共找到45條詞條名為陳曉東的結果 展開
- 中國香港歌手,作品《倩女幽魂》
- 共青團內蒙古區委書記、黨組書記
- 江蘇省南通市人民政府副市長、黨組成員
- 中國駐南非共和國特命全權大使
- 吉安縣委副書記,吉安高新區黨工委副書記
- 蘇州大學化工創新實驗室主任
- 銀泰商業公司執行董事兼CEO
- 山東省濟南市商河縣委常委、副縣長
- 上海新華醫院副教授
- 貴港市建設投資發展集團有限公司董事長
- 福建省龍岩市政協副主席
- 松原市發展和改革委員會主任
- 山西省政協民族和宗教委員會副主任
- 陝西省人力資源和社會保障廳副廳長
- 中國地質科學院教授
- 中國科學院上海高等研究院研究員
- 畢節市經濟開發區小壩鎮紀委書記
- 廈門雕塑家
- 中國籃球運動員
- 涇源縣政府縣長助理
- 中國台灣電影剪輯
- 國網蚌埠供電公司供電服務指揮中心主任
- 泌陽縣花園中心學校教職工
- 杭州哇噢科技有限公司董事長
- 廣州凱得科技公司董事
- 瀋陽化工學院教授
- 大千家居集團董事長
- 倫敦大學教授
- 佛山市第一人民醫院醫師
- 開化縣市政園林局局長
- 中國社會科學院工業經濟研究所副研究員
- 西南石油學院副教授
- 爐霍縣食品藥品工商質量監督管理局副局長
- 上海京劇院舞美設計師
- 金華市磐安縣風景旅遊管理局黨組成員
- 泉州市第十六屆人民代表大會代表
- 青川縣統計局副局長
- 武當松溪派傳人
- 蘇州鐵道師範學院歷史系副教授
- 武漢市江漢區工商聯合會副會長
- 昆明市人民政府駐北京聯絡處原副主任
- 杭州千佛紙業有限公司總經理
- 中國科學院力學研究所助理研究員
- 作家
- 北京大學第三醫院神經外科醫師
時間 | 院校 | 專業 | 學位 |
1987年 | 清華大學 | 工程力 | |
1991年 | 坎特伯雷大學 | 化學 | 博士學位 |
紐西蘭皇家科學院院士(2000),澳大利亞工程院院士(2007),國家(第二批)引進人才(2010)。主要研究方向為仿生化工,食品與生物化工,功能顆粒技術,換熱器的結垢與清洗,自燃現象及應用數學分析等。院士於1999-2006年任紐西蘭食品工程協會主席,先後擔任紐西蘭奧克蘭大學(The University of Auckland)化工與材料系終身講席教授(2001;37歲)、澳大利亞蒙納士大學(Monash University)化工系生物技術與化學工程講席教授(2006;41歲)、蒙納士大學工程學院副院長(2007-2009)。2010年初至2012年底,曾任廈門大學化學化工學院化學工程與生物工程系系主任。
1.Chew, J., Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D., Selomulya, C. (2014) Mapping the shrinkage behaviour of skim milk droplets during convective drying, Drying Technology (in press)
2.Wang, Y., Che, L.M., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D. (2013) Surface formation phenomena of DHA-contained emulsion during convective droplet drying. Journal of Food Engineering (in press)
3.Putranto, A., Chen, X.D. (2009) An assessment on modelling drying processes: equilibrium multiphase model and the spatial reaction engineering approach (S-REA). Chemical Engineering Research and Design (in press)
4.Chew, S., Mansouri, S., Wardhana, D., Mukhyiddin, A., Buchmann, N., Hapgood, K., Chen, X.D. and Woo, M.W. Lactose microparticle formation from finely atomised droplets, Chemical Engineering Science (in press)
5.Waldron, K., Wu, Z., Wu, W.D., Liu, W., Zhao, D.Y., Chen, X.D. and Selomulya, C.(2014) Formation of uniform large SBA-15 microspheres via spray drying, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (in press)
6.Kazi, S., Duffy, G.G., Chen, X.D. (2014) The effect of varying fiber characteristics on the simultaneous measurement of heat and momentum transfer to flowing fiber suspension, ASME Journal of Heat Transfer (in press)
7.Deng, R., Pang, L., Xu, Y., Li, L., Wu, X., Chen, X.D. (2014) Investigation on a soft tubular model reactor based on bionics of small intestine - residence time distribution, International Journal of Food Engineering (accepted)
8.Zhou, W.B., Chen, X.D. (2014) Steaming the bread, International Journal of Food Engineering (accepted)
9.Zhang, S., Chen, X.D. (2014) Deduction of a porosity-dependent yield criterion and its geometrical description for porous materials. International Journal of Mechanical Science (accepted)
10.Putranto, A., Chen, X.D.* (2014) A simple effective model for modelling of convective drying of sewage sludge: the reaction engineering approach, Procedia Chemistry, 9, 77-87
11.Chew, J., Fu, N., Chen, X.D. and Selomulya, C. (2014) Exploring the drying behaviour and particle formation of high solids milk protein concentrate, Journal of Food Engineering, 143, 186-194
12.May, B., Woo, M.W., Chen, X.D. (2014) Agent selection and protective effects during single droplet drying of bacteria, Food Chemistry (in press)
13.Wu, L.J., Che, L.M., Chen, X.D. (2014) Effect of tea polyphenols on the retro-gradation of amylopectin-rich starch. Journal of Food Science (published)
14.Wu, P., Chen, L., Chen, X.D. (2014) Digestive behaviours of large raw rice particles – comparison between in vivo and in vitro rat stomach systems. Journal of Food Engineering (in press)
15.15.Lallbeeharry, P.Tian, Y., Fu, N., Wu, W.D., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D.* (2014) Effects of ionic and non-ionic surfactants on milk shell wettability during co-drying of whole milk particles. Journal of Dairy Science, 97(9), 5303-5314
16.Fu, N., Wu, W.D., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D. (2014) Inhibitory effects on improving the wettability of whole milk powders by co-drying of surfactants with high solids milk feed. Food and Bioprocess Technology (in press)
17.Kazi, S.N., Duffy, G.G., Chen, X.D. (2014) Validation of heat transfer and friction loss data for fibre suspensions in a circular and a coaxial pipe heat exchanger. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 79, 146-160
18.Lin, R.H., Woo, M.W., Fu, N., Selomulya, C. and Chen, X.D. (2014) In situ observation of taurine crystallisation via single droplet drying, Drying Technology, 31, 13-14
19.Putranto, A., Chen, X.D. (2014) Modelling of water vapour sorption process by employing the reaction engineering approach (REA). Separation and Purification Technology, 122, 456-461
20.Zhang, L., Huang, S., Ananingsih, V.K., Zhou, W.B., Chen, X.D. (2014) A study on Bifidobacterium lactis Bb12 viability in bread during baking. Journal of Food Engineering, 122, 33-37
21.Putranto, A., Chen, X.D. (2014) Examining the suitability of the reaction engineering approach (REA) to modeling local evaporation/condensation rates of materials with various thicknessesDrying Technology, 32(2),208-221
22.Wu, W.D., Liu, W., Gengenbach, T., Woo, M.W., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D., Weeks, M. (2014) Towards spray drying of high solids dairy liquid: effects of feed solid content on particle structure and functionality. Journal of Food Engineering, 123,130-135
23.Huang, S., Yang, Y., Fu, N., Qin, Q., Zhang, L., Chen, X.D.* (2014) Calcium-aggregated milk: a potential new option for improving the viability of lactic acid bacteria under heat stress. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 1-9
24.Wang, Y., Che, L.M., Selomulya, C., Chen, X.D. (2014) Droplet drying behaviour of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-containing emulsion. Chemical Engineering Science, 106, 181-189
25.Xiao, J., Chen, X.D. (2014) Multiscale modeling for surface composition of spray-dried two-component powders.AIChE Journal, 60(7), 2416-2427
26.Waldron, K., W. D. Wu, Z. Wu, W. Liu, C. Selomulya, D. Zhao, and X. D. Chen(2014) Formation of monodisperse mesoporous silica microparticles via spray-drying.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 418, 225-233
27.Tian,Y.,Fu, N., Wu, W.D., and X. D. Chen* (2014) Effects of co-spray drying of surfactants with high solids milk on milk powder wettability. Food and Bioprocess Technology, DOI 10.1007/s11947-014-1323-9
28.Woo, M.W.,Mansouri, S., Chen, X.D. (2014)Antisolvent vapor precipitation: the future of pulmonary drug delivery particle production? Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 11, 307-11.
29.Wang, H., Xin, H., Liao, Z., Li, Q., and X. D. Chen (2014) Study on the effect of cut tobacco drying on the pyrolysis and combustion properties.Drying Technology, 32, 130-34.