

朱哲明,男,四川大學特聘教授,博士生導師,四川大學985工程學術帶頭人(西南資源環境與災害防治)。獲得博士學位於著名的 McGill 大學,博士后研究於著名的 Toronto 大學。朱哲明 現為四川大學特聘教授,博士生導師,連續入選Elsevier 公布的中國高被引學者(在岩石力學及其工程領域中國僅有2人)。獲得博士學位於著名的 McGill 大學,博士后及後來工作於著名的 Toronto 大學。

先後在10餘種國際著名刊物上,如 《Journal of Engineering Mechanics》,《Geological Magazine》,《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》,《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences》,《Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids》,《Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics》,《Surface Review and Letters》,《Engineering Geology》,《Journal of Applied Geophysics》,《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》,《International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation》,《Experimental Techniques》以及國內的《力學學報》,《固體力學》,《計算力學學報》,《實驗力學》,《岩石力學與工程》,《煤炭學報》,《岩土力學》,《岩土工程》等發表一百多篇論文. 其中兩篇論文在《國際石力學與採礦工程》期刊中為Most Cited Paper.



博士后研究於加拿大Toronto 大學, 土木工程系(Civil Engineering), 2002-2005; 博士畢業於加拿大 McGill 大學, 採礦,冶金及材料工程系,1998-2002;博士生學習於中國礦業大學(沒完成因去加拿大 Montreal 大學工作),1994-1996;碩士及本科畢業於遼寧工程技術大學,1982-1988;1990-1991


四川大學建築與環境學院教授 (特聘), 2005-現在;加拿大 Montreal 大學研究工作 (Research Associate), 地質工程系,1996-1998;遼寧工程技術大學講師,力學系,1988-1994。


1. 《岩石力學與工程學報》編委;
2. 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 客座編輯(Guest Editor);
3. 國內外20餘種期刊論文評閱人;
4. 四川省力學學會理事。


岩石斷裂力學; 衝擊波及爆炸力學; 計算力學; 礦山及井下充填的穩定;構造地質力學。



1. 含水裂隙岩體在動載荷作用下的破壞特性(2012DTPY015)(主持)
2. 動載荷反覆作用下節理裂隙岩體的動力學響應(51074109) (主持)
3. 深部頁岩體的靜動態本構關係研究(2012LF1009) (主持)
4. 帶裂隙岩體在壓縮載荷作用下的穩定性研究(2008JY0041) (主持)
5. 深部岩體強卸荷大變形(2010CB732005)(參與)
6. 帶裂隙岩體在壓縮載荷作用下的破壞強度準則(2008890) (主持)
7. 深部岩體的工程特性研究的子項目——深部岩體裂隙擴展理論及數值分析(50639100-01)(主持)
8. 節理裂隙岩體在爆炸載荷作用下的穩定性研究(2010SCU21020)(主持)
9. 地震波或衝擊波作用下裂隙岩體動態響應特徵(2014JY0002)(主持)


其中f 是裂紋表面摩擦係數,是裂紋傾角,是含裂紋材料的單軸抗壓強度,和 是主應力。經簡化該準則可轉化為最大剪應力準則,在無裂隙時該準則轉化為著名的庫倫摩爾準則;
2、首次成功將AUTODYN軟體開發應用於岩石動態破壞的數值模擬研究中,成功模擬了岩石、混凝土等脆性材料的動態破壞過程,給出了其破壞機理。在該方面發表的論文多次被引用,其中兩篇論文在國際岩石力學期刊中為Most Cited Paper;
3、給出了地球上部岩體中應力大小的範圍,並成功解釋了如下地球物理現象:即在地殼表面附近,水平應力與垂直應力比值()分佈在一個較廣範圍內,但在深部區域,卻分佈在豎直線 周圍一個狹小範圍內。


1. Zhu Zheming, Xu Wentao and Feng Ruoqi. (2015) A new Method for Measuring Mode-I Dynamic Fracture Toughness of Rock under Blasting Loads. Experimental Techniques, doi:10.1111/ext.12137.
2. Zhu Zheming, Wang C, Kang J. Li Y. and Wang M. (2014). Study on the Mechanism of Zonal Disintegration around an Excavation. Int. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 67: 88-95.
3. Ren Li, Zhu Zheming, Wang M., Zheng T. and Ai, T. (2014). Study on mixed mode elastic-plastic fractures: An improved R-criterion, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) 140(6): 04014033.
4. Zheng Tao, Zhu Zheming, Wang B. and Zeng L. (2014). Stress Intensity Factor for an Infinite Plane containing three Collinear Cracks under Compression. J. of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 94(10):853-861.
5. Zhu Zheming, Zeng Ligang, Liu Kai and Fu Yangcheng (2014). A finite-difference scheme combining with finite-volume technique by using general quadrilateral cells. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 15 (5):279-287.
6. Zhu Zheming (2013). Evaluation of the Range of Horizontal Stresses in the Earth’s Upper Crust by using a Collinear Crack Model. Journal of Applied Geophysics 88(1):114-121.
7. Jin Wencheng,Zhu Zheming, and Gao M (2013). A General Method to Determine the stress intensity factor of Multiple Collinear Cracks. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 18(4): 397-408
8. Ren Li., Zhu Zheming, Yang Q, and Ai T (2013). Investigation on the Applicability of Several Fracture Criteria to the Mixed Mode Brittle Fractures. Advances in Mechanical Engineering 2013: 1-11, Article ID 545108.
9. Li Y., Zhu Zheming (2012). Study on the Velocity of P waves across a single Joint based on Fractal and Damage Theory, Engineering Geology 151:82-88.
10. Li Y., Zhu Zheming, Li B. Deng J. and Xie H (2011). Study on the Transmission and Reflection of Stress Waves across Joints. Inter. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 48(3): 364-371.
11. Zhu Zheming (2009). Numerical Prediction of Crater Blasting and Bench Blasting. Int. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 46:1088-1096.
12. Zhu Zheming (2009). An Alternative Form of Propagation Criterion for Two Collinear Cracks under Compression. Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 14(6):727-746.
13. Zhu Zheming, Xie Heping and Mohanty B. (2008). Numerical Investigation of Blasting -induced damage in Cylindrical Rocks. Int. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 45(2): 111-121.
14. Zhu Zheming, Mohanty B. and Xie Heping (2007). Numerical investigation of blasting- induced crack initiation and propagation in rocks. Int. J. of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 44(3): 412-424.
15. Zhu Zheming, Wang L., Mohanty B. and Huang C (2006). Stress intensity factor for a cracked specimen under compression, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 73 (4):482-489.
16. Zhu Zheming (1999). New Biaxial Failure Criterion for Brittle Materials in Compression, Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE) 125(11):1251-1258.
17. Ji S., and Zhu Zheming (1998). Relationship Between Joint Spacing and Bed Thickness in sedimentary rocks: effects of interbed slip. Geological Magazine, 135(5): 637-655.
18. Zhu Zheming, Xie Heping and Ji S (1997). The mixed boundary problems for a mixed mode crack in a finite plate, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 56(5):647-655.
19. Xie Jun, Zhu Zheming, Rong Hu and Jianjun Liu. A Calculation Method of Optimal Water Injection Pressures in Natural Fractured Reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2015, Vol. 133, pp.705-712.
20. Zhu Zheming (1993). A New Method for Measurement of Fracture Toughness By Three Point Bend Specimen, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 45(2):141-147.


2. 實用新型專利:朱哲明,唐昊. 一種混凝土含裂紋試件預置模版, 專利號: ZL 2012 2 0520797.4;


1. 2014年四川省科技進步一等獎(排名第三);
2. 四川省學術帶頭人後備人選;
3. 2014.12獲“四川大學優秀教師”;
4. 多次獲得優秀畢業論文指導獎;