共找到7條詞條名為吳鈞的結果 展開
monograph :WU Jun, Study of Lu Xun’s Translated Literature, Qilu Press, Jinan, 2009。
monograph :WU Jun, Learning and Thinking —A Collection of Wu Jun’ Papers on English Teaching and Research, Inner Mongolia People's Press, Hohhot, 1999。
co-editor:WU Jun, Anthology of Translatological Dictionaries and Translation Theories, Shandong University Press, Jinan, 2003。
co-editor:WU Jun, Teacher’s Book of Intensive Reading of College English ,Book 5, Publishing House of Dalian Institute of Science and Technology, Dalian, 1999。
翻譯吳開豫著 《自珍集》,中國文史出版社,2006。
Collection of the Poems which I cherish, China Literature and History Publishing House, Beijing, 2006, Writer: WU Kaiyu, Translator: WU Jun。
翻譯吳開晉教授詩歌《土地的記憶》,1996. 榮獲世界詩人大會(東京)詩歌和平獎。
The Memory of the Land, 1996, Poet: WU Kaijin, Translator: WU Jun。
This translated poem won the Peace Prize in World Congresses of Poets for the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Victories in the Global Anti-fascist 1996.
Songs in the Coconut Wood, Contemporary Poetry, 51-52, 2009, Poet: WU Kaijin, Translator: WU Jun。
The Long Absent Thunder and Lighting, Contemporary Poetry, 51-52, 2009, Poet: WU Kaijin, Translator: WU Jun。
In Front of the Tumulus Of Hairui, To Waterfall and Li River, Elderly Writers, 4, 2009, Poet: WU Kaijin, Translator: WU Jun。
Preface of Pedigree of Wu Family Zhuanhua, China Archives Press, Beijing, 2008, Translator: WU Jun。
Philosophical Creation and Interpretation by Yi Principles, Study of Zhouyi, supplement, 2003, Writer: GAO Ruiquan, Translator: ZHANG Wenzhi, WU Jun。
The Fall of the House of Usher--- The New Edition of Edgar Allan Poe's Adventurous Stories, Shandong Literature and Arts Press, Jinan, 2000, Translator: WU Jun。
漢譯英:林明理詩歌漢譯英台灣林明理詩歌《雨夜》、《夏荷》, 《World Poetry Anthology 2010 》。(2010 第三十屆世界詩人大會世界詩選)台灣,328-331頁。
Translation of Chinese poem to English: 《Rainy Night 》、《Summer Lotus》by Lin Mingli,《World Poetry Anthology 2010 》,page 328-331.
漢譯英:林明理詩歌《夏蓮》, 發表於美國《世界詩歌》2010年第14-4期。
Translation of Chinese poem to English:《Summer Lotus》by Lin Mingli,Poems Of The World, USA, Volume 14 -4,2010.。
吳鈞,易經英譯與世界傳播,《周易研究》, 第1期, 2011。
WU Jun, “On The Translation And Communication Of Yi Jing ”, Studies Of Zhouyi, 1, 2011.
吳鈞,“魯迅‘中間物’思想的傳統文化底蘊”,《周易研究》, 第1期, 2008。
WU Jun, The Traditional Cultural Deposits in LU Xun's Idea of "Intermediate Object", Studies Of Zhouyi, 1, 2008.
吳鈞,“魯迅‘中間物’思想的傳統文化血脈”,《齊魯學刊》, 第2期, 2008。
WU Jun, On the Heritage of Chinese Tradition of LU Xun's Idea of "Intermediate Object", Qilu Journal, 2, 2008.
WU Jun, On Lu Xun's Consciousness of Suffering, Journal of Northwest Normal University (Social Sciences), 44(6), 2007.
WU Jun, On LU Xun's Spirits and the Succession of Chinese Culture from the Perspective of the Confucianism, Gansu Social Sciences, 4, 2007.
吳鈞,“從《周易》 看魯迅精神與民族魂”,《周易研究》,第2期,2007。
WU Jun, On LU Xun's Spirits and Chinese National Soul from the Perspective of Zhouyi, Studies Of Zhouyi, 2, 2007.
吳鈞,“略論《苔絲》創作手法的悲劇意味”,《齊魯學刊》, 第9期, 2002。
WU Jun, On the Tragical Significance of Thomas Hardy's Literary Creation of Tess of the D' Urbervilles, Qilu Journal, 5, 2002.
WU Jun, A Study of Humanism and Intercultural Communication of the New Century from the Origin of Zhouyi, Studies Of Zhouyi, 3, 2002.
WU Jun, Talk On the Contemporary Significance of the Tragedy of Tess, Dongyue Tribune, 23(5), 2002。
WU Jun, Folk-customs of Denmark, the Kingdom of Fairy Tales, Folklore Studies, 3, 2002。
WU Jun, On the Ideas and Art of the Color Purple, Qilu Journal, 3, 2005。
WU Jun, Emily Dickinson's Creative Characteristics and Artistic Skills in Her Poems, Journal Of Linyi Teachers' University, 10, 2002。
WU Jun, Discussion on the English Teaching Methods for Graduate Students of Non-English Majors, Shandong Foreign Languages Journal, 6, 2002。
WU Jun, A Brief Discussion of F. S. Fitzgerald's Creative Thinking, Ways of Artistic Expression and their Significance, Journal of Hexi University, 6, 2002。
WU Jun, Melancholy Blue Rose, Journal of Laiyang Agricultural College (Social Science Edition), 5, 2002。
吳鈞,“從《雷雨》 創作的悲劇女性形象看經典文學的傳播”,《山東文學》,第9期,2006。
WU Jun, From the Creation of the Characters of the Tragic Women in the Play Thunderstorm to See the Communication of Classical Literature, Shandong Literature, 9, 2006。
WU Jun, A Discussion of the Creation of the Characters of Women in Chinese and Western Movies, China Literary World, 12, 2005。
WU Jun, From the Creation of Characters on TV and Screen to See the Culture from the East and the West, Shandong Literature, 6, 2005。
WU Jun, Talk on Cross-culture Communication from the angle of the Creation of the Characters of Women in Movies, Literature of the Times, 6, 2005。
WU Jun, The Style of Edgar Allan Poe’s Poetry, Chinese and Foreign Poetics, 2, 2003。
WU Jun, The Translation of the Words of Colors and the Cross-culture Communication, Modern Secretarial, 2, 2002。
WU Jun, Some New Ideas on the Formation and the Rhetorical Functions of the Color Words from Substances in English, Journal of Ningbo University, 4,1995。
WU Jun, Some New Ideas on the Class of Simulation of Foreign Trade Negotiation, Journal of Ningbo University, 2, 1996。
WU Jun, Simulation Teaching Applied in the Class of Foreign Trade Negotiation, Journal of Shandong Foreign Languages Teaching, 3, 1996。
吳鈞,“多彩的道路,曲折的道路——從愛麗絲·沃克的《紫色》 看美國婦女的自救道路”,《學習與思考》,第4期,1996。
WU Jun, A Colorful and Devious Road—an Observation of American women’s Self-saving by Way of the Novel the Color Purple, Learning and Thinking, 4, 1996。
WU Jun, The Symbolic Meaning of Colors—from one Novel to See American Women’s Road of Self-saving, Modernization, 6,1996。
吳鈞,“從《了不起的蓋茨比》 看金錢夢的破滅”,《學習與思考》,第9期,1995。
WU Jun, From the Novel Great Gatsby to See the Break of the Dream of Gold, Learning and Thinking, 9, 1995。
Poems: My Random Poems In Sydney, The Other Shore, 3,2011。
詩歌:《吳鈞悉尼詩歌選》華夏文壇 2010年第三期。
Poems: Wu Jun Selected Poems Of Sydney , China Literary World, 3,2010。
詩歌《時光的葉片》( 《路》、《夏之偶感》、《總是》、《淡淡的心湖》),《網路作品》,第1期,2010年。
Poems: The Leaves of the Time ( Road, Summer Inspiration By Chance, Always, Slightly Waved Lake Of Heart), Network Literature, 1, 2010。
詩歌《天望》、《家鄉的國槐》、《 母親》,《山東文學》,2010.7。
Poems: Looking at the Heaven, Sophora Tree Of My Homeland, Mother, Shandong Literature, 2010.7.
散文“父愛如山“,《華夏文壇》,第3期, 2009。
Prose: Mountains of Love of My Father, China Literary World, 3, 2009。
Prose: The Fragrance of Sophora Tree of My Hometown, Contemporary fiction, 10, 2007。
Prose: A View from the Bridge of Lu, China Literary World, 4, 2007。
澳大利亞悉尼大學語言文化學院訪問學者, 2010.8.16----2011.2.18。
Visiting Scholar, School of languages and Cultures, University of Sydney, Australia ,2010.8.16----2011.2.18。
2010-11-3 , giving a Seminar Talk with the title : Talk On Lu Xun’s Theory of Literary Translation to the graduate students majoring in Translation at the school of Languages and Linguistics of the University Of New South Wales, Australia。
2010-10-7 , giving a report with the title : Talk On Lu Xun’s Theory Of Thanslated Literature-----Everything is an Intermediate to the graduate students majoring in Translation at the School of Languages and cultures ,the University of Sydney. Australia。
山東省外國文學學會第七次年會,聊城,山東,2010. 4. 23-26。
The 7th Annual Symposium of Foreign Literature of Shandong Province, Liaocheng, Shandong, China, April, 23-26, 2010。
學術報告《翻譯文學漫談----兼論高校英語教師的使命》中國山東淄博師專2010. 3. 16。
Academic Report : Talk On Translated Literature, also Some Ideas Of The Missions Of University Teachers Of English, Zibo Normal College ,Shandong, China, March, 16, 2010.
山東大學研究生英語研討會,濟南,2010.3.27- 28。
The Seminar of Postgraduate English Teaching of Shandong University, Jinan, China, March, 27 - 28, 2010。
上海外國語大學英美文學國際研討會,上海,2009. 5. 21-24。
International Conference Of English and American Literature, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai, China, May. 21 -24, 2009。
交流論文:祝福聲中的隕落 與 奼紫嫣紅中的新生 ----《祝福》與《紫色》中的婦女形象比較研究。
Paper Presentation: The New Year’s Sacrifice and the New Birth from the Brilliant Purples and Reds ---The Comparative Study of the Female Images of the New Year’s Sacrifice and the Color Purple。
The Seminar of Postgraduate English Teaching of Shandong University, Jinan, China, June. 13 -14, 2009。
The Seminar of English Cyber Teaching of Shandong Province, Jinan, China, May, 16, 2009。
The Forum on Teaching and Studies of Translation, Rizhao, China, July, 4-7, 2008。
全國翻譯學詞典與翻譯理論研討會,煙台,2003, 8。
The National Seminar on Translation-Dictionaries and Translation Theories, Yantai, China, August, 2003。
The Memory of the Land, 1996。
This translated poem won the Peace Prize in World Congresses of Poets for the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Victories in the Global Anti-fascist. Poet: WU Kaijin, Translator: WU Jun。
WU Jun, Learning and Thinking — A Collection of Papers on English Teaching and Research, Inner Mongolia People's Press, Hohhot, 1999。
This monograph won the third prize for the research of Philosophy and Social Science of Shandong University in September of 2000.
The monograph A Study Of Lu Xun’s Translated Literature won the Second Prize Of Shandong 2010 Excellent Achievement Of The Research Of Social Science。