潘銘燊 Ming Sun Poon
(Pinyin Romanization: Mingshen Pan / Preferred name: Ming Poon)
Ming Poon (born January 22, 1945), a scholar and writer who traverses both sides of the Pacific. With nativity in Guangdong's Zhongshan County, he was born in Hong Kong. Having received education in Hong Kong till college, he pursued graduate study in the US After teaching in Hong Kong for 15 years he moved to Vancouver and obtained Canadian citizenship there. Then he resumed teaching in Hong Kong. Since 2003 he returned to the US, working as librarian. In academic pursuit he focuses on literature, history and bibliography; in occupational choice he worked as professor and research librarian. Other than in his college years when different pen-names had been used, he consistently used his real name in all kinds of writing, including scholarly articles as well as creative writing.
■ 生平Biography
■ 主要作品Chief published works
■ 潘銘燊研究Studies on Ming Poon
■ 佚聞Anecdotes
■ 參考文獻References
■ 生平Biography
■ 早年Childhood and youth
Born to a merchant family in a declining business, Poon spent his childhood/boyhood in a small attic behind a shop. He and his brother Ming Shing, two-year-and-two-days older than he, studied in Puiching Middle School, Hong Kong. Successful in the primary school certificate examination he was assigned to King's College, a government secondary school. His brother stayed on in Puiching.
中學時代,跟隨校風潮流攻讀理科,目標為香港大學醫學院。 1960年10月,比他年長兩歲的兄長突發急病,短短五日便即夭折。潘銘燊悲痛之餘,學醫之意更決,但港大入學考試期間嚴重失眠,終於無緣於醫學院。竟作180度轉變,進入新成立的香港中文大學,攻讀中文系,時為1965年。
Poon followed the stream of the science-oriented King's College taking mostly science subjects and eyeing at the School of Medicine of the University of Hong Kong. October 1960 saw the untimely death of his brother after a brief illness of only 5 days. In extreme sorrow he became even more determined to enter into the medical school. Unfortunately, severe insomnia during the Matriculation Examination rendered his efforts in vain. Surprisingly choosing a sharp turn he entered into the newly-established Chinese University of Hong Kong majoring in Chinese Language and Literature. It was 1965.
■ 1965-1969年
A veteran science student, Poon managed to excel in literature study, gain recognition by his professor Chung Ying-mei and became intensely interested in Classical Chinese Literature, especially the poems of Tao Qian. In his spare time he involved himself in student union work, was Chief Editor of the Chung Chi College Student Biweekly, and taught Biology and Geography in Pax Romana Evening Secondary School to earn a living.
■ 1969-1970年
A scholarship offered by the University of California brought him to Berkeley, California where he finished the Master of Library Science program in 10 months.
■ 1970-1973年
因大學期間已經從崇基學院容啟東校長及崇基文學院沉宣仁院長(皆芝加哥大學校友)口中得聞芝加哥大學錢存訓教授學術專長,而碩士課程指定參考書中有錢氏著Written on Bamboo and Silk,於是取得碩士學位后隨即轉校芝加哥大學。時錢氏已經獲得英國劍橋大學李約瑟博士邀請,為其中國科技史大系撰寫Paper and Printing一書,於是潘銘燊提出Books and Printing in Sung China, 960-1279為研究課題,冀望能夠參與李約瑟大系的研究與寫作。
Having an early knowledge of the scholarly achievement of Professor Tsuen-hsuin Tsien, his admiration for Tsien was further strengthened by finding Tsien's book Written on Bamboo and Silk among the assigned reading list in his Master's program. He therefore went straight to the University of Chicago right after obtaining his MLS from Berkeley. Tsien at that time had just received invitation from Dr. Joseph Needham to write the book Paper and Printing in Needham's Science and Civilization in China series. In order to reap a small share in Needham's monumenal project Poon proposed 「Books and Printing in Sung China, 960-1279」 as his dissertation topic.
■ 1973-1979年
因為得到香港中文大學鍾應梅教授來信邀請回校任教,潘銘燊遂將博士研究課題帶回香港,一面執教一面撰寫論文。期間曾返芝加哥數次,收集資料,並曾到台灣看宋版書。 1979年回芝加哥大學領取博士文憑,並協助Paper and Printing的寫作,為時半年。
Upon the invitation extended by his previous mentor, Professor Chung Ying-mei, Poon returned to Hong Kong to teach in his alma mater, planning to finish the dissertation in Hong Kong. In the meantime he was back to Chicago several times for dissertation research and went to Taiwan to look at the Sung imprints there. In 1979 he returned to Chicago for the PhD graduation ceremony after which he stayed for half a year assisting Tsien in research for preparing the book Paper and Printing.
■ 1979-1987年
After receiving doctoral degree from Chicago, Poon concentrated in pedagogical work at the Chinese University of Hong Kong offering several courses that are new to the department as well as to himself, including Chinese Bibliography, Chinese Rhetoric, Classical Chinese Fiction, etc. He began to publish in newspapers and magazines. Since 1986 he became a columnist in Hong Kong's Sing Tao Jih Pao.
■ 1987-1988年
Mindful of the fast development of computers Poon availed himself of the opportunity of sabbatical leave and spent a year at the University of California Berkeley Campus for an advanced certificate in Information Studies and Legal Bibliography. With this academic refreshment he secured an appointment of curatorship of East Asian Library and professorship in East Asian Studies. But he finally chose not to accept the offer.
■ 1989-1993年
With an immigrant visa Poon landed at Vancouver, Canada. He became the curator of a private Library of Chinese Culture and for a short period worked half-time in the Asia Library, University of British Columbia authenticating the Chinese rare books of the Pu-pan Collection. During his Canadian residency he continued to publish in Hong Kong newspapers, started a Maplebridge Publications Limited with several Vancouverites and became the Vice President of the Chinese Canadian Writers Association. He won the international Liang Shi-chiu Literary Prize in Translation in 1992.
■ 1993-1996年
To take care of his ailing parents Poon returned to Hong Kong and taught in the City University of Hong Kong. Among the courses he offered were Hongloumeng Study, Chinese Rhetoric, etc.
■ 1996-2002年
The newly-established Hong Kong Institute of Education offered him the position of Principal Lecturer (equivalent of Chair Professor) in the Department of Chinese. The courses he offered included Classical Chinese Fiction, Chinese Rhetoric, Logic of Chinese Language, etc. He coordinated a team of colleagues to publish articles on language issues in a column of Ming Pao. His mother deceased in 2000, followed by the death of his father in 2002.
■ 2003至今
潘銘燊與太太趙曉妹女士現居美國首都華盛頓近郊馬里來州。Carrying only two pieces of luggage Poon returned to the US alone seeking jobs. He became a research librarian in the Library of Congress where he was awarded distinguished service prizes multiple times. He read several conference papers on different topics that were later published in proceedings. ■ 主要作品獨著■ Books and Printing in Sung China, 960-1279. PhD dissertation. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1979.■ 紅樓夢人物索引. 香港: 1983.■ 中國古典小說論文目. 香港: 1984.■ 三言兩拍提要. 香港: 1988.■ 石頭記年日考. 香港: 1988.■ 廣東地方志傳記索引. 香港: 1988.■ 斷鴻篇. 香港: 1988.■ 三隨篇. 香港: 1989.■ 車喧齋隨筆. 香港: 1989.■ 溫哥華書簡. 香港: 1989.■ 加華心聲錄. 溫哥華: 1990.■ 廉政論. 北京: 1991.■ 溫哥華雜碎. 溫哥華: 1991.■ 人生邊上補白. 溫哥華: 1992.■ 非花軒雜文. 香港: 1994.■ 小鮮集. 溫哥華: 1995.■ 轉向. 北京: 1995.■ 魔鬼夜訪潘銘燊先生. 上海: 1996.■ 為螃蟹翻案——潘銘燊散文選. 香港: 1997.■ 不栽花者. 北京: 1998.■ 天地一書囚. 香港: 1998.■ 熱鬧的寂寞. 新加坡: 1999.合著 / 合譯 / 合編校■ Longman Learner's Dictionary of Idiomatic English = 朗文實用英語慣用語詞典(English-Chinese). Hong Kong: 1993. (Co-editor)■ Longman Handy Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary = 朗文袖珍英漢雙解精選詞典. Shanghai & Hong Kong: 1994. (Co-editor)■ 中文修辭自學通——新修辭學. 香港: 1999.■ Longman Learners' Guide to Prepositions = 朗文教你英語介詞(English-Chinese). Beijing: 2000. (Co-editor)■ 網上尋法中國篇. 香港: 2007. (Co-author / Chief Editor)■ Book of Three Arts. Guilin: 2014. (Co-translator)■ 潘銘燊研究■ 潘銘燊作品評論集(潘亞暾編). 廣州: 1994.■ 「小鮮大國」: 潘銘燊散文研究(鄧東山著). 浙江大學碩士學位論文, 2003.■ 中國當代藝術美國交流記錄項目彙編(美國亞洲文化學院藝術中心)2005-2012.■ 佚聞■ 潘銘燊在香港中文大學任教初期,年齡在30上下。當時校內考試都由文員輪班監考,出題老師在開考後到試場看閱試題有無印錯。有多次他趕到試場,監考文員都對他說:「快找座位坐下,考試開始了!」因長相年輕,年齡常被錯估。看病時,曾有醫生請教他保養方法。■ 編輯《潘銘燊作品評論集》的暨南大學潘亞暾教授,熟知他為回香港奉養雙親而放棄美國高薪厚職的事迹,曾對人笑說:「潘銘燊是中國歷史上第二十五個孝子——在他之前只有二十四個。」■ 潘銘燊居住超過一年的城市包括:香港、柏克萊、芝加哥、溫哥華、大華府,因此有漂泊無根之感,而自稱為「東南西北人」。■ 潘銘燊最崇敬的作家是錢鍾書,步武錢氏題材寫作《人生邊上補白》。他寄送一本給錢鍾書討教,自稱「邯鄲學步」。錢氏復函中有句「邯鄲學步云乎哉,後來居上而已矣!」對潘氏風格表示肯定。■ 余光中為潘銘燊雜文《小鮮集》寫序,把雜文藝術譬喻為「一面小旗,滿天風勢」,認為「潘銘燊的這面小旗迎風招展,頗有可觀,因為喂旗的長風吹拂不斷。若問風從何來,則大致有三個方向:廣泛的人生體驗,當代的社會觀察、中西文化尤其是文學的修養。」■ 主要參考文獻書籍■ 盧子健、何安達編《香港名人錄》. 香港: 天地圖書公司, 1995年. 頁572.■ 香港作家聯會編《香港作家小傳》. 香港: 香港作家出版社, 1997年11月. 頁412-424.■ 蔡敦祺編《一九九七年香港文學年鑒》. 香港: 香港文學年鑒學會, 1995年5月. 頁649.■ 王為松《文字的誘引》.(上海: 文匯出版社, 1999年1月), 頁156-159.■ 劉登翰主編《香港文學史》.(香港: 香港作家出版社, 1997年8月), 頁476-478;(北京: 人民文學出版社, 1999年4月), 頁596-599.■ 范培松編《中國文學通典散文通典》. 北京: 解放軍文藝出版社, 1999年1月. 頁804-805.論文■ 余光中「烹小鮮如治大國——序潘銘燊的《小鮮集》」 《星島日報》(香港: 1993年4月8, 9, 10日)■ 喻大翔「潘銘燊的散文論」 《海南師院學報》(海口: 1995年2, 3月)■ 錢虹「筆路清暢, 學養豐足的小品妙手——香港學者潘銘燊和他的散文小品」 《語文學習》(上海: 1996年), 頁14-17.■ 錢虹「從『斷鴻』哀鳴到『小鮮』入筵——評香港學者潘銘燊的散文創作」 《台港與海外華文文學》(福州: 1997年5月)頁29-31, 35.■ 劉介民「潘銘燊美文的藝術構思」 《廣州師院學報》9卷2期(廣州: 1998年2月)頁14-20, 98.■ 李俊國「東南西北人, 天地一書囚——香港學者潘銘燊散文散論」 《火浴的鳳凰· 恆在的繆思》(武漢: 湖北人民出版社, 2000年7月)頁343-349.■ 周燕芬「潘銘燊的雜文風格及其意義」《火浴的鳳凰· 恆在的繆思》(武漢: 湖北人民出版社, 2000年7月)頁343-349.