



江波,博士,於2013年9月在美國明尼蘇達大學工業與系統工程系獲得博士學位,導師張樹中教授。主要研究領域包括優化理論,組合投資優化,信號處理,圖像處理等。在運籌優化的國際一流雜誌Mathematics of Operations Research,Mathematical Programming等發表過多篇論文。現為美國數學會旗下 mathmatical reviews 的評論員,擔任過Management Science, Mathematics of Operations Research, SIAM Journal on Optimization等著名期刊的匿名審稿人。曾在美國對沖基金公司Whitebox Advisors(該基金旗下管理資產約45億美元)擔任暑期研究員,從事魯棒組合投資的研究工作。近期的主要研究課題為多維數據(張量)優化的理論和實際應用。


Tensor and Its Tucker Core: the Invariance Relationships B. Jiang, F. Yang and S. Zhang Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, accepted, 2017.
On Cones of Nonnegative Quartic Forms B. Jiang, Z. Li, and S. Zhang Journal of Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 17(1), 161-197, 2017.
SparRec: An effective matrix completion framework of missing data imputation for GWAS B. Jiang, S. Ma, M. P. Hardin, L. Qiao, J. Causey, I. Bitts, D. Johnson, S. Zhang* and X. Huang* Scientific Reports: A Journal of the Nature Publishing Group, 6, 35534, 2016.
A Note on Semidefinite Programming Relaxations for Polynomial Optimization over A Single Sphere J. Hu,B. Jiang, X. Liu and Z. Wen Science China Mathematics, 59, 1543-1560, 2016.
Tensor and Its Tucker Core: the Invariance Relationships
On Cones of Nonnegative Quartic Forms
SparRec: An effective matrix completion framework of missing data imputation for GWAS
A Note on Semidefinite Programming Relaxations for Polynomial Optimization over A Single Sphere