









1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金(60705036): 多機器人協調探測未知環境的關鍵問題初探,獨立主持.
2. 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動項目:自主智能機器人的研製及其視覺研究,獨立主持
3. 北京市教委科研面上項目(KM201010005004): 基於自然路標提取的移動機器人構建環境全局地圖的研究,獨立主持
4. 北京市組織部優秀人才計劃(20061D0501500204): 多機器人協調構建環境地圖的關鍵問題研究,獨立主持
5. 北京市教委青年拔尖人才計劃:機器人對未知環境中的動態目標檢測,獨立主持
6. 北京工業大學青年基金會會長: 自主足球機器人平台的建立與研究,獨立主持
7. 北京工業大學博士科研啟動基金:多機器人系統協調探測未知環境的研究 ,獨立主持
8. 中國科學院自動化所複雜系統實驗室開放課題(20070104): 雙臂模塊機器人協調操作系統的運動學研究,獨立主持
9. 北京市人才強教計劃(PHR(IHLB)):驅動柔性機器人動力學與控制研究,主要成員參與


1. Su Liying, Wang Shucai, Wang Kun. An Algorithm of Moving Objects Detection for Indoor environment based on Laser and Vision. Proceedings of the Int conf Mechatronicas and Automation.Beijing, Aug. ,2011
2. Su Liying, Wang Shucai, Wang Kun. Moving Object Detection and tracking for Indoor environment . Proceedings of the Int Conf. Electron& Mechanical Engineering and Information. Haerbin, Aug. ,2011
3. Su Liying, Wang Kun, Wang Shucai. Simultaneous Localization and Mapping based on improved Particle Filter in Grid Map. Proceedings of the Int Conf. Electron& Mechanical Engineering and Information. Haerbin, Aug. ,2011
4. Liu Shanzeng, Yu Yueqing, Zhu Shanzhen, Su Liying. Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of 3-RRS Parallel Manipulator with Flexible Links. Journal of Central South University of Technology. 2010(17):323-331.
5. Su Liying,Shi Lei, Yu Yueqing, Xia Qixiao. Bolt and Screw Assemblage through Collaborative Kinematics Operation of Two Modular Robots Based on the Position Feedback. Proceedings of the Int Conf of Information and Automation. Zhuhai, Jun., 2009.
6. Liying Su,Lei Shi, Yueqing Yu. Collaborative Assembly Operation between Two Modular Robots Based on the Optical Position Feedback. International Journal of Robotics. Dec. 2009.
15. Liying Su, Min Tan. A Virtual Centrifugal Force Based Navigation Algorithm for Explorative Robotic Tasks in Unknown Environments. International Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems. Vol.51, April, 2005. pp.261-274
16. Liying Su, Yueqing Yu,Lei Shi, Qixiao Xia. Bolt and Screw Assemblage through Collaborative Kinematics Operation of Two Modular Robots Based on the Position Feedback. IEEE International Conferences on Information and Automation, Jun. 2009. Zhuhai,China.
17. Liying Su, Yueqing Yu, Wei Chen, Zhiqiang Cao, and Min Tan. Extraction of Topological Map Based on the Characteristic Corners from Grid Environment Exploration. IEEE International Conferences on Cybernetics & Intelligent Systems and Robotics, Automation & Mechatronics, Bangkok, Thailand. July 2006. pp.772-777
18. Liying Su, Yueqing Yu, Min Tan, and Guoping Liu. Environment Exploration Using a Navigation Algorithm Based on Virtual Centrifugal Force. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference of Robotics and Automation (ICRA2004), New Orleans, USA, April 2004. pp.4259-4264
19. Liying Su, Min Tan and et al. Environment Exploration with Multiple Mobile Robots. The 4th Asian Control Conference(ASCC’02), Singapore, September, 2002.
20. Shanzeng Liu,Yueqing Yu, Liying Su, Qingbo Liu, Guoning Si.Dynamic modeling and analysis of 3-RRS parallel manipulator with flexible links. Journal of the University of Central South. 2010
21. Liu Xinfu, Li Jinhai, Su Liying, Chen Juchuan. Application Research on the Conception Design of Function-means Tree Based on CE. Proceedings of ‘99 International Conference on Management Science& Engineering, China,1999.
22. DU Zhaocai, YU yueqing, SU Liying. Sensitivity Analysis for Dynamic Characteristic of Flexible Parallel Robots. IEEE international conference on robotics and biomimetics, December 17-20, 2006, Kunming,China.
23. DU Zhaocai, YU yueqing, SU Liying. Analysis of Dynamic Stress and Fatigue Property of Flexible Robots. IEEE International conference on robotics and biomimetics, December 17-20, 2006, Kunming,China.
24. DU Zhao-cai, YU Yue-qing, SU Li-ying. Influences of inertia parameters of rigid moving platform on flexible parallel robots dynamic property and optimum design. 12th IFToMM World Congress, France, June18-21, 2007
25. Liu Qingbo,Yu Yueqing,Su Liying. A new hierarchical fuzzy control method for 2-DOF underactuated robots. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD 2007.Vol(2), Hainan, China, August, 2007, pp.540-545
26. Wang Liying, Fang Youtong, Suliying, Liu Baoyou. On Fault Diagnosis and Inspection Policy for Deteriorating System。Proceedings of the 26th Chinese Control Conference,2007 pp. 477-481
27. Chen Wei, Yu Yueqing, Zhang Xuping, Su Liying. Vibration Controllability of Under actuated Robots with Flexible links. International Technology and Innovation Conference 2006—Advanced Manufacturing Technologies. November 6-8,2006, Hangzhou, China.