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荷蘭鐵行渣華有限公司(P&O Nedlloyd)
鐵行渣華(P&O Nedlloyd)是一家英荷合資的集裝箱運輸公司,由英國鐵行(P&O)與荷蘭渣華(Royal Nedlloyd)在2004年合資組建,營運總部位於倫敦,名義上的總部則在荷蘭鹿特丹,是世界上第三大集裝箱運輸公司。
P&O Nedlloyd container Line Limited was an Anglo-Dutch worldwide ocean-going container shipping line, with dual headquarters in London and Rotterdam. The company was formed in 1997 by the merger of the container-shipping interests of the Dutch transportation company Royal Nedlloyd (Nedlloyd Line) and the British shipping giant P&O Group (P&O Containers). The company was the first large merger in the fragmented global container shipping market and is commonly believed to have initiated the current industry consolidation. P&O Nedlloyd Ltd. was acquired by the A.P. Moller-Maersk Group (Maersk) in 2005 and was combined with their existing container shipping business Maersk-Sealand to form Maersk Line.
P&O Nedlloyd
The company was formed by merging P&O Containers Limited (formerly OCL) and Nedlloyd LINES, in December 1996 as a 50/50 joint venture of P&O and Royal Nedlloyd representing the liner shipping interests of the two companies.
The company marketed itself as: "a worldwide port-to-port, or door-to-door, service using an extensive global network." At its height, P&O Nedlloyd had over 70 established trade lanes and provided connections to more than 250 main ports serving 120 countries worldwide. These elements, combined with well-developed feeder lines, extensive inland transport capabilities and port facilities, formed the base of its business, which quickly earned a reputation for being customer-focused.
P&O Nedlloyd was the largest partner in the Grand Alliance, which also included shippings concerns such as OOCL, Hapag Lloyd and NYK Lines.
Expanding in 1998, the line purchased Blue Star's container business. The company also acquired the container business of Harrison Line (based in the UK). Further expansion came with the buyout of Farrell Lines (US-based) in 2000.
In April 2004 Royal Nedlloyd purchased the remainder of P&O's share to make it a wholly owned division of Royal Nedlloyd, and the company was listed on the Euronext Amsterdam as Royal P&O Nedlloyd NV. On its own, it was the third largest container transportation and shipping carrier in the world, with routes connecting all parts of the globe.