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See you again
《See You Again》是竇靖童創作並演唱的電影《聲之形》推廣曲。
竇靖童首次為動畫電影作品創作新曲《See you again》,淡淡的訴說她對影片的理解。歌曲延續了影片中“重遇”的精神內核,低吟淺唱,令人不禁思緒萬千。歌曲開端隨著飄渺的音樂,竇靖童的歌聲自然代入,她細膩的唱腔以及投射在歌曲中若有若無的情感,完美呼應了影片中西宮硝子和少年石田將也兩人年少時的那段青春懵懂的歲月,有感傷、回憶,也有成長。一如歌詞中“ if I could just have another chance,then maybe,I'll see you again”,所有青春期的掙扎與成長都盡在這簡單的歌詞中,戳中你內心中最柔軟的部分,融化你的心。
It's hard to tell
If this ship has sailed
But maybe
You felt the same as well
The smell of summer and clementines
There you are
You're the perfect rhyme
So many nights
Took me back to when
Those kids
They were just around the bend
Our hearts are scattering with the dandelions
So maybe
I'll see you again
It's quite alright
We're just all a little sorry
No worries
'Cuz you are the same as me
I've fought my battles I've done my time
But I need you
I can't leave you behind
Oh it's hard to say
When you look at me that way
But maybe
I'll see you around the bend
Oh if I could just
Have another chance
Then maybe
I'll see you again