共找到3條詞條名為林嵩的結果 展開
- 北京大學中國語言文學系副教授
- 中央財經大學商學院副院長
- 比心陪練創始人、CEO
- 清華大學經濟管理學院經濟學學士
- 清華濟管院管碩、管博
1.Eggers, J. P.,Lin Song. Dealing with failure: Serial entrepreneurs and the costs of changing industries between ventures. Academy of Management Journal,2015,58(6):1785~1803.
2.Lin Song,Xu Zhengda. The factors that influence the development of entrepreneurship education: Based on the case of China. Management Decision,已錄用.
3.Lin Song,Li Jing. Strategic orientation and performance of new ventures: Empirical studies based on entrepreneurial activities in China. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,DOI 10.1007/s11365-016-0382-y.
4.Lin Song,Darline Augustine,Jing Yu Yang. Environmental uncertainty, prospector strategy, and new venture performance: The moderating role of network capabilities. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,2016,12(4):1103~1126.
5.Lin Song,Si, Steven. Factors affecting peasant entrepreneurs' intention in the Chinese context. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal,2014,10(4):803~825.
6.Lin Song,Edward G. Rogoff,Check-Teck Foo,Xiaoyuan Liu. The effect of entrepreneurial context on the performance of new ventures. Chinese Management Studies,2015,9(2):197~220.
7.Lin Song,Lasserre, Philippe. Entrepreneurship research amid transitional economies: Domains and opportunities. Chinese Management Studies,2015,9(2):123~129.
8.Lin Song,Lamond, David. Human resource management practices in Chinese organisations. Chinese Management Studies,2014,8(1):2~5.
9.Lin Song,Christoph Winkler. China’s trans-regional entrepreneurship: A panel data analysis of 31 provinces. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies,2014,6(3):202~222.
10.李靜,謝靖嶼,林嵩. 榜樣會觸發個體創業嗎?基於農民樣本的創業事件研究. 管理評論,2017,29(3):27~39
11.林嵩,劉青,李培馨. 拆遷事件會提升農民的創業傾向嗎?基於289個樣本的實證研究. 管理評論,2016,28(12):63~74.
12.林嵩,劉小元. 創業活動活躍程度的先決變數:創業情境的視角. 管理評論,2013,25(08):64~76.
13.林嵩. 創業失敗綜述:研究傳統、前沿議題與未來機會. 科學學與科學技術管理,2016,8:58~67 .