


王曉軍,中國醫學科學院北京協和醫院整形美容外科主任醫師、教授、博士研究生導師,擔任中華醫學會整形外科分會候任常務委員、《中國美容整形外科雜誌》副主編,並在《中華整形外科雜誌》、 《整形與再造外科》 《中國實用美容整形外科雜誌》 、《中國醫學科學院學報》 等任雜誌作者,並榮獲2018年度中華醫學科技獎 以及2018年華夏醫學科技獎。






1. Yu N, Liu Z, Zhang H, Wang X, Individualized therapy for complicated cranial defect: a case report,Acta Biome.2013 Jun 1;84(1):64-8;
3. Wang XJ, Si LB, Advances on hypoxia inducible factor-1,Chin Med J (Engl). 2013;126(18):3567-71;
4. Long X, Yu N, Zeng A, Long F, Wang XJ, Breast lymphoma combined with postoperative acute hematopoietic disorder in an immediate breast reconstruction patient,J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2014 Jun;67(6):874-5;
5. Jia Y, Yu N, Wang Y, Zeng A, Zhu L, Wang X, Studies in fat grafting: part I. Effects of injection technique on in vitro fat viability and in vivo volume retention; and studies in fat grafting: part II. Effects of injection Mechanics on material properties of fat,Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Feb;135(2):446e-7e;
6. Long F, Wang X, High-dose-rate brachytherapy for the treatment of recalcitrant keloids: a unique, effective treatment protocol,Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Apr;135(4):791e-2e;
7. Ma X, Chen J, Xu B, Long X, Qin H, Zhao RC, Wang X, Keloid-derived keratinocytes acquire a fibroblast-like appearance and an enhanced invasive capacity in a hypoxic microenvironment in vitro,Int J Mol Med. 2015 May;35(5):1246-56;
8. Yu N, Long X, Lujan-Hernandez JR, Succar J, Xin X, Wang X, Transversus abdominis-plane block versus local anesthetic wound infiltration in lower abdominal surgery: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,BMC Anesthesiol. 2014 Dec 15;14:121;
9. Huang J, Wang X, Cost-effectiveness analysis parallel to a randomized controlled trial comparing vertical scar reduction and inverted T-shaped reduction mammaplasty,Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Jun;135(6):1060e-1061e;
10. Huang J, Wang X, Preemptive analgesia with bupivacaine in reduction mammaplasty: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial,Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Jun;135(6):1062e;
11. Huang J, Wang X, Accessibility of Academic Plastic Surgeons as Mentors to Medical Students,Ann Plast Surg. 2015 Jul;75(1):124;
12. Jia Y, Zhu L, Zeng A, Wang X, Latissimus Dorsi Flap for Total Autologous Immediate Breast Reconstruction without Implants,Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Aug;136(2):267e-268e;
13. Huang J, Yu N, Wang X, Intralesional Cryotherapy for Treatment of Keloid Scars: A Prospective Study,Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Sep;136(3):394e-395e;
14. Yu N, Bai M, Wang X, A Bilobed Thoracoabdominal Myocutaneous Flap for Large Thoracic Defects,Ann Plast Surg. 2015 Sep;75(3):358;
15Chen B, Wang X, Qi Z, Analysis of the Surgical Treatments of 63 Keloids on the Cartilaginous Part of the Auricle: Effectiveness of the Core Excision Method,Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Oct;136(4):568e-9e;
16. Liang X, Ma L, Long X, Wang X, LncRNA expression profiles and validation in keloid and normal skin tissue,Int J Oncol. 2015 Nov;47(5):1829-38;
17. Zeng Y, Zhu L, Han Q, Liu W, Mao X, Li Y, Yu N, Feng S, Fu Q, Wang X, Du Y, Zhao RC, Preformed gelatin microcryogels as injectable cell carriers for enhanced skin wound healing,Acta Biomater. 2015 Oct;25:291-303;
18. Zhang HL, Cheng Y, Wang XJ, Breast Implant Infections: Clinical Microbiology, Early Diagnosis, and Antibiotic Treatment,Biomed Environ Sci. 2015 Jun;28(6):472-4;
19. Zhang HL, Cao B, Li J, Cheng Y, Wang XJ, Plastic Expander-Related Gordonia Sputi Infection: Case Report and Literature Review,Biomed Environ Sci. 2015 Jun;28(6):468-71;
20. Liu Q, Wang X, Jia Y, Long X, Yu N, Wang Y, Chen B, Increased blood flow in keloids and adjacent skin revealed by laser speckle contrast imaging,Lasers Surg Med. 2016 Apr;48(4):360-4;
21. Liu Q, Wang X, Jia Y, Heat Shock Protein 90 Inhibitor Decreases Collagen Synthesis of Keloid Fibroblasts and Attenuates the Extracellular Matrix on the Keloid Spheroid Model,Plas徠t Reconstr Surg. 2016 Apr;137(4):759e-760e;
22. Long F, Si L, Long X, Yang B, Wang X, Zhang F, 2ME2 increase radiation-induced apoptosis of keloid fibroblasts by targeting HIF-1α in vitro,Australas J Dermatol. 2016 May;57(2):e32-8;
23. Yu N, Yu P, Long X, Huang J, Jia Y, Wang X, A Systematic Quality Evaluation of Meta-Analyses Related to Plastic Surgery,Ann Plast Surg. 2017 Jan;78(1):111-118;
24. Yu N, Wang X, The Effect of Normovolemic and Hypervolemic Hemodilution on a Perforator Flap with Twisted Pedicle Model: Experimental Study in Rats,Plast Reconstr Surg. 2016 Sep;138(3):555e;
25. Bai M, Yu NZ, Long F, Feng C, Wang XJ, Effects of CDKN2A (p16INK4A/p14ARF) Over-Expression on Proliferation and Migration of Human Melanoma A375 Cells,Cell Physiol Biochem. 2016;40(6):1367-1376;
26. Bai M, Zhang M, Long F, Yu N, Zeng A, Wang X, MiR-217 promotes cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma progression by targeting PTRF,Am J Transl Res. 2017 Feb 15;9(2):647-655;
27. Wang Z, Bai M1, Long X1, Zhao R1, Wang X, Negative Pressure Wound Therapy for Patients With Complex Abdominal Wounds,Wounds. 2017 Jul;29(7):202-208;
28. Feng C, Bai M, Yu NZ, Wang XJ, Liu Z, MicroRNA-181b negatively regulates the proliferation of human epidermal keratinocytes in psoriasis through targeting TLR4,J Cell Mol Med. 2017 Feb;21(2):278-285.
29. 王智,白明,曾昂,劉志飛,趙茹,王曉軍,創面源性急重症患者整形外科急診救治的新模式,中華損傷與修複雜志電子版,2014,9(2):46;
30. 曾昂,朱琳,劉志飛,王曉軍,張海林,白明,王智,保留肋骨的胸廓內血管顯露技術及吻合技術在腹壁下動脈穿支皮瓣重建乳房中的應用,中國修復重建外科雜誌,2014,28(11):1376-1379;
31. 白明,趙茹,王智,曾昂,張海林,王曉軍,傳統換藥與創面負壓修復體表創面的結局比較,中國組織工程研究,2014,18(2):322;
32. 宋可新,王友彬,黃渭清,趙茹,劉志飛,王曉軍,鼻部淺表腫物切除后的創面修復,中華損傷與修複雜志電子版,2014,9(1):55-56;
33. 俞楠澤,龍笑,白明,王曉軍,miR-26a在糖尿病小鼠創面癒合中的作用,醫學研究雜誌,2014,43(8):62-65;
34. 俞楠澤,朱琳,白明,龍笑,王曉軍,局部應用miR-26a抑製劑對小鼠創面癒合的促進作用,醫學研究雜誌,2014,43(7):69-72;
35. 朱琳,劉志飛,張星,王曉軍,糖尿病患者脂肪幹細胞(ADSCs)向內皮細胞分化能力的研究,醫學研究雜誌,2014,43(7):84-87;
36. 朱琳,劉志飛,張星,王曉軍,糖尿病患者脂肪幹細胞(ADSCs)的分離、培養及鑒定研究,醫學研究雜誌,43(8):68-72;
37. 俞楠澤,龍笑,白明,王陽,趙茹,王曉軍,壞死性筋膜炎18例分析,臨床皮膚科雜誌,2015,44(5):291-293;
38. 張海林,茅楓,王學晶,白明,王曉軍,乳腺癌術后乳房延遲即刻重建臨床效果分析:附100例報告,中國普通外科雜誌,2015,24(5):653-657;
39. 曹海茹,龍笑,劉志飛,曾昂,白明,王曉軍,水晶納交聯透明質酸用於鼻唇溝皺紋治療的安全性和有效性,協和醫學雜誌,2016,7(2):88
40. 李子榕,外院,張明子,外院,喬群,王曉軍,雙環形切口巨乳縮小術腺體切除量預估模型,協和醫學雜誌,2016,7(2):93;
41. 王陽,陳波,王曉軍,自體脂肪移植綜合技術矯正面部局限性硬皮病,組織工程與重建外科雜誌,2016,12(1):34;
42. 王智,龍笑,白明,趙茹,王曉軍,負壓創面治療在開放性腹部創面合併腹腔內感染的應用研究,中華損傷與修複雜志(電子版),2015,10(4):46;
43.王曉軍 劉志飛 趙玉明 晏曉青 喬群 趙紅藝 錢文江,應用SMAS-頸闊肌蒂肌皮瓣修復唇頰部皮膚及軟組織缺損,《中國實用美容整形外科雜誌》 2005年05期;