共找到3條詞條名為周林燕的結果 展開






1997-2001年 西南師範大學生命科學學院 生物製藥專業學士學位。
2004-2007年日本國立基礎生物研究所 生殖與發育生物學 博士學位。


2007.10-2008.3 日本國立基礎生物研究所博士后研究員。
2008.4-2010.3 日本國立基礎生物研究所JSPS博士后研究員。




1.Wang DS, Zhou LY, Kobayashi T, Matsuda M, Shibata Y, Sakai F and Nagahama Y 2010, Dmrt1 repression of aromatase transcription, a possible mechanism favoring the male pathway in tilapia. Endocrinology 151:1331-1340 (Impact factor 5.3)
2.Zhang WL, Zhou LY*, Senthilkumaran B, Huang BF, Sudhakumari CC, Kobayashi T, Nagahama Y, Wang DS. 2010Molecular cloning of two isoforms of 11beta-hydroxylase and their expressions in the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus.Gen Comp Endocrinol. 165(1):34-41 (Impact factor: 2.7)(*:equal contribution)
3.Wu FR, Zhou LY, Nagahama Y, Wang DS. 2009.Duplication and distinct expression patterns of two thrombospondin-1 isoforms in teleost fishes.Gene Expr Patterns. 9(6):436-443 (Impact factor: 2.2)
4.Zhou LY, Wang DS, Kobayashi T, Yano A, Paul-Prasanth B, Suzuki A, Sakai F, Nagahama Y. 2007 A novel type of P450c17 lacking the lyase activity is responsible for C21-steroid biosynthesis in the fish ovary and head kidney. Endocrinology, 148(9):4282-91(Impact factor: 5.3)
5.Zhou LY, Wang DS, Shibata Yasushi,Paul-Prasanth B, Suzuki A, Nagahama Y 2007 Characterization, expression and transcriptional regulation of P450c17-I and -II in the medaka. Biochem Biophys Res Commun362(3):619-25.(Impact factor: 3.0)
6.Zhou LY, Wang DS, Senthilkumaran B, Yoshikuni M, Shibata Y, Kobayashi T, Sudhakumari CC, Nagahama Y. 2005 Cloning, expression and characterization of three types of 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases from the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. J Mol Endocrinol35:103-116. (Impact factor: 2.988)
7.Zhou LY, Senthilkumaran B, Wang DS, Sudhakumari CC, Kobayashi T, Kobayashi HK, Matsuda M, Yoshikuni M, Nagahama Y. 2003 Partial cloning of 17B-HSD1 from the Nile tilapia ovary and its expression pattern during spawning cycle.Fish Physiology and Biochemistry28: 381–382. (Impact factor: 0.558)
8.Wang DS, Kobayashi T, Zhou LY, Paul-Prasanth B, Ijiri S, Sakai F, Okubo K, Morohashi K, Nagahama Y. 2007Foxl2 Up-Regulates Aromatase Gene Transcription in a Female-Specific Manner by Binding to the Promoter as Well as Interacting with Ad4 Binding Protein/Steroidogenic Factor 1.Mol Endocrinol, 21: 712-725. (Impact factor: 5.8)
9.Liu Z, Wu F, Jiao B, Zhang X, Hu C, Huang B, Zhou L, Huang X, Wang Z, Zhang Y, Nagahama Y, Cheng C, Wang D. 2007 Molecular cloning of doublesex and mab-3-related transcription factor 1, forkhead transcription factor gene 2, and two types of cytochrome P450 aromatase in Southern catfish and their possible roles in sex differentiation.J Endocrinol 194: 223-241. (Impact factor: 3.072)
10.Wang DS, Kobayashi T, Zhou LY, Nagahama Y. 2004 Molecular cloning and gene expression of Foxl2inthe Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus.Biochem Biophys Res Commun320: 83-89 (Impact factor: 2.855)
11.周林燕,張修月,王德壽. 2004 脊椎動物性別決定和分化的分子機制研究進展. 動物學研究. 25:81-88.
12.周林燕,焦保衛,王德壽. 2003 哺乳動物性別決定機理研究進展. 海南大學學報自然科學版. 21:78-84.