





近幾年來,負責國家863計劃重點項目、國家自然科學基項目、國際合作研究項目等科研項目。發表論文80餘篇,申請中國發明專利15項(其中授權發明專利5項、國際PCT專利3項,發表SCI和EI收錄論文40餘篇)。曾獲上海市科技進步一等獎 (2008)、山東省科技進步三等獎 (2003) 和山東省高校優秀科研成果二等獎 (2002) 等科研成果獎。




曾獲寶鋼優秀教師獎、國家教學成果二等獎 (2005)、上海市教學成果一等獎 (2005) 和華東理工大學教學成果一等獎(2008) 等教學成果獎。由華東理工大學應用化學研究所所長牟伯中領銜完成的“油藏保護性可持續開發的微生物採油調控技術及工業化應用”項目,榮獲2010年度國家科技進步獎二等獎。


Microbial Lipopeptide Structures & Molecular Aggregates:
Li Y, Zou A-H, Ye R-Q & Mu B-Z*. Counterion-induced changes to themicellization of surfactin-C16 aqueous solution,J Phys Chem,B, 2009,113:15272-15277
Yang S-Z. Liu X-Y & Mu B-Z*. The McLafferty rearrangement in the Glu residue in a cyclic lipopeptide determined by Q-TOF MS/MS.J Mass Spectrom, 2008,43:1673-1678
Liu X-Y, Yang S-Z & Mu B-Z*. Isolation and characterization of a C12-lipopeptide produced byBacillus subtilis HSO 121.J Peptide Sci, 2008,14:864-875
Yang S-Z, Wei D-Z & Mu B-Z*. Determination of the structure of the fatty acid chain in a cyclic lipopeptide using GC-MS.J Biochem Biophys Meth, 2007, 70:519-523
Yang S-Z, Wei D-Z & Mu B-Z*. Determination of the amino acid sequence in a cyclic lipopeptide using MS with DHT mechanism.J Biochem Biophys Meth, 2006, 68:69-74
Interfacial Behavior & Microbial Transport in Porous Media:
Gang H-Z, Liu J-F & Mu B-Z*. Molecular dynamics simulation of surfactin derivatives at the decane/water interface at low surface coverage.J Phys Chem,B, 2010,114:2728–2737
Liu J, Zou A-H & Mu B-Z*. Toluidine blue: aggregation properties and distribution behavior in surfactin micelle solution.Colloid Surf B, 2009, 75:496-500
Gang H-Z, Liu M-T & Mu B-Z*. Modeling of microorganism transport in a cylindrical pore.J Industrial Microbiol Biotech, 2008,35:495-500
Song C-S, Ye R-Q & Mu B-Z*. Aggregation behavior and surface morphology studies of surfactin in Langmuir-Blodgett films.Colloid Surf A, 2008, 330: 49-54
Song C-S, Ye R-Q & Mu B-Z*. Molecular behavior of a microbial lipopeptide monolayer at the air-water interface.Colloid Surface A, 2007, 302:82-87
Molecular Microbial Communities in Petroleum Reservoir:
Wang L-Y, Mbadinga Maurice, Zhou L, Liu J-F, Yang S-Z, Mu B-Z*. The Microbial Community in Methanogenic Enrichment of Production Water from Oil Reservoirs.ISME J(in review)
Li H, Yang S-Z, Mu B-Z*,et al. Molecular phylogenetic diversity of the microbial community associated with a high-temperature petroleum reservoir at an offshore oilfield.FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 2007, 60:74-84
Li H, Yang S-Z, Mu B-Z*. Phylogenetic diversity of the archaeal community in a continental high- temperature, water-flooded petroleum reservoir.Curr Microbiol, 2007,55:382-388
Li H, Yang S-Z, Mu B-Z*,et al. Molecular analysis of bacterial community structure in a continental high-temperature and water-flooded petroleum reservoir.FEMS Microbiol Lett, 2006,257:92-98
Liu JF, Ma LJ, Mu B-Z*,et al. The field pilot of microbial enhanced oil recovery in a high temperature petroleum reservoir.J Petrol Sci Eng, 2005, 48:265-271