



1993.9-1998.7年東北大學金屬壓力加工系本科,1998.9-2004.3東北大學材料電磁過程研究教育部重點實驗室碩士和博士,2004.3-上海交通大學材料科學與工程學院輕合金精密成型國家工程研究中心博士后、講師、副教授,2006.6-2007.6德國Research Center of Dresden Rossendorf訪問學者。現擔任輕合金精密成型國家工程研究中心塑性成型與控制研究室主任,主要進行高性能變形輕合金材料和塑性成型方面的研究工作。






在國內外發表論文50餘篇,其中SCI收錄30餘篇,擔任Journal of Crystal Growth, Materials Science Letter, Journal of Materials Science和Journal of Materials Processing Technology等國際材料學研究期刊的審稿人。主持或作為核心研究人員完成國家軍口973計劃、國家民口973計劃、國家民口863計劃、國家自然科學基金、上海市自然基金和國防科工委軍品配套項目等10餘項。


1. Jie Dong, Wen-Cai Liu, X. Song, P. Zhang, W.J. Ding, A.M. Korsunsky. Influence of heat treatment on fatigue behavior of high-strength Mg–10Gd–3Y alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2010,527: 6053–6063。
2. Dong jie, CUI Jianzhong, DING Wenjiang Theoretical discussion of the effect of a low-frequency electromagnetic vibrating field on the as-cast microstructures of DC Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr ingots. JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, 2006,295: 179-187。
3. Dong Jie, CUI Jianzhong. A new way to cast new high alloy Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr alloy for super high strength and toughness. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY. 2006, 171: 399-404。
4. Dong jie, CUI Jianzhong, ZENG xiaoqing, DING Wenjiang. Effect of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic field on microstructures and macrosegregation of Φ270mm DC Ingots of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr Alloy. Materials letter. 2005, 59: 1502-1506。
5. Dong jie, CUI Jianzhong, ZENG xiaoqing, DING Wenjiang. Effect of Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Vibration on Cast-ability, Microstructure and Segregation of Large-Scale DC Ingots of a High-Alloyed Al. MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS, 2005, 46(1): 94-99。
6. Dong Jie, CUI Jianzhong, BAN Chunyan, LIU Xiaotao. Effect of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Casting on the Castability, Microstructure, and tensile properties of DC cast Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy. METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A, 2004,35A: 2487-2494。
7.J. Dong, Z. F. Li, X. Q. Zeng, C. Lu, W. J. Ding. Effect of strong magnetic field on the discontinuous and continuous precipitation in AZ91 Mg alloy. Materials Science Forum. 2005, 488-489: 849-852。
8. J. Dong, Z. F. Li, X. Q. Zeng, C. Lu, W. J. Ding. Intermediate Phase Growth of Mg-Al Diffusion Couple under a Strong Static Magnetic Field. Materials Science Forum. 2007, 546-549: 491-494。
9. Wen-Cai Liu, Jie Dong, W.J. Ding .Effect of shot peening on surface characteristics and fatigue properties of T5-treated ZK60 alloy. Materials Transactions. 2009, 50(4):791–798 10. Wen-Cai Liu, Jie Dong. High cycle fatigue behaviour of as-extruded ZK60 magnesium alloy. Journal of Materials Science. 2009, 44(11):2916–2924.

