



• 2001年本科畢業於北京大學,2006年博士畢業於清華大學,2012-2014年在哈佛大學任訪問學者。




1. Tan X, Qin W, Zhang L, Hang J, Chen Z, Li B, Zhang C, Wan J, Zhou F, Shao K, Sun Y, Wu J, Zhang X, Qiu B, Li N, Shi S, Feng X, Zhao S, Wang Z, Zhao X, Yu Z, Mitchelson K, Cheng J, Guo Y* and He J*. A 5-microRNA Signature for Lung Squamous Cell Carcinoma Diagnosis and hsa-miR-31 for Prognosis. Clinical Cancer Research. 2011, 17(21):6802-6811.
2. Guo H, Liu H, Mitchelson K, Luo M, Sun Y, Xie L, Zhang L, Lu Y, Zhou Y, Guo Y* and Cheng J*. MicroRNAs-372/373 Promote the Expression of Hepatitis B Virus Through the Targeting of Nuclear Factor I/B. Hepatology, 2011, 54(3):808-819.
3. Zhu L, Jiang G, Wang S, Wang C, Li Q, Yu H, Zhou Y, Zhao B, Huang H, Xing W, Mitchelson K, Cheng J, Zhao Y*and Guo Y*. Biochip System for Rapid and Accurate Identification of Mycobacteria Species from Isolates and Sputum. Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 2010, 48(10):3654-3660.
4. Guo Y, Zhou Y, Wang C, Zhu L, Wang S, Li Q, Jiang G, Zhao B, Huang H, Yu H, Xing W, Mitchelson K, Cheng J and Zhao Y. Rapid, Accurate Determination of Multidrug Resistance in M. Tuberculosis Isolates and Sputum Using a Biochip System. International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 2009, 13(7): 914-920.
5. Guo Y, Chen Z, Zhang L, Zhou F, Shi S, Feng, X, Li, B, Meng, X, Ma, X, Luo M, Shao K, Li N, Qiu B, Mitchelson K, Cheng J and He J. Distinctive MicroRNA Profiles Relating to Patient Survival in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Cancer Research, 2008, 68(1): 26-33.

