共找到3條詞條名為黃長水的結果 展開




中國科學院青島生物能源與過程研究所 博士生導師,研究員,中科院“百人計劃”
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin, U.S.美國威斯康辛大學(麥迪遜分校), 材料工程系&化學系 博士后, Associate researcher
中國科學院化學研究所, 有機固體重點實驗室 博士后
中國科學院研究生院 中國科學院化學研究所 研究生,博士學位
中國科學技術大學,化學系 本科,學士學位










1 M. Kim, N. Safron, C.S. Huang, M.S. Arnold, P. Gopalan. Light-Driven Reversible Modulation of Doping in Graphene, Nano Lett.
2 D. J. McGee, C.S. Huang, M. Kim, J. Choi, M.A. Eriksson, P. Gopalan. Molecular Orientation and Photoswitching Kinetics on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes by Optical Second Harmonic Generation. Appl. phys. Lett.
3 C.S. Huang, Randy K. Wang, B. M. Wong, D.J. McGee, F. Léonard, Y.J. Kim, K.F. Johnson, M.S. Arnold, M.A. Eriksson, and P. Gopalan. Spectroscopic Properties of Nanotube–Chromophore Hybrids, ACS Nano
4 C.S. Huang, C.F. Xing, S. Wang, Y.J. Li, H.B. Liu, S.-W.i Lai, C.-M. Che and Y.L. Li. Fabrication of a Well Ordered Microspheres Film for Efficient Antibacterial Activity. Chem. Commun
5 C.S. Huang, Y.L. Li, Y.L. Song, Y.J. Li, H.B. Liu and D.B. Zhu. Ordered Nanosphere Alignment of Porphyrin for the Improvement of Nonlinear Optical Properties. Adv. Mater
6 C.S. Huang, Y.L. Li, J. Yang, N. Cheng, H.B. Liu and Y.J. Li. Construction of Multidimensional Nanostructures by Self-assembly of a Porphyrin Analogue. Chem. Commun
7 N. Chen, C.S. Huang, W.L. Yang, S.H. Chen, H.B. Liu, Y.J. Li and Y.L. Li. Growth Control for Architecture Molecular Conductor of Low Dimension Nanostructures. J. Phys. Chem. C
8 J. Yang, X.F. Liu, C.S. Huang, C.J. Zhou, Y.L. Li, D.B. Zhu. Construction and Photophysical Properties of Organic-Inorganic Nanonetworks Based on Oligo(phenylenevinylene) and Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles. ChemPhysChem
9 Y.J. Zhao, Y.L. Li, Y.J. Li, C.S. Huang, H.B. Liu, S.-W. Lai, C.-M. Che and D.B. Zhu. Self-assembly of Indolocarbazole-containing Macrocyclic Molecules. Org. Biomol. Chem.
10 L.P. Wen, X.F. Liu, N.L. Yang, J. Zhai, C.S. Huang, Y.L. Li, and L Jiang. Photoelectric Conversion Behavior Based on Direct Interfacial Charge-transfer from Porphyrin Derivative to Silicon Nanowires. Appl. Phys. Lett.
11 C.S. Huang, L.P. Wen, H.B. Liu, Y.L. Li, X.F. Liu, M.J. Yuan, J. Zhai, L Jiang, D.B. Zhu. Controllable Growth of 0D to Multidimensional Nanostructures of a Novel Porphyrin Molecule, Adv. Mater.
12 H.B. Liu, S. Cui, Y.B Guo, Y.L. Li, C.S. Huang, Z.C. Zuo, X.D> Yin, Y.L. Song, D.B. Zhu. Fabrication of Large-area Hybrid Nanowires Arrays as Novel Field Emitters, J. Mater. Chem
13 Z.M. Wei, C.S. Huang, Y.L Liu, H.B. Liu, W. Xu, W.P. Hu, Y.L. Li, D.B. Zhu. Field Emission from Nanorod Crystalline Films of a Strong Organic Electron Donor, Tetrathiotetracene. J. Nanosci. Nanotechno.
14 J.L. Xu, X.F. Liu, J. Lv, M. Zhu, C.S. Huang, W.D. Zhou, X.D. Yin, H.B. Liu, Y.L. Li, J.P. Ye. Morphology Transition and Aggregation-Induced Emission of an Intramolecular Charge-Transfer Compound, Langmuir
15 M. Zhu, M.J. Yuan, X.F. Liu, J.L. Xu, J. Lv, C.S. Huang, H.B. Liu, Y.L. Li, S. Wang, D.B. Zhu. Visible Near-Infrared Chemosensor for Mercury Ion, Org. Lett
16 Y.B Guo, Y.L. Li, J.J. Xu, X.F. Liu, J.L. Xu, J. Lv, C.S. Huang, M. Zhu, S. Cui, L Jiang, H.B. Liu, S. Wang. Fabrication of Homogeneous Hybrid Nanorod of Organic/Inorganic Semiconductor Materials, J. Phys. Chem. C
17 J.C. Xiao, J.B. Li, C.H. Li, C.S. Huang, Y.L. Li, S. Cui, S. Wang , H.B. Liu. Mg2+-mediated Self-assembly of an Amphiphilic Pyrene Derivative with Single-stranded DNA. Tetrahedron Lett.
18 C.S. Huang, Y. Zhang, H.B. Liu, S. Cui, C.R. Wang, L Jiang, D.P. Yu, Y.L. Li, D.B. Zhu. Controlled Growth and Field-emission Properties of The Organic Charge-transfer Complex of Kappa-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(SCN)2 Nanorod Arrays, J. Phys. Chem. C
19 C.S. Huang, F.S. Lu, Y.L. Li, H.Y Gan, T.J. Jiu, J.C. Xiao, X.H. Xu, S. Cui, H.B. Liu, D.B. Zhu. A Novel Building Block for Donor-acceptor Conjugated Polymers Containing Perylene, Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), and Fullerene, J. Nanosci. Nanotechno
20 C.S. Huang, N. Wang, Y.L. Li, C.H. Li, J.B. Li, H.B. Liu, D.B. Zhu. A New Class of Conjugated Polymers Having Porphyrin, Poly(p-phenylenevinylene), and Fullerene Units for Efficient Electron Transfer, Macromolecules


1. 黃長水,劉輝彪,李玉良,朱道本. κ-(BEDT-TTF)*Cu(SCN)*納米棒陣列及其製備方法與應用,(中國專利)


1.Y.L. Li, W. Zhou, C.S. Huang. Chapter 7 in Book: Fulerene Polymer: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, edited by Nazario Martin, Francesco Giacalone, WILEY-VCH Verlag Gmbh & Co. KGaA, Weinheim,.