



1996/09 – 2000/07,中南大學,材料科學與工程系,學士
2000/09 – 2003/07,北京工業大學,材料科學與工程學院,碩士
2003/09 – 2006/07,清華大學,材料科學與工程系,博士
2013/01 – 2014/01,麻省理工學院,核科學與工程系,訪問學者
2010/12 –至今,北京工業大學,材料科學與工程學院,副教授
2006/12 – 2010/12,北京工業大學,材料科學與工程學院,講師
自2003年以來,本人一直從事一維二氧化鈦陣列的製備、光催化、生物相容性以及光電轉換等方面的研究,研究中同時自主設計與搭建了材料製備及太陽能電池性能測試平台。2012年入選北京工業大學“日新人才”培養計劃,2013年入選北京市“青年拔尖人才”培養計劃。2013年1月-2014年1月期間公派赴麻省理工學院進行訪問研究1年,主要從事原位透射電鏡觀察一維納米材料充放電過程中材料微觀結構變化規律及其儲鋰機制。已在 ACS Appl. Mater. Inter.、JPCC、JMCA、Biomaterials等期刊上發表論文72篇,其中SCI論文54篇,引用約300次。
1) Li HY, Wang JS, Liu M, Wang H, Su PL, Wu JS, Li J. A Nanoporous Oxide Interlayer Makes Better Pt Catalyst on Metallic Substrate: Nanoflowers on Nanotube Bed. Nano Research, under Review.
2) Wang H, Li HY, Wang JS, Wu JS, Li DS, Liu M. Nitrogen-doping TiOnanoparticles better TiOnanotube array photoanodes for dye sensitized solar cells. Electrochimica Acta, under review.
3) Li HY, Liu M, Wang H, Wu JS, Su PL, Li DS, Wang JS. Formation process of TiOnanotube arrays prepared by anodic oxidation method. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13: 4110-4116, 2013.
4)Wang H, Li HY*, Wang JS, Wu JS, Liu M. Influence of applied voltage on anodized TiOnanotube arrays and their performance on dye sensitized solar cells. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13: 4183-4188, 2013.
5)Liu BX, Wang JS, Wu JS, Li HY*, Wang H, Li ZF, Zhou ML, Zuo TY. Proton exchange growth to mesoporous WOcenter dot 0.33HO structure with highly photochromic sensitivity, Materials Letter, 91: 334-337, 2013.
6)Liu N, Li HY, Wang H, Chen T, Wang JS, Chang L. Studies on the TiOmodified microchannels for microfluidic applications. Materials Letters, 89: 247-250, 2012.
7)Wang N, Li HY, Wang JS, Chen S, Ma YP, Zhang ZT. Study on the anticorrosion, biocompatibility and osteoinductivity of tantalum decorated with Ttantalum oxide nanotube array films. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 4(9): 4516-4523, 2012.
8)Wang H, Li HY, Wang JS, Wu JS. High aspect-ratio transparent highly ordered titanium dioxide nanotube arrays and their performance in dye sensitized solar cells. Materials Letters, 80: 99-102, 2012.
9) Li HY, Wang JS, Wu JS, Du YC. High ratio-aspect titania nanotube array prepared by anodic oxidation method. Materials Focus, 1: 39-44, 2012.
10) Li HY, Wang JS, Wang H, Liu M. Low temperature heat Treatment of anodic TiOnanotube array thin film and their photo-electrochemical properties. Nanoscience and Nanotechlogy Letters, 4(5): 564-568, 2012.
11)Wang N, Li HY, Lv WL, Li JH, Wang JS, Zhang ZT, Li YR.Effects of TiOnanotubes with different diameters on gene expression and osseointegration of implants in minipigs. Biomaterials, 32: 6900-6911, 2011.
12) Li HY*, Wang JS, Huang KL, Sun GS, Zhou ML. In-situ preparation of multi-layer TiOnanotube array thin films by anodic oxidation method. Materials Letters, 65: 1188-1190, 2011.
13)Wang JS, Li H, Li HY, Zou C, Wang H, Li DS. Mesoporous TiO2 thin films exhibiting enhanced thermal stability and controllable pore size: preparation and photocatalyzed destruction of cationic dyes. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 6: 1623-1631, 2014.
14)Liu BX, Wang JS, Wu JS, Li HY, Li ZF, Zhou ML, Zuo TY. Controlled fabrication of hierarchical WOhydrates with excellent adsorption performance. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2: 1947-1954, 2014.
15)Wu JS, Wang JS, Li HY, Du YC, Huang KL, Liu BX. Designed synthesis of hermatite-based nanosorbents for dye removal. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 1: 9837-9847, 2013.
16)Wang JS, Li H, Li HY, Zhou C, Wang H. Thermal stability and optimal photoinduced hydrophilicity of mesoporous TiOthin films. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116(17): 9517-9525, 2012.
17)Wu JS, Wang JS, Li HY, Li ZF. Top-down chemical etching to complex Ag microstructures. CrystEngComm, 14(13): 4335-4343, 2012.
18)Wang JS, Wang H, Li HY, Wu JS. Synthesis and characterization of TiOnanotube film on fluorine-doped tin oxide glass. Thin Solid Films, 544: 276-280, 2013.
19)Wu JS, Wang JS, Li HY, Xue DF. Solution-phase tailored growth of NbO(OH) thin films. Thin Solid Films, 544: 545-550, 2013.
20)Wu JS, Li HY, Wang JS, Li ZF. Swift adsorptive removal of Congo red from aqueous solution by KMnOnanowire. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13: 5452-5460, 2013.
21)Liu BX, Wang JS, Li HY, Wu JS, Zhou ML, Zuo TY. Facile synthesis of hierarchical hollow mesoporous Ag/WOspheres with photocatalytic performance. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13: 4117-4122, 2013.
22)Wang JS, Li H, Li HY, Wang H, Cai Q. Preparation, characterization, and photocatalytic activity of mesoporous TiOthin films. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13: 1493-1497, 2013.
23)Zhou YQ, Huang L, Ling YH, Li HY,Wang JS. Preliminary investigation of solution diffusive behavior on V-doped TiOnanotubes array by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13: 954-958, 2013.
24)Zhou YQ, Huang L, Ling YH, Li HY,Wang JS. A novel NOsensor based on TiOnanotubes array with in-situ Au dcoration. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 13: 1177-1181, 2013.
25)Meng XL, Li HY, Wang JS. Electrocatalytic properties of Pt-TiOnanotubes electrode prepared by pulse electrodeposition method. Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese, 33(5): 1021-1024, 2012.
26)Wang JS, Cai Q, Li HY, Cui YT, Wang H. A review on TiOnanotube film photocatalysts prepared by liquid-phase deposition. International Journal of Photoenergy, 702940, 2012.
27)Cai Q, Wang JS, Li HY, Liu SL, Li YM. Preparation and photocatalytic activity of TiOthin films on Al alloys. Journal of Inorganic Materials, 27: 638-642, 2012.
28)Liu BX, Wang JS, Li HY, Wu JS, Li ZF. Hollow mesoporous WO3 spheres: preparation and photocatalytic activity. Chinese Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 28: 465-470, 2012.
29)Wang JS, Li HY, Wang H, Huang KL, Sun GS, Yin S, Sato T. Morphology control of TiOthrough hydrothermal synthesis method using protonic tetratitanate. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 37: 165-175, 2011.
30)Chen X, Wang JS, Li HY, Huang KL, Sun GS. Characterization of TiOnanotube arrays prepared via anodization of titanium films deposited by DC magnetron sputtering. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 37: 441-448, 2011.
31)Wang ZZ, Wang JS, Li HY, Sun GS, Huang KL. Fabrication and photocatalytic activity TiO/SiOcomposite nanotubes. Research on Chemical Intermediates, 37: 541-549, 2011.