自1909 年起,普氏能源資訊就一直致力於為客戶提供對其業務至關重要的市場新聞和數據、基準估價、極具洞察力的新聞簡報以及打造行業領先的會議,以滿足客戶的需求,幫助他們作出更加明智的貿易和商業決策。
實時新聞和市場快訊 – 市場情況瞬息萬變,因此,在市場反覆程度空前的時代中以同樣速度予以及時應對就顯得尤為重要。普氏能源資訊可實時為您提供新聞、市場評論和當日估價,令您能夠及時把握最理想的貿易機會或對突發新聞作出及時響應。
估價與指數 – 普氏能源資訊的基準估價在整個能源和金屬供應鏈內廣泛應用。從生產商、消費者、風險管理者到分析師,我們的 8,500 每日價格和遠期曲線將確保金融機構、能源、金屬和礦業公司以及政府能為其能源交易提供極具競爭力的定價。
新聞簡報和導報 – 我們可提供超過50 種新聞簡報,內容涵蓋能源和金屬行業的各個方面。這些新聞簡報將以每日、每周、每兩周或每月的頻率為您提供公司新聞、法規變化、併購和新法規等大量信息。
地圖與地理空間 – 我們不斷更新和打造專有的全球能源基礎架構圖層,利用我們曾獲大獎的地圖繪製團隊的精深知識來幫助分析師和投資者對資本投資機會加以準確評估。
會議與活動 – 普氏能源資訊舉辦了超過60 場研討會,並藉此幫助行業領袖們聯繫互動,就先鋒創意和新政策提議進行研討交流。我們不僅涵蓋各種類型的主題,而且還將邀請世界知名的演講者和與會者。
兩年前,有5名員工從摩根斯坦利辭職,隨後這5名員工成立了一家名為Independent Franchise Partners LLP的投資管理公司。現在,這家公司與摩根斯坦利一起成為了麥格希集團的股東。
作為一家巨型金融信息提供商麥格希集團對金融財團展現出的吸引力,還遠不止於此。德意志銀行、北方信託投資、投資管理公司巨頭貝萊德,以及曾經管理大約1萬億美元資產、經營過謎一樣美洲基金的投資公司Capital World Investor,都是它的股東。這些公司一個共同的特點是擅長原油和礦產資源的投資。這些金融機構不僅持有麥格希集團的股份,同時還握有眾多全球能源、礦產資源巨頭公司的股份。
美國原油巨頭雪佛龍的前10家持股機構中,有7家持有麥格希的股份,分別是麥格希的前三名和第6、8、15、20名股東。在美國康菲石油公司的前10名機構股東中,也有4名是麥格希集團的前10名的大股東,同時這4名還是雪佛龍的股東。而英國石油美國公司的前10名機構股東中,有2名是麥格希的大股東,分別是排第三的State Street Corporation和排第6的Price (T.ROWE) Asso-ciates INC。能源巨頭埃克森美孚的前10名機構股東中,前3名都持有麥格希的股份。能源公司埃爾帕索前10名的股東里,有5名出現在了麥格希集團的前20的股東里。
麥格希最大的機構持有者是Capital World Investor,下屬於Capi-tal Research and Management,而Capital Research and Management則下屬於美國一家極其低調的投資巨 頭 Capital Group Companies。Capital Group Companies,它也是全球最大的投資公司之一,管理著大約1萬億美元的資產,曾經經營過美洲基金,不過美洲基金後來倒閉了。這家公司在花旗銀行有投資持股,在原油巨頭雪佛龍公司也有持股。
The Capital Group是控制全球股票市場最強大的股東,至少在36個國家有重大影響力。而Capital Research and Management在中國也有很多投資持股,2010年農行掛牌當日,它就持有農行H股數量39.3億股,佔到H股總數的12.79%,成為農行H股第二大股東。
麥格希的第二大機構持有者是Vanguard Group, INC.(美國先鋒集團)。該機構還參股了很多礦業公司,如雪佛龍公司、一家位處明尼蘇達米沙比礦場的名為Great Northern Iron Ore Properties的鐵礦石公司、以及美國鋼鐵和金屬製造商Commercial Metals Company以及曾經為美國第一大稀土礦商的Molycorp, Inc.等。此外,在礦業巨頭淡水河谷中,也有先鋒集團的參股。
麥格希的第三大的持有機構是STATE STREET CORPORATION,這家公司也持有淡水河谷的股份,它同時也是美國最大的金融服務公司之一。
麥格希排名第五的持有機構是一家對沖基金公司 Jana Partners LLC。排名第六的是一家名為Price(T.ROWE)的投資公司。資料顯示,這家公司在很多能源公司都有持股。此外,它在不少中國知名公司中也有持股,其中包括中海油、中國建材、山水水泥、新浪以及國美電器。
BlackRock Institutional Trust Com-pany(貝萊德機構信託公司)。查閱相關資料發現,這家公司同樣擁有多家能源公司和礦業公司的股票。該公司在2011年7月剛剛獲得中國證監會發放的QFII資格。此外,貝萊德機構信託公司所屬的貝萊德公司旗下擁有著名的世界礦業基金,據貝萊德世界礦業基金2010年2月月報顯示,力拓、必和必拓和淡水河谷作為其前三大重倉股分別占其總投資的10.0%、9.5%和9.2%。
排名第14的AllianceBernstein LP(聯博基金),是中國社保基金的境外投資管理人之一。排名第19的德意志銀行,2008年率先推出了鐵礦石掉期交易。
Platts is a leading global provider of energy, petrochemicals, metals and agriculture information, and a premier source of benchmark price assessments for those commodity markets. Since 1909, Platts has provided information and insights that help customers make sound trading and business decisions and enable the markets to perform with greater transparency and efficiency.
From an original focus on petroleum, Platts gradually expanded its purview to include petrochemicals, metals, shipping and other energy-related commodities – natural gas, electric power, coal, nuclear, bio-fuels and other renewables. Recognized for decades as the world’s leading energy information company, Platts also attained a leadership position in steel in 2011 through its acquisition of the Steel Business Briefing Group.
Platts employs a total staff of more than 900, and maintains a network of correspondents spanning the globe. It has more than 15 offices in key cities, including major energy centers such as London, Dubai, Singapore and Houston, and global business centers such as Sao Paulo, Shanghai and New York, where its headquarters is located.
Platts publishes news, research, commentary, market data and analysis, and more than 12,000 price assessments daily that are widely used as benchmarks in the physical and futures markets. Its products and services include real-time news and price information; end-of-day market data; newsletters and reports; geospatial data and maps; conferences; and a weekly television program broadcast in the US and online.
In addition, Platts serves customers through three business lines that operate under their own well-established brand names: The Steel Index (TSI), a price information specialist which compiles indexes through the collection of transaction data from industry participants, BENTEK Energy®, a specialist in natural gas fundamental market data analysis, and Kingsman, a leading global provider for sugar and biofuels information.
Traders, analysts, risk managers, purchasing agents and other professionals at more than 10,000 public and private sector organizations in more than 150 countries benefit from Platts’ services. These organizations range from exploration companies, miners and refiners to end users such as utilities, airlines, steel companies and auto manufacturers. They also include government agencies, financial institutions, and professional service firms in law, engineering, consulting and asset management.
Market Engagement
In its day-to-day activities, Platts regularly engages with customers, market participants, industry organizations and regulators through forums, training sessions, and one-on-one meetings. In addition, Platts annually hosts high-profile industry events to announce its Top 250 Global Energy Companies Rankings™ and the winners of the Platts Global Energy Awards, considered the “Oscars” of the energy industry. In 2013, Platts will introduce a third industry recognition program, the Global Metals Awards.
Parent Company
Platts is a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies (NYSE-MHP), a leading global financial information and education company, whose other market-leading brands include Standard & Poor’s, J.D. Power & Associates, Aviation Week, and McGraw-Hill Construction. A McGraw-Hill company since 1953, Platts shares its parent’s long tradition of journalistic independence and integrity, and its steadfast commitment to providing the markets with the highest quality, timely and insightful information.