

2000年本科畢業於南昌大學生物系;2003年碩士畢業於南昌大學生物系;2007年在北京生命科學研究所(NIBS)/中科院遺傳與發育生物學研究所獲博士學位;2008年到2013年在辛辛那提兒童醫院醫學研究中心做博士后,2013年到2014年任Research Associate。



Zou, Y.*, Chiu, H.*, Zinovyeva, A., Ambros, V., Chuang, C-F., Chang, C. (2013).Developmental decline in neuronal regeneration by the progressive change of two intrinsic timers. Science 340, 372-376. (Featured in "Perspective” in Science; Highlighted in"Editors' Choice” in Science Signaling; Recommended by Faculty of 1000; *Equal contribution)
Zou, Y., Chiu, H., Domenger, D., Chuang, C.F., Chang, C. (2012). The lin-4 microRNA targets the LIN-14 transcription factor to inhibit netrin-mediated axon attraction. Science Signaling 5, research article ra43.
Xiang, T.*, Zong, N.*, Zou, Y.*, Wu, Y., Zhang, J., Xing, W., Li, Y., Tang, X., Zhu, L., Chai, J., and Zhou, J. M. (2008). Pseudomonas syringae effector AvrPto blocks innate immunity by targeting receptor kinases. Current Biology 18, 74-80. (*Equal contribution)
Xing, W., Zou, Y. *, Liu, Q. *, Liu, J., Luo, X., Huang, Q., Chen, S., Zhu, L., Bi, R., Hao, Q., Wu, J. W., Zhou, J. M. and Chai, J. (2007). The structural basis for activation of plant immunity by bacterial effector protein AvrPto. Nature 449, 243-247. (*Equal contribution)