1977年生於江西,1992年考入中國科學技術大學少年班,專業方向為生物和化學,1996年獲中國科學技術大學高分子物理和化學學士學位;1996年至1997年為中國科學技術大學非線性中心研究生;1997年至2002年在中國科學技術大學北京認知科學開放研究實驗室(現中國科學院生物物理所認知科學重點實驗室)生物物理學專業學習,2002年獲理學博士學位,研究方向為知覺研究、認知神經科學與腦功能成像;2002年9月-2003年5月為北京大學心理學系訪問學者。饒恆毅博士已在Science、Human Brain Mapping、Brain等國內外重要學術期刊和國際會議上發表十多篇論文。
3、"973" 項目:“圖象、語音、自然語言理解與知識發掘”
1、Y. Zhuo, T.G. Zhou, H.Y. Rao, J.J Wang, M. Meng, M. Chen, C. Zhou, L. Chen. 2003. Contributions of the Visual Ventral Pathway to Long-range Apparent Motion. Science, Jan. 17, 299: 417-420. `* `9:qD~2
2、H.Y. Rao, T.G. Zhou, Y. Zhuo, S.L. Fan, L. Chen. 2003. Spatiotemporal Activation of the Two Visual Pathways in Form Discrimination and Spatial Location: A Brain Mapping Study. Human Brain Mapping, 18: 79-89. v=A@ =
3、H.Y. Rao, Z.Qu, Y.Cui, Y.P.Xue, T.G.Zhou, Y.Zhuo, L.Chen. 2002. Involvement of Thecerebellumin Visual Feature Discrimination: An fMRI Study. 10th ISMRM, p1507. _wme?C+Np/
4、H.Y. Rao, T.G.Zhou, Y. Zhuo, S.L. Fan, L. Chen. 2001. Combined Spatial and Temporal Imaging of Form Discrimination in Humans: A fMRI+ERP Study. 9th ISMRM-ESMRMB, p1271. a TD1~)T
5、H.Y. Rao, Y.L.Ding , M.Chen, T.G.Zhou, Y.Song, C.Zhou, Y.Zhuo, L.Chen. 2000. Relationship between Two Visual Pathways in Perception of Form and Spatial Location: A fMRI+ERP Study. NeuroImage, 11(5), s754. +eIx1|7/7Z
6、T.G. Zhou, H.Y. Rao, K. Cai, K.Zhou, C. Zhou, Y.Zhuo, L.Chen. 2000. The Role of Topological Properties in Apparent Motion: A Further fMRI Mapping Study. NeuroImage, 11(5), s752. yP@4 _ h
7、H.Y. Rao, T.G.Zhou, K.Cai, M.Meng, C.Zhou, G.Z.Li, Y.Zhuo, L.Chen. 1999. The roles of forms in apparent motion: A fMRI study. 7th ISMRM, p.759. =/RuAnT
8、饒恆毅, 周天罡, 卓彥, 范思陸,陳霖. 2001. 圖形形狀和空間位置知覺的ERP 研究. 生物物理學報, 17(3): 487-494. ;A|d}%>Z,e
9、饒恆毅, 周天罡, 卓彥, 范思陸, 陳霖. 2001. 形狀識別的功能定位和時間過程: 功能磁共振與腦電結合的研究. 生物物理學報, 17(4): 652-660. 9JsW-y
10、饒恆毅, 陳霖. 2001. 多方式認知功能成像研究進展.生物化學與生物物理進展, 28(6): 24-28.
H.Y. Rao, S.H. Han, et al. Contributions of the Prefrontal Cortex torepresentationalMomentum: An Event-related fMRI Study. 2003. Hong Kong. ld*Fjt}\
論文草稿: fi&47=/A
Contributions of the Prefrontal Cortex to Representational Momentum: An Event-related fMRI Study ;8*+gi
Introduction: The observer’s memory of the offset position of a moving target is usually shifted a little further in the direction of its motion. Such forward memory distortion was referred to as representational momentum (RM). In the present study, we used event-related fMRI to measure the cerebral activations underlying a RM task and a contrast task without RM (NRM). 5P&yP@A.
Method: The RM stimuli were consisted of several rectangles at different orientations that implied a consistent anticlockwise rotation. The NRM stimuli were same as the RM stimuli but without consistent rotation. Nine subjects were scanned in a 1.5 T GE Signa scanner. All data were analyzed by SPM99. ub,6 !0V
Result: Compared to NRM task, RM task induced stronger activation in bilateral GTm (Gyrus temporalis medius), bilateralgfm(Gyrus frontalis medius) and GFs (Gyrus frontalis superior), left posterior GC (Gyrus cinguli), rightgfd(Gyrus frontalis medialis), right Scm (Sulcus callosomarginalis) and right frontopolar cortex. JH7sC !
Conclusion: In the present study, the mixed factors of differences in stimulus and task requirements to RM in previous studies were reduced to a minimum. Our results indicated that multi-areas of the prefrontal cortex is engaged in RM, which overlap the brain regions involved in working memory.