

王侃侃,博士生導師,研究員。上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院醫學基因組學國家重點實驗室,擔任課題組組長,主要研究方向是應用系統生物學理念和方法研究白血病發生及治療的分子機制,研究成果發表在Cancer Cell、Blood、PNAS、Oncogene、Cancer Research等國際知名刊物上。


王侃侃,博士生導師,研究員。2002年回國后加入上海交通大學醫學院附屬瑞金醫院醫學基因組學國家重點實驗室,擔任課題組組長,主要研究方向是應用系統生物學理念和方法研究白血病發生及治療的分子機制,研究成果發表在Cancer Cell、Blood、PNAS、Oncogene、Cancer Research等國際知名刊物上。近年來,承擔863、973和國家自然基金、上海市科委國際合作等多項國家級和省部級課題,並先後獲得上海市科技啟明星計劃、啟明星跟蹤計劃、教育部新世紀優秀人才計劃、上海市曙光計劃、明治乳業傑出獎等人才基金的資助。近年來的科研成果獲得中華醫學科技獎二等獎、上海市科技進步一等獎、教育部科技進步一等獎等。




1.Wang K, Wang P, Shi J, Zhu X, He M, Jia X, Yang X, Qiu F, Jin W, Qian M, Fang H, Mi J, Yang X, Xiao H, Mark Minden, Du Y, Chen Z, and Zhang J. PML/RAR Targets Promoter Regions Containing PU.1 Consensus and RARE Half Sites in Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia. Cancer Cell 2010, 17, 186-197
2.Yan J, Wang K, Dong L, Liu H, Chen W, Xi W, Ding Q, Kieffer N, Caen J, Chen S, Chen Z and Xi X. PML/RARα fusion protein transactivates the tissue factor promoter through a GAGC-containing element without direct DNA association. PNAS 2010, 107:3716-3721
3.Wang K, Fang H, Xiao D, Zhu X, He M, Pan X, Shi J, Zhang H, Jia X, Du Y and Zhang J. Converting Redox Signaling to Apoptotic Activities by Stress-Responsive Regulators HSF1 and NRF2 in Fenretinide Treated Cancer Cells. PLoS One 2009, 4, e7538
4.Fang H, Zhang J and Wang K. Connecting biological themes using a single human network of gene associations. IEEE Computer Society IJCBS 2009, 463-471
5.Luo R, Wei H, Ye L, Wang K, Chen F, Luo L, Liu L, Li Y, Crabbe MJ, Jin L, Li Y, and Zhong Y. Photosynthetic metabolism of C3 plants shows highly cooperative regulation under changing environments: a systems biological analysis. PNAS 2009, 106(3):847-852.
6.Fang H, Wang K, Zhang J. Transcriptome and proteome analyses of drug interactions with natural products. Current Drug Metabolism 2008, 9(10):1037-1047
7.Du Y, Wang K, Fang H, Li J, Xiao D, Zheng P, Chen Y, Pan X, Fan H, Zhao C, Zhang Q, Auffray C, Chen S, Chen Z and Zhang J. Coordination of Intrinsic, Extrinsic and Endoplasmic Reticulum- Mediated Apoptosis by Imatinib Mesylate Combined with Arsenic Trioxide in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Blood 2006, 107 (4) :1582-1590
8.Zheng P, Wang K, Zhang Q, Huang Q, Du Y, Zhang Q, Xiao D, Shen S, Imbeaud S, Eveno E, Zhao CJ, Chen YL, Fan HY, Waxman S, Auffray C, Jin G, Chen SJ, Chen Z and Zhang J. Systems analysis of transcriptome and proteome in retinoic acid/arsenic trioxide-induced cell differentiation/apoptosis of promyelocytic leukemia. PNAS 2005, 102:7653-7658