。在IEEE Transactions on Communications、IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications、IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology、IEEE Communications Letters、IEEE Wireless Communications Letters、IET Communications等國內外期刊和會議上已發表/錄用論文30餘篇,其中SCI檢索13篇,EI檢索十餘篇。
目前,現為IEEE TOC、IEEE TWC、IEEE TSP、IEEE TVT、IEEE CL、Ad Hoc Networks, WCMC (Wiley), JNCA (Wiley), ETT (Wiley), EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, Telecommunication Systems (Springer), International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley), IEICE Transactions on Communications等本領域國際主流期刊的審稿人。




2014年10月 - ,西南大學電子信息工程學院,副研究員。
2012年05月 - 2014年09月,西南大學電子信息工程學院,特聘副教授。
2009年09月 - 2011年09月,美國The Ohio State University,Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,聯合培養博士生。
2007年03月 - 2011 年12月,西南交通大學,信息科學與技術學院,通信與信息系統專業,工學博士。
2005年09月 - 2007年02月,西南交通大學,信息科學與技術學院,通信與信息系統專業,碩士研究生。
2001年09月 - 2005年06月,鄭州大學,信息工程學院,通信工程專業,工學學士。


國家自然科學基金青年項目(No. 61401372) 2015.01 ~ 2017.12
教育部高等學校博士點新教師類基金項目(No. 20130182120017) 2013.01 ~ 2016.12
重慶市基礎與前沿研究計劃項目(No. cstc2013jcyjA40040) 2013.09 ~ 2016.09
中央高校基本業務費重點項目(No. XDJK2015B023) 2015.05 ~ 2018.04


Gaofeng Pan, Chaoqing Tang, Xv Zhang, Tingting Li, Ying Weng, Yunfei Chen. Physical layer security over non-small scale fading channels, to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
Yameng Zhou, Gaofeng Pan, Tingting Li, Hequn Liu, Chaoqing Tang, Yunfei Chen. Secrecy outage performance for partial relay selection schemes in cooperative systems, to appear in IET Communications.
Hequn Liu, Hui Zhao, Hong Jiang, Chaoqing Tang, Gaofeng Pan, Tingting Li, Yunfei Chen. Physical-layer secrecy outage of spectrum sharing CR systems over fading channels, to appear in SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences (Science in China Series F).
趙輝, 潘高峰. Gaussian通道估計誤差下DF與RF中繼SIMO系統保密通信性能分析. 中國科學: 信息科學,待出版.
Gaofeng Pan, Chaoqing Tang, Tingting Li, Yunfei Chen. Secrecy performance analysis for SIMO simultaneous wireless information and power transfer systems, IEEE Transactions on Communications
Hongjiang Lei, Chao Gao, Yongcai Guo, Gaofeng Pan. On physical layer security over generalized Gamma fading channels, IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 19, no
Chaoqing Tang, Gaofeng Pan and Tingting Li. Secrecy outage analysis of underlay cognitive radio unit over Nakagami-m fading channels, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters
Gaofeng Pan, Yunfei Chen, and Feng Quanyuan. Performance analysis of interference-limited cooperative systems with relay selection over independent log-normal fading channels, IET Communications
Siping Hu, Jindi Li, Gaofeng Pan. Performance and fairness enhancement in IEEE 802.11 WLAN networks, AEÜ-International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier)
Gaofeng Pan and Quanyuan Feng. Performance analysis of a multichannel dynamically aggregative MAC protocol for WSNs, Journal of Internet Technology
Gaofeng Pan, Eylem Ekici and Quanyuan Feng. Performance analysis of multi-branch multi-hop wireless relay systems over Log-normal channels, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Pan Gaofeng and Quanyuan Feng. Performance analysis of DF relaying multi-hop systems over Log-normal fading channels, AEÜ-International Journal of Electronics and Communications (Elsevier)
Gaofeng Pan, Eylem Ekici and Quanyuan Feng. Performance analysis of cooperative time hopping UWB systems with multi-user interference, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Gaofeng Pan, Eylem Ekici and Quanyuan Feng. Capacity analysis of log-normal channel under various adaptive transmission schemes, IEEE Communications Letters
Gaofeng Pan, Eylem Ekici and Quanyuan Feng. BER analysis of threshold digital relaying schemes over log-normal fading channels, IEEE Communications Letters

