

李里峰,男,歷史學博士,現任南京大學政府管理學院政治學系主任、教授、博士生導師。南京大學人文社會科學高級研究院兼職研究員,南京大學-霍普金斯大學中美文化研究中心兼職教授,江蘇省政治學會理事。2011年入選南京大學“優秀中青年學科帶頭人”、教育部“新世紀優秀人才”。2012-13年度為哈佛燕京學社(Harvard-Yenching Institute)訪問學者。曾赴加州大學伯克利分校、埃默里大學匹茲堡大學西方學院阿爾伯塔大學京都大學名古屋大學、愛知大學、國際日本文化研究中心、台灣大學等高校或研究機構進行學術交流。




Li Li-feng, professor and chair of Department of Political Science at Nanjing University, received his Ph. D. in modern Chinese history from Nanjing University in 2002. He was Harvard-Yenching visiting scholar of 2012-13 and has been guest professor of Johns Hopkins-Nanjing Center for American and Chinese Studies since 2011. His research covers Chinese political history, government and politics in China, and political theory. In recent years, he has been engaged in exploring Chinese Communist revolution and its impacts on contemporary Chinese politics from interdisciplinary perspectives. Prof. Li is the author ofRevolutionary Party and Rural Society: The Organizational Structure of the Chinese Communist Party, 1937-45 (2011) and co-author ofA General History of Examination in China, volume 4: Republic China (2004). He is also the Chinese translator or co-translator ofAwakening China:Politics, Culture and Class in the Nationalist Revolution (John Fitzgerald),Political Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction (David Miller), andHistory: A Very Short Introduction(John Arnold). He teaches “Political Institutions and Thoughts of China”, “Political Sociology”, “History of Chinese Political Institutions”, and “Rural Politics in China”.