



2012.10 大連理工大學機械工程學院 博士畢業
2012.11~2014.11 大連理工大學材料科學與工程學院 博士后
2014.11~2015.12 大連理工大學機械工程學院 講師,碩士生導師
2015.12~至今 大連理工大學機械工程學院 副教授
.劉新,劉鳳朝 等。遼寧省先進裝備製造業“十三五”科技發展規劃研究,遼寧省科技計劃,2015-2016.
.劉新,大氣壓冷等離子體調控金屬基體圖案化潤濕性表面研究,基本科研業務費重大項目培育科研專題, 2015-2016。
.劉新,遼寧裝備產業調研和十三五規劃,基本科研業務費遼寧省聯合培育基金專題, 2014-2015。
.金珠吉,徐文驥,郭曉光,戴恆震,劉新 等,光學自由曲面製造的基礎研究:光學自由曲面成形過程中的界面作用機理及界面特性調控,國家973課題(負責單位),2011-2015。
.金珠吉,郭曉光,劉新 等,大功率屏蔽式核主泵自主化形性協同製造原理:複雜型面加工的能量定域耦合機理及調控方法,國家973課題(參加單位),2015-2019。
.徐文驥,余祖元,李劍中,邢英傑,劉新 等,高檔數控機床與基礎製造裝備科技重大專項:高精度慣性器件微製造裝備項目,國家科技重大專項數控機床專項(參加單位),2013-2015。
.徐文驥,劉新 等,冷等離子體射流調控黑色金屬金剛石切削中加工界面特性的機理與方法,51275072,國家自然科學基金面上項目,2013-2016。




. Xin Liu, Shuai Huang, Faze Chen, Xiaolong Yang, Libo Wu, Wenji Xu. Research on the cold plasma jet assisted cutting of Ti6Al4V. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2015, 77(9-12): 2125-2133 SCI: WOS:000350483000008, EI: 20144900283722, IF:1.458,被引: 0次
. Xin Liu, Chen Faze, Shuai Huang, Xiaolong Yang, Yao Lu, Wenlong Zhou, Wenji Xu. Characteristic and Application Study of Cold Atmospheric-Pressure Nitrogen Plasma Jet [J]. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. 2015, 46(6): 1959-1968 SCI: WOS: 000355993000017, EI: 20152600980961, IF:1.101,被引: 0次
. Wenji Xu, Shuai Huang, Faze Chen, Jinlong Song, Xin Liu (通訊作者). Diamond wear properties in cold plasma jet. Diamond and Related Materials [J]. 2014, 48, 94-103. SCI: WOS: 000341900700014. EI: 20143418081212. IF:1.919,被引: 2次, 他引: 0次
. Jing Sun, Long Wang, Ke Hu, Jinlong Song, Xin Liu (通訊作者). Fabrication of superhydrophobic surfaces on copper substrates via flow plating technology [J]. Micro & Nano Letters. 2015, 10(2): 88-92. SCI: WOS: 000350483000008. EI: 20151000604752. IF:0.853,被引: 0次
. Faze Chen, Wenji Xu, Yao Lu, Jinlong Song, Shuai Huang, Long Wang, Ivan P. Parkin, Xin Liu (通訊作者). Hydrophilic patterning of superhydrophobic surfaces by atmospheric-pressure plasma jet. Micro & Nano Letters. 2015, 10(2): 105-108. SCI: WOS: 000350483000011;EI: 20151000604757, IF:0.853,被引:1次,他引: 0次
. Xiaolong Yang, Xin Liu, Juan Li, Shuai Huang, Jinglong Song, Werifi Xu. Directional Transport of Water Droplets on Superhydrophobic Al Alloy Surface [J]. Micro & Nano Letters 2015, 10(7): 343–346 SCI: WOS:000358410500006, EI: 20153101096588, IF:0.853 被引:0
. Yao Lu, Jinlong Song, Xin Liu, Wenji Xu, Yingjie Xing, and Zefei Wei, Preparation of Superoleophobic and Superhydrophobic Titanium Surfaces via an Environmentally Friendly Electrochemical Etching Method, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2013, 1, 102?109. SCI: WOS:000317145800017,EI: 20132216365092, IF:4.642, 被引16次,他引: 10次
. Jinlong Song, Wenji Xu*, Xin Liu, Zefei Wei, and Yao Lu. Fabrication technology of low-adhesive superhydrophobic and superamphiphobic surfaces based on electrochemical machining method. ASME Journal of Micro and Nano-Manufacturing. 2013, 1(2): 021003-1-021003-7,
. Jinlong Song, Yao Lu, Shuai Huang, Xin Liu, Libo Wu, and Wenji Xu. A simple immersion approach for fabricating superhydrophobic Mg alloy surfaces. Applied Surface Science 2013, 266: 445-450.SCI WOS:000314021100072,EI: 20130515953349, IF:2.711, 被引:14次,他引: 10次
. Jinlong Song, Shuai Huang, Ke Hu, Yao Lu, Xin Liu, Wenji Xu, Fabrication of Superoleophobic surfaces on Al Substrates, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013, 1(46), 14783-14789. SCI: WOS: 000326785700047. EI:20134616973790, IF:7.443, 被引: 8次,他引: 5次
. Jinlong Song, Wenji Xu, Zhuang Feng, Xin Liu, Yao Lu, Jing Sun. Fabrication of low-adhesive superhydrophobic Al surfaces via self-assembled primary cell assisted etching. Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology. 2013, 34: 908-913 SCI: WOS:000321172600003, EI: 20132916506093, IF:0.795, 被引: 1次,他引: 1次
. Xiaolong Yang, Jinlong Song, Wenji Xu, Xin Liu, Yao Lu, Yanping Wang. Anisotropic sliding of multiple-level biomimetic rice-leaf surfaces on aluminum substrates. Micro & Nano Letters 2013, 8: 801-804. SCI: WOS:000327425500012, EI: 20135017070869, IF:0.853, 被引: 6次,他引:3次
. Faze Chen, Jinlong Song, Yao Lu, Shuai Huang, Xin Liu, Jing Sun, Claire J. Carmalt, Ivan P. Parkin and Wenji Xu, Creating robust superamphiphobic coatings for both hard and soft materials. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3(42): 20999-21008, IF: 7.443
. 劉新, 孫晶, 張宏, 王殿龍, 崔岩. 基於工程教育專業認證的生產實習模式解析.[J]. 實驗室科學, 2015, 18(5): 184-186.
. 劉新,黃帥,瞿嬌嬌,徐文驥. 304不鏽鋼離子化氣流輔助切削試驗研究[J]. 農業機械學報,2014, 45(5): 334-339. EI: 20142217764282
. 黃帥,劉新,瞿嬌嬌,陳發澤,徐文驥. 多功能旋轉超聲加工裝置的設計與優化. 電加工與模具, 2013, (5): 40-43.
. 瞿嬌嬌,黃帥,劉新,徐文驥. 超聲波橢圓振動裝置設計及其振動特性控制. 電加工與模具. 2014, (3): 51-55.
. 宋金龍, 徐文驥, 陸遙, 劉新, 魏澤飛, 孫晶. 電化學和化學加工法製備鋁基體超雙疏表面. 機械工程學報. 2013, 49: 182-190. EI: 20131616214618
. 張京超, 田明鑫, 徐文驥, 劉新. 電解擴孔成形加工裝置的設計. 電加工與模具。 2015, (4): 62-65
. 宋金龍,陸遙,黃帥,劉新,徐文驥. 極端潤濕性表面研究與應用進展. 科技導報, 2015, 33(15): 92-100.
. 孫晶, 鄭慶余, 徐文驥, 黃帥, 劉新。非對稱等離子體弧溫度場三維重建。兵工學報[J].2014, 35(7): 1097-1102. .EI: 20143218048377.
. 馮玉祥, 徐文驥, 楊曉龍, 黃帥,劉新. 電液束加工3J21合金試驗研究. 電加工與模具, 2014 (2): 33-37.
. Shuai Huang, Xin Liu, Faze Chen, Huanxi Zheng, Xiaolong Yang, Libo Wu, Jinlong Song, Wenji Xu. Diamond-cutting ferrous metals assisted by cold plasma and ultrasonic elliptical vibration. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2015, 77,SCI: WOS: , EI: 20154401451730
. Xin Liu, Shuai Huang, Faze Chen, Xiaolong Yang, Huanxi Zheng, Wenji Xu. Investigation on anti-friction performances of atmospheric flexible cold plasma jet. 3rd International Conference on Applied Mechanics and Manufacturing Technology (ICAMMT 2015). 2015, Guangzhou, Advances in Energy Science and Equipment Engineering. 2297-2300 國際會議,廣州,口頭報告。.
. Shuai Huang, Xin Liu, Faze Chen, and Wenji Xu. Tool Wear Properties of Diamond-Cutting Ferrous Metal. The 10th CHINA-JAPAN International Conference on Ultra-Precision Machining Process & 2014 International Conference on Surface Finishing Technology, 2014, Jiaozuo. Advanced Materials Research. 1027 (2014): 36-39. EI:20150500480302,國際會議,口頭報告.
. Faze Chen, Xin Liu, Shuai Huang and Wenji Xu. Friction and Wear Properties of S136/WC-Co Friction Pair in Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet. The 10th CHINA-JAPAN International Conference on Ultra-Precision Machining Process & 2014 International Conference on Surface Finishing Technology, 2014, Jiaozuo. Advanced Materials Research. 1027 (2014): 298-301. EI: 20150500480631,國際會議,口頭報告.
. Jinlong Song, Shuai Huang, Xin Liu, Wenji Xu. Superoleophobic Surfaces on Al and Mg Alloy Substrates through Rapid Surface MicroNanometer-Scale Structuring. ASME 2014 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference [C].2014, Detroit. EI: 20144600205805,ISTP: WOS:000361249700022,國際會議,牆報.
. Shining Zhou, Xiaolong Yang, Jing Sun, Wenji Xu, Xin Liu. Simulation of Micro Blanking Process of Square Hole with Fillet Based on DEFORM-3D. The 2015 3rd International Conference on Material, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (IC3ME 2015), 2015, Guangzhou. 口頭報告,廣州.
. 劉新,陳發澤,徐文驥。大氣壓微細等離子體射流及SiC無掩膜刻蝕研究。2013全國光學與精密測量博士生學術論壇,2013,國內會議,哈爾濱,口頭報告。
. 黃帥,劉新,徐文驥. 冷等離子體輔助超聲振動切削裝置及特性研究.2013全國光學與精密測量博士生學術論壇. 2013, 國內會議,哈爾濱,口頭報告。
. 陳發澤, 劉新, 劉吉宇, 黃帥, 徐文驥. 超疏水表面的等離子體親水化處理及其老化行為研究. 第十七屆全國等離子體科學技術會議[C],2015,國內會議,成都,牆報。
. 國內,牆報. 瞿嬌嬌,黃帥,劉新,徐文驥. 超聲波橢圓振動裝置設計及其振動特性控制. 第十五屆全國特種加工學術會議. 2013,南京.
. 國內,口頭報告. 黃帥,瞿嬌嬌,劉新,徐文驥,夏廣慶. 大氣壓氮冷等離子體射流中Ti6Al4V/WC-Co摩擦磨損性能研究. 第十六屆全國等離子體科學技術會議,2013,上海.
. 鄭煥璽,黃帥,楊曉龍,陳發澤,宋金龍,徐文驥,劉新. 冷等離子體射流對金剛石刀具磨損的影響: 第十七屆全國等離子體科學技術會議[C]. 2015. 國內會議,成都,牆報。
. 劉新, 徐文驥, 陳發澤, 黃帥, 楊曉龍, 宋金龍. 一種大氣壓冷等離子體射流對金屬材料表面改性的方法[Z]. ZL 201410027135.7, 中國,2015-10-28,發明專利。
. 徐文驥, 宋金龍, 黃帥, 陸遙, 劉新. 一種水面浮油的收集裝置[Z]. ZL 201410023962.9, 中國,2015-10-14,發明專利。
. 徐文驥,劉新,黃帥,陳發澤,金洙吉。一種用於金剛石刀具切削黑色金屬的裝置[Z]. ZL 201320805287.6, 中國,2013-12-06,實用新型。