共找到2條詞條名為陳少輝的結果 展開











模型方面,在國內初步嘗試了以地表蒸散為代表的診斷變數的同化,目前該蒸散同化系統已初見端倪;演演算法方面,構建了基於á trous小波和集合Kalman濾波的同化方法,該方法一方面在同化中考慮了網格之間的聯繫,實現了二維同化,另一方面拓寬了同化的範圍,實現了診斷變數的同化;應用層面上,研發知識驅動的區域蒸散分析平台,為應用領域專家分析陸地和大氣之間水分和能量的交換當量提供工具。
共發表學術論文40篇,第一作者SCI 15篇,其他作者SCI 3篇,第一作者EI 6篇,其他作者EI7篇,第一作者CSCD 5篇,其他作者CSCD7篇,其它論文3篇。


1. Chen, S. H., à Trous Wavelet Based Four-Dimensional Evapotranspiration Assimilation, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing
2. Chen, S. H., Su, H. B., An eigenpoint based multiscale method for validating quantitative remote sensing products, Advances in Meteorology
3. Chen, S. H., Su, H. B., Estimating the impact of land use change on surface energy partition based on the Noah model, Frontiers of Earth Science in China
4. Chen, S. H., Su, H. B., Tian, J., Zhan, C. S., Best tradeoff for remote sensing image fusion based on three-dimensional variation and à trous wavelet, Journal of Applied Remote Sensing
5. Chen, S. H., Qi, J. W., Sun, X. M., Deng, X. Z., Tian, J., an evapotranspiration assimilation method based on ensemble kalman filter and à trous wavelet, Advances in Meteorology
6. Chen, S. H.; Zhang, R. H.; Su, H. B.; et al. Scaling between Landsat ETM and SAR Images Based on Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition. International Journal of Remote Sensing
7. Chen, S. H.; Su, H. B.; Zhang, R. H.; et al. Estimating soil erosion using MODIS and TM images based on support vector machine and à trous wavelet. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation
8. Chen, S. H.; Su, H. B.; Zhang, R. H.; Tian J.; Xia, J. SAR and Multispectral Image Fusion Using Improved IHS Transform Based on à trous Wavelet and EMD Decompositions. IEEE SENSORS
9. Chen, S. H.; Su, H. B.; Zhang, R. H.; Tian J.; Xia, J. Scaling-up Transformation of Multisensor Images with Multiple Resolutions
10. Chen, S. H.; Su, H. B.; Zhang, R. H.; Tian J.; Xia, J. Introducing object reflectance property and sensor spectral response into empirical mode decomposition based MODIS and TM image fusion. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing
11. Chen, S. H.; Su, H. B.; Zhang, R. H. Feature space and measure metric for fusing multisensor images. International Journal of Remote Sensing
12. Chen, S. H.; Su, H. B.; Zhang, R. H.; Tian J.; Yang, L. H. The Tradeoff Analysis for Remote Sensing Image Fusion Using Expanded Spectral Angle Mapper
13. Chen, S. H.; Su, H. B.; Zhang, R. H.; Tian J.; Yang, L. H. Fusing remote sensing images using à trous wavelet transform and empirical mode decomposition. Pattern Recognition letters
14. Chen, S. H.; Su, H. B.; Zhang, R. H.; Tian J.; Yang, L. H. Improving empirical mode decomposition using support vector machines for multifocus image fusion


1. 陳少輝,張秋文,王乘,周建中。基於歸一化方差的退化圖像融合研究,計算機工程
2. 田靜, 蘇紅波, 孫曉敏, 陳少輝. GDAS數據和NOAH陸面模式在中國應用的精度檢驗地理科學進展
3. 田靜,蘇紅波,陳少輝。黑河中游土地綠洲化荒漠化的時空變化特徵分析. 資源科學
4. 張仁華,田靜,李召良,蘇紅波,陳少輝. 定量遙感產品的真實性檢驗的基礎與方法
5. 田靜,蘇紅波,孫曉敏,陳少輝. 遙感反演土壤蒸發/植被蒸騰二層模型在華北地區的應用. 地理研究
6. 田靜,蘇紅波,孫曉敏,陳少輝. 基於地面試驗的植被覆蓋率估算模型及其影響因素研究. 國土資源遙感


1. Chen, S. H.; Zeng, Z. Y., Wang, C. Decision-level Fusion System Realization of Multisensor Images, The Fourth International Symposium on Multispectral Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
2. WANG, C.; CHEN S. H.; ZHANG, Q. W.; FU, B. T. image fusion based on surface model. International Conference on Space Information Technology
3. Tian Jing, Su Hongbo, Chen Shaohui, et al. estimation of soil heat flux by apparent thermal inertia. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)
4. Hongbo Su, Jing Tian Shaohui Chen, et al.,a new algorithm to automatically determine the boundary of the scatter plot in the triangle method for evapotranspiration retrieval
5. Yuan Rong, Hongbo Su, shaohui, Chen, Yongmin Yang. A new physically based method for air temperature downscaling
6. R. H. Zhang, H. B. Su, J. Tian, Z. L. Li, S. H. Chen et al. Drought monitoring in northern china based on remote sensing data and land surface modeling, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)



1. 國家自然科學面上基金,四維蒸散同化中非正態不確定性的估計與控制
2. 國家自然科學面上基金, 基於成像機理的遙感影像融合研究
3. 國家自然科學青年基金,陸面模型中診斷變數同化方法構建研究-以地表蒸散為例
4. 973項目子專題,未來氣候情景下LUCC對區域蒸散發的影響研究


1. 973專題,陸地表面過程模型(以NOAH為例)中遙感數據同化的空間尺度效應研究
2. 973專題, 綠洲化、荒漠化的地表蒸散過程模擬
3. 自然科學基,地表蒸散的遙感定量反演及其時域尺度擴展研究
4. 中國科學院知識創新方向性項目,中國水資源科學資料庫建設