共找到4條詞條名為ROLL的結果 展開








rotary motion of an object around its own axis;
"wheels in axial rotation"
a list of names;
"his name was struck off the rolls"
a long heavy sea wave as it advances towards the shore
photographic film rolled up inside a container to protect it from light
a round shape formed by a series of concentric circles (as formed by leaves or flower petals)
a roll of currency notes (often taken as the resources of a person or business etc.);
"he shot his roll on a bob-tailed nag"
small rounded bread either plain or sweet
a deep prolonged sound (as of thunder or large bells)
the sound of a drum (especially a snare drum) beaten rapidly and continuously
a document that can be rolled up (as for storage)
anything rolled up in cylindrical form
the act of throwing dice
walking with a swaying gait
a flight maneuver; aircraft rotates about its longitudinal axis without changing direction or losing altitude
the act of rolling something (as the ball in bowling)
move by turning over or rotating;
"The child rolled down the hill""turn over on your left side"
move along on or as if on wheels or a wheeled vehicle;
"The President's convoy rolled past the crowds"
occur in soft rounded shapes;
"The hills rolled past"


vt.&vi.(使)打滾,(使)轉動,滾動turn over and over or from side to side, or move by doing this; move steadily and smoothly along (as if) on wheels; move or cause (the eyes) to move round and round
vt.&vi.卷,把…捲成筒狀form into a tube or other (stated) shape by curling round and round
vt.碾平make sth flat by moving sth heavy on top of it
[C]一卷a piece of flat material that has been rolled into a tube
[C]麵包卷,圓麵包a small loaf for one person, either long or round
[C]名冊an official list of names
[C]打滾,滾動an act of rolling, a rolling movement, over and over or from side to side


Round thingsrolleasily.圓的東西容易滾動。
The wirerolledeasily.這種金屬線便於卷繞。
The tennis courtsrolledeasily after the shower.陣雨後網球場容易碾平。
The drumsrolled.鼓聲隆隆。
The ship was rolling heavily to andfro.
The dog rolled on the floor.
Toys that move or roll areideal.
The ailerons are moved in opposite senses to make the plane roll.
Roll out the map so that we can all see it.將地圖展開,好讓我們都看見。
Create data-driven subscriptions that roll out reports to a large recipient list.創建可以將報表展開為大型收件人列表的數據驅動訂閱。
The concretions eventually erode out and roll down toward a low-lying spot.
用作及物動詞S+~+ n./pron.
The child wasrollinga hoop.那個孩子在滾鐵環。
A riverrollsthe stones along its bed.流水把河床里的石頭沖得翻滾而下。
Werolleda big snowball.我們滾了個大雪球。
He wasrollingsomething in his fingers.他用手指反覆捻動什麼東西。
Herolledsome tobacco and made a cigarette.他把煙絲裹起來,捲成一根紙煙。
They wererollingthe road.他們正在碾壓道路。
Rollthe ball to me.把球滾給我。
You should roll the wool into a ball before you start knitting.
Jeanie would roll the pearl necklace around her fingers.
Last October the first batch of low-alloy channel steel was successfullyrolled.去年10月,成功軋出第一批低合金槽鋼。
用作雙賓動詞S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
Pleaserollme a cigarette.請替我卷一支煙。
用作賓補動詞S+~+ n./pron. + n./adj.
Rollthe pastry flat!把油酥麵糰擀平!
Rollthe road surface flat!把路面碾平!
用作名詞 (n.)
Wallpaper is bought inrolls.壁紙是成卷買的。
Six brownrolls, please.請給我來6個黑麵包。
His name has been on therollof the club for ten years.十年來,他一直是該俱樂部的成員。
He regularly attends church and is on the parishroll.他定期去做禮拜,是教區的一名教徒。
The school principal announced the honorrolllist.校長宣布了優等生名單。
Our dog loves arollon the grass.我們的狗喜愛在草地上打滾。
We felt the train begin to vibrate with therollof wheel along the track.隨著車輪在軌道上的滾動,我們感到火車震動起來了。
A drumrollpreceded the most dangerous part of the performance.演出快進行到最驚險的部分時響起了咚咚的鼓聲。
We heard the distantrollof the big guns.我們聽到遠處的隆隆的大炮聲。
Love comes quick and passes away quick too. Only the pork roll will go on.愛情來得快去得也快,只有豬肉卷才是永恆的。
The desk calculator use arollof paper.這台台式計算機使用捲紙。
A ball canrollsmoothly on a plane.球可以在水平面上流暢地滾動。
Merlin tried different ways to make himselfroll.莫林試了很多不同的方式,想讓自己滾動起來。
The platoon mustered forrollcall.全排集合點名。
With roll breathing,you focus on the rhythmof your breathing.
.I can post alobsterroll,my god son and wistful thought son my career and the yall "work" on mytumblr.
You control pitch and roll with the accelerometer.


用作動詞 (v.)
1.roll across (v.+prep.)在…中翻騰 see the across
Dark clouds rolled across the skies.烏雲在天空中翻騰。
2.roll along(v.+adv.) 滾滾向前 turn forwards
Like the Mississippi, it just keeps rolling along.就像密西西比河河水一樣,它不斷地滾滾向前。
The automobile rolled along.汽車駛向前去。
We were rolling along merrily when suddenly we had a burst tyre.我們正高高興興地坐著車子前進,一下子車胎爆了。
roll along(v.+prep.)沿…滾動 turn upside down or inside out along sth
That boy rolled the ball along the ground.那孩子在地上滾球。
3.roll at (v.+prep.)(眼睛)盯著…打轉 fix one's eyes on sb
His eyes rolled strangely at me.他的眼珠奇怪地盯著我打轉。
4.roll away (v.+adv.)消散 scatter and disappear
The clouds are rolling away.雲彩消散開去。
roll sth ⇔ away
The sun soon rolled the mist away.太陽很快驅散了薄霧。
5.roll back滾回; 使滾回; 捲起 (cause to) move back by turning over and ove
The ball rolled back.球滾回來了。
roll sth ⇔ back
Let's roll back the carpet and have a dance.讓我們捲起地毯來跳舞。
I think it would look better if you rolled the hair back from your face.我想你把前面的頭髮捲起來會更好看些。
使(物價)壓減為標準水平 reduce (price of commodity) to a standard level roll sth ⇔ back
The authorities took measures to roll commodity price back.當局採取措施使物價全面回降。
The firm is on trial for refusing to roll back its pay increases to the level allowed by law.公司因拒絕將工資增額壓低到法定水平而受審。
使退卻; 擊退 cause to retreat or withdraw; push back roll sb/sth ⇔ back
They have rolled back the invading enemy force.他們已擊退入侵的敵人。
The new administration is confident of rolling back the tide of unrest which is sweeping the country.新的行政當局對平息席捲全國的動亂充滿信心。
6.roll by (v.+adv.)
流逝 go steadily past roll by
The years rolled by.歲月流逝。
Centuries rolled by.幾個世紀過去了。
7.roll down (v.+prep.)
(使)滾下 (cause to) move along on wheels or by turning over and overroll down sth
At the moment heavy rocks and stones rolled down the hillside.這時,沉重的石塊沿著山坡滾了下來。
She could not help her tears of gratitude rolling down her face.她感激的淚珠禁不住沿著面頰流了下來。
8.roll in(v.+adv.)
滾滾而來 move or come in or together in large numbers or quantitiesroll in
The waves rolled in to the beach.波浪滾滾湧上海灘。
The fog rolled in from the water.霧氣滾滾湧出水面。
Delegates rolled in from all parts of the country.代表們從國家的四面八方來到這裡。
When they were in need of certain new farming implements, offers of help rolled in from all the nearby factories.當他們需要某些新農具時,附近各工廠的支援便源源而來。
roll in(v.+prep.)
擁有大量(錢財) have plenty of (money) roll in sth
She is rolling in money.她非常有錢。
Why do they want this?They're rolling in dollars.他們要這幹嗎?他們有的是美元。
9.roll into (v.+prep.)
(使)滾進 (cause to) move along on wheels or by turning over and over into sthroll into sth
The ball rolled into the hole.球滾到洞里去了。
The ocean waves rolled into the shore.波浪卷向海岸。
roll sth into sth
The man rolled the barrel into the yard.那個人把圓桶滾進院中。
He rolled the clay into a ball.他用雙手把泥坯滾成一個球。
10.roll off (v.+adv.)
印出; 複印出 print by passing paper etc.roll sth ⇔ off
Books roll off the printing machine at the rate of two a week.書籍以一星期兩本的速率從印刷機印出。
用於 be ~ed 結構
A couple of dozen prints were rolled off in no time.一下子就印好了幾十張圖片。
11.roll on (v.+adv.)
滾滾向前,飛馳 move forward steadily and continuouslyroll on
The Yangtze River rolls on eastwards.長江滾滾向東流。
Our lorry rolled on through the morning wind.我們的卡車迎著晨風向前賓士。
Time rolls on, waiting for no man.時光流逝不待人。
The wheel of history rolls on.歷史的車輪滾滾向前。
12.roll onto (v.+prep.)
滾上 turn over sth on sthroll sth onto sth
We rolled the barrels of oil onto the ship.我們把油桶滾到船上。
13.roll out (v.+adv.)
鋪開; 碾平 spread out by unrolling; flatten into a sheet by rollingroll sth ⇔ out
They rolled out the red carpet for the guests.他們鋪開紅地毯迎接客人。
Spread some flour on the table and roll the pastry out very thin.在桌上撒些麵粉並把麵皮弄得薄一點。
滔滔不絕地講出來; 發出洪亮的聲音 come forth copiously; make a deep and sonorous soundroll out
The speech rolled out from his lips.他滔滔不絕地演講。
roll sth ⇔ out
He rolled out the words, so that everyone could hear.他聲音洪亮,因此每個人都能聽見。
起床 get out of bedroll out
I rolled out about three o'clock in the morning to ride guard till daylight.我凌晨三點左右起床,一直站崗到天亮。
滾了出來 seethe outroll out
A pot fell over and some stones rolled out.一個罐子倒了,一些石子滾了出來。
14.roll over (v.+adv.)
從(邊上)滾下; (使)翻滾,(使)打滾 rotate and fall over (an edge); turn completely or partially overroll over
The car hit a lamppost and rolled over twice before coming to a stop.那輛汽車撞在電燈桿上,翻了兩個滾兒才停住。
Every time I rolled over,I woke up because I put my weight on my wounded knee.每次翻身我都要醒來,因為壓住了受傷的膝部。
My horse fell and rolled over on me.我的馬倒下來滾在我身上。
roll sb/sth ⇔ over
A bicycle hit me and rolled me over.一輛自行車把我撞了個跟頭。
The policeman rolled the body over to look for the missing gun.警察把屍體翻過來,尋找失蹤的手槍。
15.roll round(v.+adv.)
轉動; 循環 spin on or as if on an axis roll round
The globe is rolling round all the time.地球一直在轉動。
Spring rolled round again.春天又來了。
roll round(v.+prep.)
把…裹在…上 wrap sth on sb roll sth round sb/sth
He rolled the sheet round her.他把床單裹在她身上。
16.roll up (v.+adv.)
捲起; 捲成圓筒形或球形 make or put into the form of a roll; take the form of a cylinder of ball roll sb/oneself/sth ⇔ up
Rolling up his trousers, he worked with the others in the fields.他捲起褲腿,和別人一道在田裡幹了起來。
He rolled the picture up in some paper.他用一些紙把畫裹了起來。
Let's roll up the carpet.咱們來把地毯捲起來。
He rolled his clothes up to make a pillow.他把衣服捲起來當枕頭。
His father took the painting out from the frame and rolled it up for storage.他父親將那幅畫從畫框里取出,卷好后收藏起來了。
They rolled the child up in a blanket.他們用毯子把孩子裹了起來。
She rolled herself up in the blankets.她把自己裹在毛毯中。
到達; 出現 arrive; appear roll up
We rolled up to the front porch.我們坐車抵達前門廊。
Roll up and see the lions.大家過來看獅子吧!
Roll up and see the sights!大家過來觀看景色吧!
Roll up, roll up!See the great magician perform his famous tricks!請進,請進!請來觀看魔術大師表演他的拿手好戲!
Curious sightseers rolled up in their hundreds.數以百計的好奇的觀光客都涌到那兒。
大量積累 acquire or increase by successive accumulation roll up
His debts were rolling up.他債台高築。
Club membership has been rolling up for the past few months.在過去的幾個月里俱樂部的成員一直在增加。
roll sth ⇔ up
He rolled up a huge fortune.他積累起大筆財產。
17.roll with (v.+prep.)
因…而轉動 seethe because of sth roll with sth
His eyes were rolling with fear.他的雙眼因害怕而轉動著。


roll的基本意思是“滾動”,指一個物體(如圓柱體)在另一物體接觸面上不斷移動; 引申可表示“卷”“把…捲成筒狀”“碾平”等; 在非正式英語中,可指歲月“流逝”,時間不知不覺地“度過”等。