



1994-1997: 中國科學技術大學, 地球空間科學學院,博士;
1988-1991: 長春地質學院,應用地球物理系,碩士;
1984-1988: 長春地質學院,應用地球物理系,本科;
2008.12- :防災科技學院, 地震科學系 系主任、教授;
2003.8-2008.9: 中國科學技術大學, 地球和空間科學學院 副教授、院教學實驗中心副主任;
2002.8-2003.8: 韓國國立漢城大學, 地球和環境科學系博士后研究工作,訪問學者;
2000.1-2002.8: 中國科學技術大學, 地球和空間科學學院 副教授、地球物理教研室主任;
1997.7-2000.1: 中國科學技術大學, 地球和空間科學學院 講師;
1991.7-1994.9: 安徽省地質礦產局, 地球物理地球化學勘查技術院,助工、工程師;




1.Xu Tao; Xu Guo-ming; GAO Er-gen; Li Yingchun; Jiang Xianyi; and Luo Kaiyun, Block modeling and segmentally iterative ray tracing in complex 3D media. Geophysics, 71 (3) :T41-T51, 2006.05-06(SCI,EI同時收錄);
2.Gao Er-gen, Han Uk, Teng Ji-wen,Fast ray tracing method in 3-D structure and its proof of positive definiteness,2007, J. Cent. SouthUniv. Technol.,14(1),100-103(SCI,EI同時收錄);
3.Gao E. G., Song S.Y., Application of the field seismic data in the security assessment of coal mining in Marbi Area, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(15), S1:A306, 2007.08(SCI收錄);
4.Song S.Y., Gao E. G., A 3-D crustal structure study for the area along Yangtze River: Implications for multi-metal mineralization, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(15), S1:A956, 2007.08(SCI收錄);
6.Gao E. G., Liu H., Liu L. F., The origin and tectonic frame of the Dabieshan Orogenic belt: Constraints from geophysical data, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72(12), S1:A293, 2008.07(SCI收錄);
7.Gao Er-gen, Zhang An-jia, Han Uk, Song Shu-yun, Zhai Yong-bo, Fast algorithm and numerical simulation for ray-tracing in 3D structure, J. Cent. SouthUniv. Technol. , 15(6), 901-905, 2008.12(SCI,EI同時收錄);
8.GAO Ergen, Zhao Xiaoyan, Conditions of deformation and structural state of feldspars during mylonitization, south Tan-Lu fault belt, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(13), Suppl.S:A412, 2009.06(SCI收錄);