共找到46條詞條名為王智的結果 展開







• 2015/09-2016/04,美國勞倫斯-伯克利國家實驗室,訪問學者
• 2013/07-至今,北京大學,物理學院,副教授
• 2010/08-2013/07,北京大學,物理學院,講師


• 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目,強流RFQ&SFRFQ組合加速器中關鍵物理問題的研究,批准號:10905003,項目起止時間:2010.1-2012.12,主持,已結題。
• 973重大基礎研究計劃,強流高功率新結構離子直線加速器RFQ研究,批准號:2014CB845500,項目起止時間:2014.1-2018.12,參加,在研。
• 國家自然科學基金重點項目,高電荷態重離子RFQ加速器研究,批准號:11079001,項目起止時間:2011.1-2014.12,參加,已結題。
• 國家自然科學基金重大研究計劃培育項目,ADS用新型等離子體窗,批准號:91026012,項目起止時間:2011/01-2013/12,參加,已結題。


J.Qiang, Z.Wang, H.P.Li, A new RFQ model and symplectic multi-particle tracking in the IMPACT code suite, Jacow Proceedings of HB2016: THPM7Y01. (2016)
W.L. Xia, Z. Wang(通訊作者), Y.R. Lu, J. Chen, J. Zhao, H.T. Ren, K. Zhu, S.X. Peng, J.E. Chen,Beam optimization of helium injector for coupled RFQ–SFRFQ linac,Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A 756:55-61(2014)
W. L. Xia, Z. Wang(通訊作者),Y. R. Lu, K. Zhu, S. L. Gao, S. X. Peng, J. Zhao, X. Q. Yan, Z. Y. Guo, J. E. Chen,Study of the energy modulated electron cyclotron resonance ion source for the coupled RFQ-SFRFQ cavity,Jacow Proceedings of IPAC2014: TUPME053. (2014)
M.L.Kang,Z.Wang (通訊作者), J.E.Chen, Y.R.Lu, K.Zhu, S.L.Gao, X.Q.Yan, S.X.Peng, J.Zhao, H.T.Ren,Z.Y.Guo. Beam experiments on the RFQ and SFRFQ combined accelerator system, Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A 701:273-277 (2013)
G.Liu, Y.R.Lu, Y.He,Z.Wang (通訊作者), C.Xiao, S.L.Gao, Y.Q.Yang, K.Zhu, X.Q.Yan,J.E.Chen, Y.J.Yuan, H.W.Zhao, Design of a CW high charge state heavy ion RFQ for SSC-LINAC, Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A 701:186-193 (2013)
Z.Wang, J.E.Chen, M.L.Kang, Y.R.Lu, W.L.Xia, S.L.Gao, Z.Y.Guo, G.Liu, S.X.Peng, H.T.Ren, X.Q.Yan, J.Zhao, and K.Zhu. Design of coupled cavity with energy modulated electron cyclotron resonance ion source for materials irradiation research, Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators And Beams, 15:050101(2012)
Z.Wang, W.L.Xia, J.E.Chen, Y.R.Lu, S.L.Gao, S.X.Peng, Z.Y.Guo,X.Q.Yan, K.Zhu, J.Zhao. Progress on coupled RFQ-SFRFQ accelerator for materials irradiation research , Jacow Proceedings of IPAC2012: THPPC013. (2012)
G. Liu, Y. R. Lu,Z. Wang,K.Zhu, X.Q.Yan, S.L.Gao,Q.F.Zhou,J.E.Chen, Y.He, C.Xiao, Y.Q.Yang,Y.J.Yuan,H.W.Zhao. A CW high charge state heavy ion RFQ accelerator for SSC-LINAC injector, Jacow Proceedings of IPAC2012: THPPP041. (2012)
J.Qiang, Z.Wang, H.P.Li, A new RFQ model and symplectic multi-particle tracking in the IMPACT code suite, Jacow Proceedings of HB2016: THPM7Y01. (2016)
W.L. Xia, Z. Wang(通訊作者), Y.R. Lu, J. Chen, J. Zhao, H.T. Ren, K. Zhu, S.X. Peng, J.E. Chen,Beam optimization of helium injector for coupled RFQ–SFRFQ linac,Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A 756:55-61(2014)
W. L. Xia, Z. Wang(通訊作者),Y. R. Lu, K. Zhu, S. L. Gao, S. X. Peng, J. Zhao, X. Q. Yan, Z. Y. Guo, J. E. Chen,Study of the energy modulated electron cyclotron resonance ion source for the coupled RFQ-SFRFQ cavity,Jacow Proceedings of IPAC2014: TUPME053. (2014)
M.L.Kang,Z.Wang (通訊作者), J.E.Chen, Y.R.Lu, K.Zhu, S.L.Gao, X.Q.Yan, S.X.Peng, J.Zhao, H.T.Ren,Z.Y.Guo. Beam experiments on the RFQ and SFRFQ combined accelerator system, Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A 701:273-277 (2013)
G.Liu, Y.R.Lu, Y.He,Z.Wang (通訊作者), C.Xiao, S.L.Gao, Y.Q.Yang, K.Zhu, X.Q.Yan,J.E.Chen, Y.J.Yuan, H.W.Zhao, Design of a CW high charge state heavy ion RFQ for SSC-LINAC, Nuclear Instrument and Methods in Physics Research A 701:186-193 (2013)
Z.Wang, J.E.Chen, M.L.Kang, Y.R.Lu, W.L.Xia, S.L.Gao, Z.Y.Guo, G.Liu, S.X.Peng, H.T.Ren, X.Q.Yan, J.Zhao, and K.Zhu. Design of coupled cavity with energy modulated electron cyclotron resonance ion source for materials irradiation research, Physical Review Special Topics-Accelerators And Beams, 15:050101(2012)
Z.Wang, W.L.Xia, J.E.Chen, Y.R.Lu, S.L.Gao, S.X.Peng, Z.Y.Guo,X.Q.Yan, K.Zhu, J.Zhao. Progress on coupled RFQ-SFRFQ accelerator for materials irradiation research , Jacow Proceedings of IPAC2012: THPPC013. (2012)
G. Liu, Y. R. Lu,Z. Wang,K.Zhu, X.Q.Yan, S.L.Gao,Q.F.Zhou,J.E.Chen, Y.He, C.Xiao, Y.Q.Yang,Y.J.Yuan,H.W.Zhao. A CW high charge state heavy ion RFQ accelerator for SSC-LINAC injector, Jacow Proceedings of IPAC2012: THPPP041. (2012)