


陶勇:西南大學經濟管理學院講師,數量經濟博士,在SSCI經濟學期刊Journal of Evolutionary Economics、Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination發表論文2篇,在Physical Review EEurophysics Letters、Scientific Reports、Physica A、European Physical Journal B、Communications in Theoretical Physics、Chinese Physics Letters、Journal of Applied Mathematics等數學、物理SCI期刊發表論文10篇,在Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences、ScienceOpen Research等學術期刊發表論文3篇。
2016年3月在Scientific Reports發表論文預言:BCS類二維超導材料的零溫超流密度n(0)與超導轉變溫度Tc可以呈現拋物標度[Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 23863]。該預言於2016年8月被美國布魯克海文國家實驗室Bozovic組證實[Nature 536 (2016) 309]。




2011.9—2014.7 重慶大學經濟與工商管理學院 數量經濟專業,經濟學博士
2007.9—2010.7 重慶大學經濟與工商管理學院 數量經濟專業,經濟學碩士
2001.9—2005.7 東北林業大學數理學院 數學與應用數學專業,理學學士


A. 演化經濟學
. Yong Tao, Xiangjun Wu, Tao Zhou, Weibo Yan, Yanyuxiang Huang, Han Yu, Benedict Mondal and Victor M. Yakovenko. Exponential structure of income inequality: evidence from 67 countries. Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination (2017) ( SSCI)
. Yong Tao, Spontaneous economic order, Journal of Evolutionary Economics 26 (2016) 467-500 ( SSCI)
B. 經濟物理學
. Yong Tao and Xiangjun Wu, Golden-Rule Level of the Employment, Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 01 (2017) 1740005
. Yong Tao, Universal Laws of Human Society’s Income Distribution, Physica A 435 (2015) 89-94 ( SCI)
. Yong Tao and Xun Chen, Statistical Physics of Economic Systems: a Survey for Open Economies, Chinese Physics Letters 29 (2012) 058901 ( SCI)
. Yong Tao, Competitive market for multiple firms and economic crisis, Physical Review E 82 (2010) 036118 ( SCI)
C. 人工智慧
. Yong Tao, Swarm intelligence in humans: A perspective of emergent evolution. Physica A 502 (2018) 436-446 ( SCI)
D. 量子臨界現象
. Yong Tao, BCS quantum critical phenomena, Europhysics Letters 118 (2017) 57007 ( SCI)
. Yong Tao, Scaling Laws for Thin Films near the Superconducting-to-Insulating Transition, Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 23863 ( SCI)
E. 分形微積分
. Yong Tao, The validity of dimensional regularization method on fractal spacetime, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2013 (2013), Article ID308691, 9 pages ( SCI)
F. 量子力學
. Yong Tao, Quantum Behavior Arises Because Our Universe is a Fractal, Reports in Advances of Physical Sciences 01(2017) 1750006
. Yong Tao, Testing for Wilson’s quantum field theory in less than 4 dimensions, ScienceOpen Research (2015)
. Yong Tao, Sufficient Condition for Validity of Quantum Adiabatic Theorem, Communications in Theoretical Physics 57(2012) 343–347 ( SCI)
. Yong Tao, Necessity of integral formalism, Communications in Theoretical Physics 56 (2011) 648–654 ( SCI)
G. 自旋霍爾效應
. Yong Tao, Spin hall effect associated with SU(2) gauge field, European Physical Journal B 73 (2010)125-132 ( SCI)


2014.7—至今 西南大學經濟管理學院 講師
2010.8—2011.3 重慶商界傳媒集團 《商界評論》編輯、記者
1. 西南大學2014年度中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金項目(項目號 SWU1409444),3萬,2014.11-2017.11
2. 2012年度教育部博士研究生學術新人獎 (項目號 0903005109081-019),3萬,2012.12-2014.7
1. 西南大學2014-2016年度優秀教師
2. 獲得2012年度教育部博士研究生學術新人獎
3. 獲得2012年博士研究生國家獎學金
4. 獲得2009年度瀘州老窖獎學金