共找到3條詞條名為Off The Wall的結果 展開
- 邁克爾·傑克遜專輯
- Michael Jackson單曲
- yuksek 演唱歌曲
Off The Wall
《Off the Wall》是流行音樂之王邁克爾·傑克遜於1979年8月10日發行的個人生涯中第一張錄音室專輯,在當時拯救了美國低迷的樂壇,影響了美國的音樂文化,被譽為迪斯科經典之作。
1979年後是Michael Jackson的年代,專輯《Off The Wall》在Epic旗下發行,其中的單曲《Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough》為他得到格萊美獎的“最佳藍調男歌手獎”,此專輯在當時全球銷售七百萬張,在Billboard榜上待到1984年才下榜。此專輯現已突破2210萬張,成為世界上最暢銷的專輯之一。另外這張專輯也誕生了兩首美國權威音樂排行榜Billboard The Hot100的冠軍,分別是Don't Stop Till You Get Enough以及Rock With You
這是美國歌手Michael Jackson發行的第五張專輯。也是邁克爾加盟新力音樂娛樂子公司:艾培克唱片﹝Epic Records﹞之後的首張專輯。
錄製地點:位於加州洛杉磯的“Allen Zentz Recording”、“Westlake Recording Studios”和“Cherokee Studios”。
美國黑人專輯榜:#1 (16周),
Off The Wall 是世界百大暢銷專輯榜第六十八名
邁克爾·傑克遜(Michael Jackson,1958.8.29-2009.6.25)。是一名在世界各地最具影響力的男歌手、作曲家、作詞家、編曲家、舞蹈家,被譽為流行音樂之王,而他魔幻般的舞步更是被無數明星效仿。由於患有白癜風皮膚病導致皮膚變白,曾引起廣大爭議。美國當地時間2009年6月25日,其私人醫生康拉德·莫里違規注射鎮靜劑過量導致傑克遜突然逝世,終年50歲。

《Off The Wall》專輯於1979年8月發行,是Michael Jackson第一張成人單飛專輯。它是Michael和超級製作人Quincy Jones的首次合作。專輯原名為《Girlfriend》(女友),是當時前Beatles成員Paul McCartney和妻子Linda為Michael量身打造的同名歌曲;Heatwave樂隊的Rod Temperton也為專輯貢獻了三首不錯的曲子;同時還有Stevie Wonder和Carole Bayer Sager等的加入。強大的陣容
與Michael的天才相結合,使得該專輯成為了Michael Jackson王者之路上的首座榮獲滾石雜誌五顆星滿分高評 第22屆葛萊美獎最佳節奏藍調男歌手獎
《Off The Wall》一發行即大受歡迎。單曲“Rock With You”和“Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough”及其錄像帶更是屢登冠軍單曲寶座。
另一首抒情歌曲“She's Out Of My Life”在1980年也殺進排行榜前十名。
《The Jackson 5》主唱邁克爾傑克遜自1979年首次與超級製作人昆西·瓊斯合作專輯《瘋狂》之後,開創了其演藝事業的高峰。
專輯製作陣容堅強,除了有昆西·瓊斯外,尚有保羅·麥卡尼﹝Paul McCartney﹞、大衛·福斯特﹝David Foster﹞、賴瑞·卡爾頓﹝Larry Carlton﹞、史提夫·汪達﹝Stevie Wonder﹞及巴提·奧斯丁﹝Patti Austin﹞等人共同參與。
首支單曲“Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough”不僅爬升排行冠軍寶座,第二支單曲“Rock With You”亦蟬聯4周冠軍,不慍不火旋律,讓人隨著節奏任意搖擺,此外,“Working Day And Night”、“Off The Wall”等均是值得推薦的佳作。
《Off The Wall》專輯被譽為“搖滾與靈歌的完美結合”,多年來一直被業界人士和歌迷們推崇為Michael的最佳作品,亦被認為是音樂史上的一座里程碑。專輯總共在美國專輯榜內停留了84周,其中派生的四隻單曲全部打進了排行榜前10名(兩首冠軍),創下了排行榜上的空前的紀錄。《Off The Wall》在英國排行榜上也令人驚嘆地停留了173周,並成為英國音樂史上首張坐享五首上榜金曲的專輯。震驚了全球,截止1980年底,專輯在全球賣出了約1100萬張。這對當時低靡的音樂工業來說,無疑是一針激動人心的興奮劑。而“Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough”一曲更為Michael奪得了他單飛生涯的第一座葛萊美獎盃——“最佳R&B男歌手”。
發行《Off The Wall》時,Michael才剛滿21歲。據他自己說,製作這張專輯是他最艱難的時日。作為一個社會閱歷頗淺的羞澀男孩,他沒有幾個真心的朋友,而且由於內疚感和責任感,他總是得把自己封閉起來。於是就在這份孤獨之中,他開始一肩挑起自己的人生。專輯推出后,Michael還以樂隊成員的身份加入了The Jacksons的“Triumph”巡演,獲得了人們一致的好評,為樂隊和自己的專輯作出了良好宣傳。
《Off The Wall》的成功使他勝利地擺脫了以往童星的形象,並被世人視為新一代的成人巨星,這對Michael的事業生涯來說,無疑是一個巨大的轉折點。這張涵蓋搖滾、靈歌、瘋克、爵士、民謠、迪斯科等多種元素的天才作品,將永遠作為“后Motown魅力”的經典,代代流傳。
像其他的童星一樣,Michael Jackson不得不在公眾的視線中溫文而雅地成長以繼續他的明星生涯。直到現在,他都依然很在意他在摩城唱片公司時的彼得潘式的形象,因為這個年輕的音樂王子對自己將要扮演什麼樣角色的態度是很慎重的。《Off The Wall》的發行(1979年8月)標誌著他開始為蛻變成一個成熟的藝人而邁出了關鍵一步,除了某些歌曲表現平平外,總的來說,這張專輯還是非常成功的。
嫻熟順暢的R&B曲風,又有著明顯的迪斯科傾向,《Off The Wall》讓Michael成為了80年代的Stevie Wonder。在《I Can't Help It》 (與Wonder合作寫成)中,其相似程度尤其明顯,其中Michael演唱時對一些音節的省略,不禁使人聯想到那位大師讓人凝神屏氣夢幻般的間歇性的音節反覆唱腔。
Jackson的天鵝絨般柔軟的高音貫穿始終,格外出眾。他大膽地進行真假音轉換,並能平穩流暢的過渡到高得令人吃驚的音符上去。《She's Out Of My Life》源於Tom Bahler的催人淚下的故事,歌者用極其感人的措辭演繹了一場感情危機,使人每聽一次都能被打動。《Don't Stop 'til You Get Enough》(由Michael填詞並參與製作)是少有的既可作為一首單純的舞曲來聽,又能華麗而震撼得媲美“Earth,Wind and Fire”樂隊的《Boogie Wonderland》。專輯內其它的舞曲風格多樣,從美國南部爵士樂到主流的流行放克。
《Off The Wall》最經典的表現了一種被迪斯科舞曲化了的后摩城魅力,無論對於製作人Quincy Jones還是Michael來說,都是一場巨大的勝利。
2011年3月,索尼將重新發行《Off The Wall》
最高排名:英國第5名 美國 第3名
當前銷量認證:英國6白金 美國8白金
當前銷量數據:英國180萬張 美國800萬張
25,26,10,5,6,6,11,12,11,12,13,15,11,11,11,11,9,12,12,9,10,12,9,7,8,13,16,14,22,34,25,22,21,11,6,6,8,9,12,11,12,14,11,9,9,9,6,9,10,12,14,23,32,42,38,45,49,72,71,74,(出榜,直至81年5月16日),75,72,73,0,0,37,54,46,39,39,46,59,63,74,58,63,57,65,89,(出榜,直至83年3月5日),96,80,出榜,92,出榜2周,82,56,54,56,58,72,59,71,77,77,67,89,63,81,81,60,50,56,57,59,59,67,64,71,71,88,89,out,95,90,out,68,67,88,81,81,93,93,74,61,51,47,38,53,48,47,76,19,11,15,14,16,19,10,13,14,18,20,27,28,35,46,50,41,62,65,60,65,60,62,61,45,65,53,64,67,78,78,82,(出榜,直至87年9月12日),72,81,(出榜,直至88年7月16日),88,57,36,41,48,58,65,77,55,73,51,79,80,(出榜,直至92年8月8日),48,48,out,69,(出榜,直至95年9月23日),60,70,(出榜,直至2003年3月8日),66,50,69,99,100,78,93,77,97,98,96,出榜3個月,68,71,58,61,60,78,out,92,出榜,(出榜,直至2004年1月26日 26/1/04),70,(出榜,直至2004年7月4日),13,39,出榜。
曲序 | 標題 | 作詞及填曲 | 製作人 | 時長 |
1. | "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" | Michael Jackson | Quincy Jones Jackson (co.) | 6:06 |
2. | "Rock with You" | Rod Temperton | Jones | 3:40 |
3. | "Working Day and Night" | Jackson | Jones Jackson (co.) | 5:14 |
4. | "Get on the Floor" | Jackson Louis Johnson | Jones Jackson (co.) | 4:39 |
5. | "Off the Wall" | Temperton | Jones | 4:06 |
6. | "Girlfriend" | Paul McCartney | Jones | 3:06 |
7. | "She's Out of My Life" | Tom Bahler | Jones | 3:38 |
8. | "I Can't Help It" | Stevie Wonder Susaye Greene | Jones | 4:30 |
9. | "It's the Falling in Love"(with Patti Austin) | Carole Bayer Sager David Foster | Jones | 3:48 |
10. | "Burn This Disco Out" | Temperton | Jones | 3:41 |
2001特別版附加曲目 | ||||
曲序 | 標題 | 作詞及填曲 | 製作 | 時長 |
11. | "Quincy Jones Interview #1" | 0:37 | ||
12. | "Introduction to Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough Demo" | 0:13 | ||
13. | "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" (Original Demo from 1978) | Jackson | Jackson | 4:48 |
14. | "Quincy Jones Interview #2" | 0:30 | ||
15. | "Introduction to Working Day and Night Demo" | 0:10 | ||
16. | "Working Day and Night" (Original Demo from 1978) | Jackson | Jackson | 4:19 |
17. | "Quincy Jones Interview #3" | 0:48 | ||
18. | "Rod Temperton Interview" | 4:57 | ||
19. | "Quincy Jones Interview #4" | 1:32 |
“Rock with You”和“Get on the Floor”的原始專輯版只收錄在原版LP和1991年日本發行的CD中。“Rock with You”原版後來收錄在“King of Pop”的法國豪華版中。
Don't Stop till You Get Enough
by Michael Jackson
1st Verse:
Lovely is the feelin' now
Fever, temperatures risin' now
Power (ah power) is the force the vow
That makes it happen
It asks no questions why
So get closer (closer now) to my body now
Just love me 'til you don't know how
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Touch me and I feel on fire
Ain't nothin' like a love desire (ooh)
I'm melting (I'm melting) like hot candle wax
Sensation (ah sensation) lovely where we're at
So let love take us through the hours
I won't be complanin'
'Cause this is love power
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
3rd Verse:
Heartbreak enemy despise
Eternal (ah eternal) love shines in my eyes
So let love take us through the hours
I won't be complanin'
(no no)
'Cause your love is alright, alright
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Lovely is the feeling now
I won't be complanin' (ooh ooh)
The force is love power
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
Keep on with the force don't stop
Don't stop 'til you get enough
(c) 1979 Miran Publishing, Inc. (BMI)
Rock With You
by Rod Temperton
Girl, close your eyes,
let that rhythm get into you.
Don't try to fight it,
there ain't nothing that you can do.
Relax your mind.
Lay back and groove with mine.
You got to feel that heat,
and we can ride the boogie.
Share that beat alone
I wanna rock with you
(all night)
Dance you into day
I wanna rock with you
(all night)
Were gonna rock the night away
Out on the floor,
there ain't nobody there but us.
Girl ,when you dance,
there's a magic that must be love.
Just take it slow,
'Cause we got so far to go
When you feel that heat,
and we're gonna ride the boogie.
Share that beat of love
I wanna rock with you
(all night)
Dance you into day
I wanna rock with you
(all night)
Were gonna rock the night away
And when the groove is dead and gone
You know that love survives,
so we can rock forever, on
I wanna rock with you
I wanna groove with you
I wanna rock with you
I wanna groove with you
I wanna rock(all night)with you girl(sunlight)
Rock with you,
rock with you girl
(yeah)(all night)
Dance the night away
I wanna rock with you
(yeah)(all night)
rock you into day
I wanna rock with you
(all night)
Rock the night away
Feel the heat feel the heat
Rock you into day
I wanna rock - rock the night away
(c) 1979 Rondor Music (London) Ltd.
Working Day and Night
by Michael Jackson
Ooh my honey
You got me workin' day and night
Ooh my sugar
You got my workin' day and night
Scratch my shoulder
It's aching make it feel alright
When this is over
Lovin' you will be so right
I often wonder if lovin' you
Will be tonight
But what is love girl
If I'm always out of sight
(That's why) You got me workin' day and night
And I'll be workin'
From sun up to midnight
You got me workin' workin' day and night (x 4 )
You say that workin'
Is what a man's supposed to do
But I say it ain't right
If I can't give sweet love to you
I'm tired of thinkin'
Of what my life's supposed to be
Soon enough darlin'
This love will be reality
(ah ah)
How can you live girl
'Cause love for us was meant to be
Then you must be seein'
Some other guy instead of me
You say that workin'
Is what a man's supposed to do
But I say it ain't right
If I can't give sweet love to you (well, ah)
How can you live girl
'Cause love for us was meant to be (well, ah)
You must be seein' (woo)
Some other guy instead of me (ooh)
You got me workin', workin' day and night (Repeat & adlib to fade)
(c) 1979 Miran Publishing Inc. (BMI)
Get on The Floor
by Michael Jackson & Louis Johnson
Ah, get on the floor and dance Ah, on the floor and dance
So get on the floor
And dance with me
I love the way you shake your thing
EspeciallyThere's a chance for dancin'All night long
There's a chance for groovin'And it will be soothing
With a song
Then why don't you just
Dance across the floor
'Cause there's a chance for chances
And the chance is choosin'
And I sure would like just to groove with you
So get on the floor
And dance with me
I love the way you shake your thing
So get on the floor
And dance with me
I love the way you shake that thing (girl)
No need for rejection
Determined to be
Gonna groove, gonna move ya
Gonna says things to ya
Just wait and see
Then why don't you
Just dance across the floor
'Cause there's a chance for choices
And it's you I'm choosin'
And I sure would like just to groove with you
So get on the floor
And dance with me
I love the way you shake your thing
Get up won't you g'on get down
Shake your body, won't you g'on get down
Get up won't you g'on get down
Shake your body, won't you g'on get down
So get on the floor
And dance with me
I love the way you shake your thing
So get on the floor
And dance with me
I love the way you shake your thing (girl)
Get up won't you g'on get down
Shake your body, won't you g'on get down
Get up won't you g'on get down
Shake your body, won't you g'on get down
(Repeat - adlib to fade)
(c) 1979 Miran Publishing, Inc. (BMI). Yellow Brick Road Music, Kodi Music (ASCAP).
Off the Wall
by Rod Tempterton
When the world is on your shoulder 當你需要肩負起世界的時候
Gotta straighten up your act and boogie down 你就應當挺直身板隨聲起舞
If you can't hang whth the feeling 如果你還是找不到感覺
Then there ain't no room for you this part of town 在這片城鎮中並非沒有適合你的空間,
'Caude we're the party people night and day 因為我們是狂歡一族,沒日沒夜的
Livin'crazy that 's the only way 過著瘋狂的生活,那是我們唯一的方式
And just enjoy yourself 只管盡情的享受
Groove,let the madness in the music get to you唱片上的紋路,使得陣陣狂熱伴隨音樂向你襲來
Life ain't so bad at all(live life off the wall) 如果你瘋狂的活著
If you live it off the wall (live life off the wall)生活根本就不那麼糟糕
Life ain't so bad at all 如果你瘋狂的活著
You can shout all you want to 你可以喊出你想說的一切
'Cause there ain't no sin in floks all getting loud 因為我們並非一群完人,大聲說出來吧
If you take the chance and do it只要你有機會你就要去做
Then there ain't no one who's gonna put you down 因為並非沒有人想將你推倒
'Cause we're the party people night and day 我們是狂歡一族,整日整夜
Liven' crazy 過著瘋狂的生活
that's the only way 那是我們唯一的方式
So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf因此今晚暫且將時間束之高閣
And just enjoy yourself 只管盡情的享受
(Come and)Groove let the madness in the music get to you 唱片上的紋路,使得陣陣狂熱伴隨音樂向你 襲來
Life ain't so bad at all(live life off the wall) 如果你活得夠瘋狂
If you live it off the wall(live life off the wall) 生活根本就不那麼糟糕
Do what you want to do 做你想做的
There ain't no rules it's up to you (ain't no rules it's all up to you)並非沒有規則,但都對你無效
It's time to come alive 該是活躍起來的時刻了
And party on right through the night(all right)狂歡將持續一整夜
Gotta hide you inhibitions收起你的矜持
Gotta let that fool loose deep inside your soul 讓那愚蠢從你的靈魂深處消失
Want to see an exhibition 如果你想去看場表演
Better do it now before you get too old 趁現在還年輕,馬上行動吧
'Cause we're the party people night and day 因為我們是狂歡一族,沒日沒夜的
Livin' crazy that's the only way 過著瘋狂的生活
So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf 因此今晚暫且將時間束之高閣
And just enjoy ourselves/yourself 只管盡情享受
(Come and) Groove let the madness in the music get to you 唱片上的紋路,使得陣陣狂熱伴隨音樂向你襲來
Life ain't so bad at all 如果你活得夠瘋狂
Live your life off the wall 生活根本就不那麼糟糕
So tonight gotta leave that nine to five upon the shelf因此今晚暫且將時間束之高閣
and just enjoy yourself只管盡情享受
(Come and) Groove let the madness in the music get to you唱片上的紋路,使得陣陣狂熱伴隨音樂向你襲來
Life ain't so bad at all 如果你活得夠瘋狂
If you live it off the wall 生活根本就不那麼糟糕...
(Repeat to fade)
(c) 1979 Rondor Music (London) Ltd.
by Paul McCartney
I'm gonna tell you boyfriend (yeah)
Tell him (woo hoo)
Exactly what we're doin' (yeah)
Tell him what you do to me
Late at night when the wind is free
I'm gonna show your boyfriend (yeah)
Show him (woo hoo)
The letters I've been savin' (yeah)
Show him how you feel inside
An' how love could not be denied (oh no)
We're gonna have to tell him
You'll only be agirlfriendof mine
Do-doot-do ...
You better tell your boyfriend (yeah)
Tell him (woo hoo)
Exactly what we're doin' (yeah)
Tell him what he needs to know
Or he may never let you go
Yeah, we're gonna have to tell him
You'll only be agirlfriendof mine
Do-doot-do ... (ad lib to fade)
(c) 1978 MPL Communications Ltd.
She's out of My Life
by Tom Bahler
She's out of my life
She's out of my life
And I don't know whether to laugh or cry
I don't know whether to live or die
And it cuts like a knife
She's out of my life
It's out of my hands
It's out of my hands
To think for two years she was here
And I took her for granted
I was so cavalier
Now the way that it stands
She's out of my hands
So I've learned that love's not possession
And I've learned that love won't wait
Now I've learned that love needs expression
But I learned too late
She's out of my life
She's out of my life
Damned indecision and cursed pride
Kept my love for her locked deep inside
And it cuts like a knife
She's out of my life
(c) 1978 Tom Bahler Road Music
Yellow Brick Road Music
Senor Music(ASCAP)
I Can not Help It
by Stevie Wonder & Susaye Greene
Looking in my mirror
Took me by surprise
I can't help but see you
Running often through my mind
Helpless like a baby
Sensual disguise
I can't help but love you
It's getting better all the time
I can't help it if I wanted to
I wouldn't help it even if I could
I can't help it if I wanted to
I wouldn't help it, no
I can't help it if wanted to
I wouldn't help it even if I could
I can't help it if I wanted to
I wouldn't help it, no
Love to run my fingers
Softly while you sigh
Love came and possessed you
Bringing sparkles to your eyes
Like a trip to heaven
Heaven is the prize
And I'm so glad I found you, girl
You're an angel in disguise
I can't help it if wanted to
I wouldn't help it even if I could
I can't help it if I wanted to
I wouldn't help it, no
(Repeat to fade)
(c) 1979 Jobete Music Company, Inc. and Black Bull Music, Inc. (ASCAP)
It's the Falling in Love
(A duet with Patti Austin)
by Carole Bayer Sager & David Foster
You're not like anybody I ever knew
But that don't mean that I don't know where we are
And though I find myself attracted to you
This time I'm trying not to go too far, 'cause
No matter how it starts it ends the same
Someone's always doing someone more
Trading in the passion for that taste of pain
It's only gonna happen again
It's the fallin' in love
That's makin' me high
It's the being in love
That makes me cry, cry, cry
It's the fallin' in love
That's makin' me high
It's the being in love
That makes me cry, cry, cry
All night ... all night
And though I'm trying not to look in your eyes
Each time I do they kind of burn right through me
Don't wanna lay down in a bed full of lies
And yet my heart is saying come and do me
Now we're just a web of mystery
A possibility of more to come
I'd rather leave the fantasy of what might be
But here I go falling again
It's the fallin' in love
That's makin' me high
It's the being in love
That makes me cry, cry, cry
It's the fallin' in love
That's makin' me high
It's the being in love
That makes me cry, cry, cry, cry
It's the fallin' in love
That's makin' me high
It's the being in love
That makes me cry, cry, cry
It's the fallin' in love
That's makin' me high
It's the being in love
That makes me cry, cry, cry, cry
Over you ... Over you
(all night)
(You got me fallin' in love, fallin' in love)
It's the fallin' in love
That's makin' me high
It's the being in love
That's makes me cry, cry, cry ... etc.
(c) 1978 Unichappell Music, Inc.,
Begonia Melodies and Foster Frees Music (BMI)
Burn This Disco out
by Rod Temperton
There's a steam beat
And it's comin' after you
You can take it
If you only let your feelings through
So D.J. spin the sounds
There ain't no way
That you're gonna let us down
Gonna dance 'til we burn this disco out
Groove all night
Keep the boogie alright
Get that sound
Everybody just get on down
Got a hot foot
Better freak across the floor
Join the party
And we'll keep you movin'
That's for sure
So D.J. spin the sounds
There ain't no way
That you're gonna sit us down Gonna dance 'til we burn this disco out
Groove all night
Keep the boogie alright
Get that sound
Everybody just get on down
Once you get the beat inside your feet
There ain't no way to stop you movin' good
Now the weekend's come it's time for fun
You got to groove just like you know you should
People now
Are you ready
Won't you rock across the room
Got a feelin'
That we're gonna raise the roof off soon
So D.J. spin the sounds
There ain't no way that you're gonna
Sit us down
Gonna dance 'til we burn this disco out
Groove all night
Keep the boogie alright (groove on)
Get that sound
Everybody just get on downSo D.J. spin the sounds
There ain't no way that you're gonna
Sit us down
Gonna dance 'til we burn this disco out
Groove all night
Keep the boogie alright (groove on)
Get that sound
Everybody just get on down
Gonna dance, gonna shout
Gonna burn this disco out
(adlib to fade)
專輯名稱:Off The Wall (Special Edition) 歌手: Michael Jackson(邁克爾·傑克遜)
2001年10月16日Sony公司一共發行了4張珍藏版專輯:《Off the Wall》、《Thriller》、《Bad》、《Dangerous》。
《Off The Wall》擴展版特別收錄了一些額外的錄音材料。擴展版收錄了從未發表的Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough 和Working Day And Night 在1978年的原始樣帶,還有MJ長期合作的音樂家:製作人Quincy Jones與詞作人Rod Temperton的珍貴錄音訪談。
2001擴展版本曲目:1. Don't Stop till You Get Enough 6:04
2. Rock with You 3:40
3. Working Day and Night 5:04
4. Get on The Floor 4:57
5. Off the Wall 4:06
6. Girlfriend 3:04
7. She's out f My Life 3:38
8. I Can't Help It 4:29
9. It's the Falling in Love 3:48
10. Burn This Disco out 3:48
11. Don't Stop Till You Get Enough (1978原始樣帶)
12. Working Day and Night (1978原始樣帶)
13. 採訪Quincy Jones
14. 採訪Rod Temperton
Off The Wall》擴展版於2001年發行,其中特別收錄了一些額外的錄音材料。由於2002年間記錄片《與Michael Jackson一同生活》的熱播,該專輯又再次打入了英美等國的排行榜。2004年7月的一次HMV唱片店銷售給這張專輯帶來了21年來的新高峰,它重新打入排行榜並拿到第13名的好名次。新發行的擴展版已經在英國賣出了20萬張左右,並且在2003年度總銷量榜上排名第189位的專輯。新發行的擴展版在美國的銷量則達到了22.5萬張,並曾在經典老專輯排行榜上拿到過第7名的佳績。
索尼確認將發行30周年紀念版2009年3月4日 - 索尼音樂公司確認,他們將在2009年8月發行邁克爾·傑克遜經典專輯《Off The Wall》的三十周年紀念版。
這張紀念唱片將延續2008年《顫慄》25周年紀念專輯(Thriller 25)的模式和熱潮,向流行之王的經典致敬。該唱片計劃於2009年8月在英國發行,但具體發行日期還未確定。
《Off The Wall》30周年紀念專輯將收錄一些原始曲目的新混音,以及一些從未官方發表的素材。為了準備這次發行,官方網站已做了更新。
《Off The Wall》於1979年9月29日在英國發行,1979年8月10日在美國發行。這是邁克爾在Epic旗下的第一張個人專輯,也是他和傳奇製作人Quincy Jones第一次音樂專輯合作。《滾石》雜誌給予這張專輯五星級最高評價。《Off The Wall》當年成為了第一張派生四首Top 10單曲的個人專輯,也是當時歷史上最暢銷的黑人專輯,直到《顫慄》打破這一記錄。全球銷量至2007年底達2000萬張(美國地850萬張七白金認證)
UK 7" Single (Epic EPC 8045)
1. Off the Wall 4:06
2. Working Day and Night 5:04
USA 7" Single (Epic 9-50838)
1. Off the Wall 4:06
2. Get on the Floor 4:57
英國:#7 美國:#10
《Off The Wall》專輯同名單曲是在英國發行的第二隻單曲(1979年11月),亦是在美國發行的第三隻單曲(1980年2月)。“Off The Wall”和“Rock With You”在英美兩國的發行順序正好相反。它在英國排行榜上排名第7。成為了Michael《Off The Wall》專輯在英國榜上的第2隻Top 10單曲並促進了專輯的銷售。
同“Rock With You”一樣,它幾乎沒有在世界範圍內發行。只有丹麥才似乎商業發行了該曲。
丹麥: #23
這首歌僅在早期BAD巡演和Michael與兄弟的家族巡演中得以完整表演。在第一輪“HIStory”巡演中,它作為了“Off the Wall歌曲串燒”的一部分(對口型演唱)。配合該曲的舞步也十分出彩。
年份 | 獲提名作品 | 獎項 | 結果 |
1980年 | 單曲《Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough》 | 最佳迪斯科錄製 | 未獲獎 |
單曲《Don't Stop till You Get Enough》 | 最佳節奏藍調男歌手 | 獲獎 |
年份 | 獲提名作品 | 獎項 | 結果 |
2008年 | 專輯《Off the Wall》 | 專輯 | Inducted |
![Off The Wall[邁克爾·傑克遜專輯]](https://i1.twwiki.net/cover/w200/me/1/me1178798116c59cb028466da299b6841.jpg)
Off The Wall[邁克爾·傑克遜專輯]