



拉丁菌名Hirsutella sinensis
定名人劉錫[王+進] 郭蘭英 / 俞永信 / 曾 緯
NomenclaLiu Bo and li Yumei
ArticleNew Species and New Varieties of the Genus Cyathus
作者劉錫[王+進] 郭蘭英 / 俞永信 / 曾 緯
AuthorLiu Bo and Li Yumei
作者單位中國科學院微生物研究所真菌地衣系統學實驗室, 北京 100080 / 浙江省中藥研究所, 杭州 310021 / 四川 省中藥研究所, 重慶 630045
摘要分離工作在四川康定及北京進行. 方法 是將康定收集的14批新鮮冬蟲夏草, 經整體滅菌后, 分別 割取子座、柄和蟲體三部, 然後將各部切割成綠豆 大小 樣的接種體, 置於含1% 腖的PDA 上, 在20'C溫箱中讓其 生長, 也少量地進行了子囊孢子分離, 結果獲得90%以上 是同一種分生孢子階段真菌的培養物. 而且對該培養物的 鑒定表明, 是被毛孢屬 (Hirsutella) 一新種 -- 中國被 毛孢 (Hirsutella sinensis sp. nov.). 並根據這些多 批次且大數量接種體 (1000個以上)、多途徑且重複持續 分離, 連同子囊孢子分離以及1988年康定點上再次分離的 相互驗證, 皆得到同一種真菌 -- 中國被毛孢這一事實, 我們初步結論:中國被毛孢是冬蟲夏草菌 [Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc.] 的無性階段.
In this paper four new species and two new varieties are reported.The new species are Cyathus neimonggolensis Liu et Y.M.Li, Cyathus discostipitatus Liu et Y.M.Li,Cyathus taiyuanensis Liu et Y.M.Li and Cyathus hirtulus Liu et Y.M.Li The new varieties are Cyathus tianshanensis Liu et Cao var. tomentosus Liu Cao et Y.M.Li andCyathus annulatus Brodie var. wuyishanensis Liu et Y.M.Li, Cyathus neimonggolensis Liu et Y.M.Li is close to Cyathus novae-zeelandiae Tul, but thisnew species is distinguished from the latter by annulate colourous peridium, compress-orbicular peridiola, ovoid spores somewhat pointed at one end,Cyathus discostipitatus Liu et Y.M.Li is close to Cyathus colensoi Berkeley, but distinguished from the latter by its discoidbases, smaller peridiola and spores thicker walled spores and peridium. Cyathus taiyuanensis Liu et Y.M.Li is close to Cyathus berkeleyanus (Tul.) Lloyd,but distinguished from the latter by ovoid to broad-ovoid spores, somewhat pointed at one end, epispore 0.4 micrometer thick. Cyathus hirtulus Liu et Y.M.Liis close to Cyathus wutaishanensis Liu, Shangguan et Yuan, the differences are the former having larger ellipsoid peridiola,somewhat curved spores larger peridium covered with downward pointing brown shaggy. Cyathus tianshanensis Liu et Cao var.tomentosus Liu. Cao et Y.M.Li isdistinguished from the original variety by peridium covered with short tufted hairs, exterior different colours and stiptate bases.Cyathus annulatus Brodie var. wuyishanensis Liu et Y.M.Li is distinguished from the original variety by compress-orbicular peridiola,ellipsoid to oblong-ellipsoid spores. epispore 1.5-2 micrometer thick, basal emplacent conspicuous.
Type specimens of above new species and new varieties in the Mycological Herbarium of Shanxi University (MHSU), Taiyuan, Shanxi Province, China.
關鍵詞冬蟲夏草 菌, 中國被毛孢
期刊真菌學報 8(1):35-40, 1989
PublicationActa Mycologica Sinica (Chinese; English Abstract), 8(2):pp.101-112, 1989
PlaceHangjin Qi, Inter Mongulia Auonomous Reg
採集地火燒山高山草地新鮮的冬蟲夏 草
EnvironmentThe Mushroou grown on the grass root and sand, it collected from Dabuchake Town.
Habitattemplate continent desert climate desert anf semi-desert plant flora
Hoston the grass root and sand
採集人俞永信 方良珍 華巍巍
Isolation PersonDu Fu and Liu Bo
保存單位中國科學院微生物研究所真菌標本室, 北京 100080
Preservation UnitThe Herbarium of Mycology, The Department of Biology, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, Shanxi Province, China
Speciman No.MHSU 603