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中國科學院地理科學與資源研究所研究員,博士生導師,資源生態與生物資源研究室副主任。2003年獲亞洲理工大學(AIT)自然資源學博士學位(Ph.D.),1999年獲菲律賓大學(University of the Philippines)資源管理學碩士學位 (M.A.),1998年獲德國多特蒙德大學(University of Dortmund, Germany)資源管理學碩士學位。1988、1985年分別獲得西北農業大學農學碩士、學士學位
1. arable land requirements based on food consumption patterns: Case study in rural Guyuan District, Western China. Ecological Economics, 2009.
2. Comparison of sustainability issues in two sensitive areas of China. Environmental Science and Policy, 2009.
3. Land use dynamics, farmers’ preference and policy implications in the Jinghe Watershed of Remote Northwestern China. Outlook on Agriculture, 2007.
4. Sustainability of farmers’ soil fertility management practices: A case study in the North China Plain. Journal of Environmental Management, 2006.
5. Three Dimensions of Sustainability of Farming Practices in the North China Plain: A Case Study from Ningjin County of Shandong Province, PRC. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2005.
6. Resource Use and Agricultural Sustainability: Risks and Consequences of Intensive Cropping in China. 2006. Kassel University Press, Germany. ISSN: 1613-8422.