丹尼斯·杜根,美國電影導演。英文名:Dennis Dugan。主要導演作品:《傑克與吉爾》、《長大后》、《隨波逐流》、《我盛大的同志婚禮》等。

傑克與吉爾 Jack and Jill (2011)
隨波逐流 Just Go with It (2011)
長大后 Grown Ups (2010)
別惹佐漢 You Don't Mess with the Zohan (2008)
我盛大的同志婚禮 I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007)
板凳隊員 The Benchwarmers (2006)
Karroll's Christmas (2004)

"Hope & Faith" (2003)
拯救希佛曼 Saving Silverman (2001)
冒牌老爸/老爸向前沖 Big Daddy (1999)
"Shasta McNasty" (1999)
比佛利武士/貝佛利武士 Beverly Hills Ninja (1997)
球場古惑仔/高爾夫球也瘋狂(台)/快樂的基爾默 Happy Gilmore (1996)
The Shaggy Dog (1994)
"Burke's Law" (1994)
"Chicago Hope" (1994)
"The Byrds of Paradise" (1994)
Columbo: Butterfly in Shades of Grey (1993)
紐約重案組 "NYPD Blue" (1993)
撞板三舞男 Brain Donors (1992)
"Picket Fences" (1992)
寶貝反斗星 Problem Child (1990)
"Wiseguy" (1987)
"L.A. Law" (1986)
長大后 Grown Ups (2010)

我盛大的同志婚禮 I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry (2007)
Street Life (2007)
板凳隊員 The Benchwarmers (2006)
Greatest Ever Comedy Movies (2006)
Karroll's Christmas (2004)
拯救希佛曼 Saving Silverman (2001)
Reel Comedy: Saving Silverman (2001)
冒牌老爸/老爸向前沖 Big Daddy (1999)
The Making of 'Big Daddy' (1999)
球場古惑仔 Happy Gilmore (1996)
撞板三舞男Brain Donors (1992)

溫馨家族 Parenthood (1989)
The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking (1988)
天下父母心 She's Having a Baby (1988)
Channel 99 (1988)
Can't Buy Me Love (1987)
藍色月光 "Moonlighting" (1985)
水 Water (1985)
Shadow Chasers (1985)
The Toughest Man in the World (1984)
Country Gold (1982)
破膽三次 The Howling (1981)
"Hill Street Blues" (1981)
Deer in the Works (1980)
不明飛行物 The Spaceman and King Arthur (1979)
Battle of the Network Stars IV (1978)
Last of the Good Guys (1978)
Harry and Walter Go to New York (1976)
Norman... Is That You? (1976)
Columbo: Last Salute to the Commodore (1976)
Columbo: Old Fashioned Murder (1976)
Richie Brockelman: The Missing 24 Hours (1976)
蝗蟲之日 The Day of the Locust (1975)
夜行客 Night Moves (1975)
歡笑一羅筐 Smile (1975)
"The Rockford Files" (1974)
The Girl Most Likely to... (1973)
Death Race (1973)
Night Call Nurses (1972)
陸軍野戰醫院 "M*A*S*H" (1972)
