唐山抗震紀念碑,建在市中心新華道以南(建設路和文化路之間)紀念碑廣場內。廣場東西長 320米,南北寬 170米,佔地 5.44公頃。廣場東部是抗震紀念碑;西部是抗震紀念館。兩個主要建築坐落在東西向同一個軸線上,紀念碑與紀念館之間設有一座大型水池,並通過紅色地磚鋪砌的地面使兩座建築相連。
唐山抗震紀念碑廣場位於市中心,佔地 5.44公頃。主碑高 33米,由4根碑柱組成,外圍由8 幅浮雕組成,象徵著人定勝天和全國四面八方的支援,西部為抗震紀念館。廣場已成為群眾集會和舉辦各種大型活動的地方
副碑位於主碑北側 33.5米處,碑寬 9.5米,高2.96米,用花崗岩石塊以廢墟形式砌成,表現唐山地震的歷史事件。碑身長 4.3米,高 1.6米,正面為磨光青花崗石鑲嵌,上面鐫刻碑文,記載地震時間、災害以及搶險救災,建設新唐山等內容,由中國書協常務理事夏湘平書寫。背面為磨光青花崗岩鑲嵌,上鐫刻英文碑文。
Tangshan can yet be regarded as but China Xia Zhi Ling soil , the public feels no shame to outstanding figures of swallow deep and quiet , meets with this disaster , aspiration of not having changed to save a desperate situation eventually. The host earthquake stops method , the aftershock is frequent, the survivor is that force of struggling with force and spirit , the body of changing disability, crawl saving mutually , help each other in straits with feeble strength , fair amount of confidence Cheng Yi Zhang communism of helping each other in distress , going through thick and thin together , putting other people before oneself , forgotting selfishness in the interest of the public strengthens the bend elegy.
After the earthquake, the Central Committee of the Party , State Council urgent telegram whole nation rescue at top speed. More than 100,000 Chinese People's Liberation Army gallops in starry night to run , the arrive at downtown area , disregard one's own safety , almost rescue people row , clear country fair makes house great contribution, highly matchless. 50,000 famous doctors protect the personnel and the cadre civilian worker shipping goods and materials , relieve the people's distress , heal the wounded and rescue the dying, a great debt of gratitude. All directions donates thing contribution , several hundreds of thousand tons of goods and materials Yun Da disaster area , Tangshan the people Enron spend Serbonian bog of lacking for grain lacking for water. Meanwhile, central authority group sent to convey greetings and appreciation faces inspection in person , the province city party and government leads a scene to command , such as, the outside rotates a wounded personnel , eliminates corpse epidemic prevention , exchanges water prompt development such as supplying electricity , giving out to relieve , proves effective at every step. The earthquake queen ten day , the railroad are open to traffic; Have not reached January, school consecutively, the factory successively restores a product , shop order starts business at the beginning of the term,; More than 1,000,000 simple housings get up in the winter front, in the ruin , none freezes all victims of a natural calamity; The disaster queen , the disease fall off , the pestilence has not sprouted, can be rated as the history miracle of going ahead relieving the victims of a disaster.
Since 1979, Tangshan builds all-round development. The country appropriates funds gathering the people who designs that the team who is under construction amounts to more than 100,000 more than 5,000,000,000 yuan, leading comrades of the central authorities comes personally to give guidance also many times. As a result of fighting bravely for 7 years, downtown area establishes 12 million square metres resident dwelling house, 6 million square metres workshop building and public facilities. Xin Cheng town , the high building stand in great numbers , weave with ease , emerald green brings the narrow lane , spring fills the air with warmth under patronage behind the earthquake. Extensive rural area also, Washe is fresh , a bumper grain harvest , mountain Haibili , all professions all are popular. Phoenix of regenerating today if Tangshan , plundering the day afer tomorrow, with force and spirit fertile land of wing and east Hebei.
Contemplate the present and recall the past emotionally, swiftly 10. Here one brick one stone every blade of grass and every tree be declaring that like this truth: Communist Party of China is wise great, socialist system nothing here is advantageous , People's Liberation Army is loyal and steadfast reliable, the people of destiny is not allowed to bring into submission autonomously. Love relative of erecting this tablet , to let an earthquake know and feel comfort dying, Jin expresses hero and martyr of dedicating self to , inspires the present age people's education, posterity. Specially order this language , engrave with Yong aspiration.
它並不是某一個人的作品,而是全市廣大幹部群眾的集體創作,是六百萬餘唐山人民的共同心聲。1983年唐山地市合併后,市委市政府作出在地震10 周年時舉行大型紀念活動並建立抗震紀念碑的決定,同時把碑文起草工作交給了市委辦公廳。為了完成這一神聖使命,辦公廳在全市進行了廣泛發動和文稿徵集工作,並且得到社會各界的普遍支持,很快收到了一大批稿件。這些稿件有的來自離退休的老幹部,有的來自大專院校的教授和講師,有的來自工礦企業,有的來自農村街道。辦公廳組織專人在對這些來稿進行綜合吸納的基礎上形成一個初稿,並將其印發全市各基層單位反覆徵求修改意見。同時,分別召開一些有各界人士參加的座談會,當面聽取意見。最後還將初稿分別送給省委、省政府有關領導,特別是曾在抗震前線指揮過戰鬥的老同志,以及在全國很有名望的作家、教授,如魏巍、姚雪垠、孫犁、吳祖湘、王力、啟功等,請他們從不同角度幫助斟酌指正。像以上這種徵稿和修改工作在全市上下反覆進行了多次,時間持續了一年以上,僅市委常委會討論就不下五六次。
正是因為集中了全市人民的集體智慧,所以從碑文的整體構思到結構布局、從史料選材到遣詞造句都有其鮮明特色。從文體上看,它沒有拘泥於傳統的八股模式,而是從實際需要出發採取了半 文半白、碑誄相兼的體式,既照顧到有相當文化水平的知識階層,又照顧到廣大工人、農民和中小學生,真正做到了雅俗共賞。從結構布局上看,層次清楚、環環緊扣。全文共分5個段落,一是地震災情,二是唐山人的自救互救,三是中國人民解放軍和全國人民的救援,四是新唐山建設,五是歷史的結論和建碑的目的。從史料選材上看做到了取捨有度、詳略適當。從遣詞造句上看,基本做到了史料性和文學性的有機結合,既避免了乾巴巴的數字羅列,也避免了華而不實的辭藻堆砌,從而使整個文章顯得既莊重、嚴肅,又生動、活潑,讀了以後確實能夠令人振奮、耐人回味,真正起到了“告慰震亡親人,旌表獻身英烈,鼓舞當代人民,教育後世子孫”的歷史作用。
奧運官方網站7月31日訊 上午8點10分,隨著首棒火炬手——曾獲得30個全國冠軍、51個世界冠軍、第25屆巴塞羅那奧運會女子100米蝶泳冠軍著的錢紅高舉“祥雲”火炬在唐山體育中心主田徑場起跑,北京奧運火炬接力河北省傳遞活動的最後一站——唐山火炬傳遞活動正式開始。208名火炬手將在擁有“渤海明珠”美譽的唐山傳遞“更快、更高、更強”的奧林匹克夢想,傳遞725萬唐山市民對全世界人民的熱列歡迎之情。當聖火被點燃的一剎那,整個唐山沸騰了!
唐山抗震紀念碑佔地 5.44公頃,是唐山市的中心廣場。抗震紀念碑不僅是唐山的標誌性建築之一,更是“公而忘私、患難與共、百折不撓、勇往直前”抗震精神的凝聚。