共找到181條詞條名為楊軍的結果 展開



楊軍,男,博士,研究員,博士生導師,福建省傑青,廈門市傑青,現為中國生態學學會淡水生態專業委員會委員,中國動物學會原生動物學分會理事,國際微生物生態學會(ISME)會員,European Journal of Ecology編委,作為大會主席成功組織召開第6屆國際有殼蟲學術會議(ISTA6)。


姓 名: 楊軍
性 別: 男
職 稱: 研究員
通訊地址: 廈門市集美大道1799號






中國生態學學會淡水生態專業委員會委員,中國動物學會原生動物學分會理事,國際微生物生態學會(ISME)會員,European Journal of Ecology編委,作為大會主席成功組織召開第6屆國際有殼蟲學術會議(ISTA6)。




1) Wang HT, Liao GS, D’Souza M, Yu XQ, Yang J, Yang XR, Zheng TL. 2015. Temporal and spatial variations of greenhouse gas fluxes from a tidal mangrove wetland in Southeast China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5440-4 (SCI源刊)
2) 王麗娜, 陳輝煌, 劉樂冕, 余正, 楊軍*. 2015. 亞熱帶分層水庫固氮微生物時空分佈格局. 生態學報 DOI: 10.5846/stxb201504250854 (通訊作者)
3) Wang LN, Yu Z, Yang J*, Zhou J. 2015. Diazotrophic bacterial community variability in a subtropical deep reservoir is correlated with seasonal changes in nitrogen. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22:19695–19705 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
4) Wang YM, Liu LM, Chen HH, Yang J*. 2015. Spatiotemporal dynamics and determinants of planktonic bacterial and microeukaryotic communities in a Chinese subtropical river. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 99: 9255–9266 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
5) 王麗娜, 余正, 田野, 張文靜, 楊軍*. 2015. 基於克隆文庫技術分析瘤棘砂殼蟲的食物組成. 生態學報, 35: 6183–6188 (通訊作者)
6) Liu LM#, Yang J#, Lv H#, Yu XQ, Wilkinson DM, Yang J*. 2015. Phytoplankton communities exhibit a stronger response to environmental changes than bacterioplankton in three subtropical reservoirs. Environmental Science & Technology 49: 10850–10858 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
7) Liu Y, Yang J*. 2015. Complete mitochondrial genome of Esox reichertii (Amur pike). Mitochondrial DNA 26: 927–928 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
8) Liu LM, Yang J*, Yu Z, Wilkinson DM. 2015. The biogeography of abundant and rare bacterioplankton in the lakes and reservoirs of China. The ISME Journal 9: 2068–2077 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
9) Yu Z, Yang J*, Liu LM, Zhang WJ, Amalfitano S. 2015. Bacterioplankton community shifts associated with epipelagic and mesopelagic waters in the Southern Ocean. Scientific Reports 5:12897(SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
10) Wang YM, Yang J*, Liu LM, Yu Z. 2015. Quantifying the effects of geographical and environmental factors on distribution of stream bacterioplankton within nature reserves of Fujian, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22:11010–11021 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
11) Yu LY, Zhang WJ*, Liu LM, Yang J. 2015. Determining microeukaryotic plankton community around Xiamen Island, southeast China, using Illumina MiSeq and PCR-DGGE techniques. PLoS ONE 10:e0127721 (SCI源刊)
12) Yu XQ, Yang J*, Liu LM, Tian Y, Yu Z. 2015. Effects of Spartina alterniflora invasion on biogenic elements in a subtropical coastal mangrove wetland. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22:3107–3115 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
13) Gomaa F#,*, Yang J#,*, Mitchell EAD, Zhang WJ, Yu Z, Todorov M, Lara E. 2015. Morphological and molecular diversification of Asian endemic Difflugia tuberspinifera (Amoebozoa, Arcellinida): a case of fast morphological evolution in protists? Protist 166:122–130 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
14) 周菁, 余正, 劉開國, 田野, 余小青, 劉樂冕, 張文靜, 楊軍*. 2014. 典型亞熱帶熱分層水庫秋季細菌群落垂直分佈. 生態學報, 34: 6205–6213(通訊作者)
15) Liu Y, Yang J*. 2014. The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Xingkai topmouth culter (Culter alburnus). Mitochondrial DNA 25:451–453 ( SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
16) Wang YB, Zhang WJ*, Lin YS, Zheng LM, Cao WQ, Yang J. 2014. Spatial and seasonal variations of large Tintinnid ciliates in Shenhu Bay of China. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 43:292–302 (SCI源刊)
17) Ju LH, Yang J*, Liu LM, Wilkinson DM. 2014. Diversity and distribution of freshwater testate amoebae (Protozoa) along latitudinal and trophic gradients in China. Microbial Ecology 68:657–670 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
18) Yu Z, Zhou J, Yang J*, Yu XQ, Liu LM. 2014. Vertical distribution of diazotrophic bacterial community associated with temperature and oxygen gradients in a subtropical reservoir. Hydrobiologia 741:69–77 ( SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
19) Liu LM, Yang J*, Lv H, Yu Z. 2014. Synchronous dynamics and correlations between bacteria and phytoplankton in a subtropical drinking water reservoir. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 90: 126–138 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
20) Yu Z, Yang J*, Amalfitano S, Yu XQ, Liu LM. 2014. Effects of water stratification and mixing on microbial community structure in a subtropical deep reservoir. Scientific Reports 4: 5821( SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
21) Wang YB, Zhang WJ*, Lin YS, Cao WQ, Zheng LM, Yang J. 2014. Phosphorus, nitrogen and chlorophyll-a are significant factors controlling ciliate communities in summer in the northern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. PLoS ONE 9: e101121 (SCI源刊)
22) Yu Z, Yang J*, Liu LM. 2014. Denitrifier community in the oxygen minimum zone of a subtropical deep reservoir. PLoS ONE 9: e92055 ( SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
23) Lv H, Yang J*, Liu LM, Yu XQ, Yu Z, Chiang PC. 2014. Temperature and nutrients are significant drivers of seasonal shift in phytoplankton community from a drinking water reservoir, subtropical China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21:5917–5928 ( SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
24) Yu Z, Zhang WJ, Liu LM, Yang J*. 2014. Evidence for two different morphotypes of Difflugia tuberspinifera from China. European Journal of Protistology 50:205–211 ( SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
25) Yu Z, Yang J*, Yu XQ, Liu LM, Tian Y. 2014. Aboveground vegetation influences belowground microeukaryotic community in a mangrove nature reserve. Wetlands 34:393–401 ( SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
26) Tu YT, Chiang PC, Yang J, Chen SH, Kao CM. 2014. Application of a constructed wetland system for polluted stream remediation. Journal of Hydrology 510:70–78 (SCI源刊)
27) Yu Z, Yang J*, Zhou J, Yu XQ, Liu L M, Lv H. 2014. Water stratification affects the microeukaryotic community in a subtropical deep reservoir. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 61:126–133 ( SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
28) Liu LM, Yang J*, Yu XQ, Chen GJ, Yu Z. 2013. Patterns in the composition of microbial communities from a subtropical river: Effects of environmental, spatial and temporal factors. PLoS ONE 8: e81232 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
29) Lv H, Yang J*, Liu LM. 2013. Temporal pattern prevails over spatial variability in phytoplankton communities from a subtropical water supply reservoir. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 42:420–430 ( SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
30) Wang YB, Zhang WJ, Lin YS, Zheng LM, Cao WQ, Yang J. 2013. Spatial pattern of the planktonic ciliate community and its relationship with the environment in spring in the northern Beibu Gulf, South China Sea. Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies 42: 470–479 (SCI源刊)
31) Wang CF, Yu XQ, Lv H, Yang J*. 2013. Nitrogen and phosphorus removal from municipal wastewater by the green alga Chlorella sp. Journal of Environmental Biology 34: 421–425 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
32) Liu LM, Zhang DH, Lv H, Yu XQ, Yang J*. 2013. Plankton communities along a subtropical urban river (Houxi River, southeast China) as revealed by morphological and molecular methods. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 28:99–112 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
33) Zhang YY, Yang J*, Yin XX, Yang SP, Zhu YG*. 2012. Arsenate toxicity and stress responses in the freshwater ciliate Tetrahymena pyriformis. European Journal of Protistology 48: 227–236 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
34) Yang J*, Yu XQ, Liu LM, Zhang WJ, Guo PY. 2012. Algae community and trophic state of subtropical reservoirs in southeast Fujian, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19: 1432–1442 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
35) Zhang WJ, Lin YS, Cao WQ, Yang J. 2012 Genetic diversity and variance of Stentor coeruleus (Ciliophora: Heterotrichea) inferred from inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) fingerprinting. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 59: 157–162 (SCI源刊)
36) Zhang YY, Zhang F, Yang J, Jiao NZ. 2012. Host responses of a marine bacterium, Roseobacter denitrificans OCh114, to phage infection. Archives of Microbiology 194: 323–330 (SCI源刊)
37) Yang J, Zhang YY, Liu LM, Wang CF, Yu XQ. 2012. Microbial community and urban water quality. Bulletin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 26: 76–83
38) 余小青, 楊軍*, 劉樂冕, 田原, 余正, 王昌付. 2012. 九龍江口濱海濕地生源要素空間分佈特徵. 環境科學, 33:3739–3747 (通訊作者)
39) 劉樂冕, 楊軍*, 余小青, 余正, 張永雨, 田野, 張冬紅. 2012. 廈門后溪流域沿城鄉梯度浮遊細菌多樣性及其與環境因子的關係. 應用與環境生物學報, 18: 591–598 (通訊作者)
40) Liu LM, Yang J*, Zhang YY. 2011. Genetic diversity patterns of microbial communities of in a subtropical riverine ecosystem (Jiulong River, southeast China). Hydrobiologia 678:113–125 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
41) Zhang YY, Chen ZH, Zhen Z, Yang J. 2011. Metaproteomic evaluation on the microbial community functions in a mesoscale cyclonic eddy perturbation. African Journal of Microbiology Research 5:3890–3894 (SCI源刊)
42a) 張永雨, 黃春曉, 楊軍*, 焦念志. 2011. 海洋微生物與噬菌體間的相互關係. 科學通報, 56: 1071–1079 (通訊作者)
42b) Zhang YY, Huang CX, Yang J*, Jiao NZ. 2011. Interactions between marine microorganisms and their phages. Chinese Science Bulletin 56: 1770–1777 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
43) Yin XX, Zhang YY, Yang J, Zhu YG. 2011. Rapid biotransformation of arsenic by a model protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila. Environmental Pollution 159:837–840 (SCI源刊)
44) 楊軍*, Smith HG, Wilkinson DM. 2010. 北極、南極和西藏有殼蟲區系與分佈. 生物多樣性, 18(4): 373–382 (通訊作者)
45) 劉樂冕, 楊軍*, 張文靜, 余正. 2010. 原生動物瘤棘砂殼蟲六個自然種群的形態計量學分析. 動物學研究, 31(4): 435–443 (通訊作者)
46) 張文靜, 楊軍, 田野. 2010. 有殼肉足蟲的結構、運動以及生殖. 生物學通報, 45(1): 12–14
47) Yang J, Smith HG, Sherratt TN, Wilkinson DM. 2010. Is there a size limit for cosmopolitan distribution in free-living microorganisms? A biogeographical analysis of testate amoebae from polar areas. Microbial Ecology 59:635–645 (SCI源刊, Cover story)
48) 張文靜, 楊軍*, 沈韞芬. 2009. 中國有殼肉足蟲(原生動物)五新紀錄描述. 動物分類學報, 34(3): 686–690 (通訊作者)
49) Yang J*, Zhang WJ, Shen YF. 2009. Relationships between testate amoebae assemblages (Protozoa) and geographic factors in Yunnan Plateau lakes, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 24:437–443 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
50) Yang J*, Zhang WJ, Shen YF, Feng WS, Wang XH. 2007. Monitoring of organochlorine pesticides using PFU systems in Yunnan lakes and rivers, China. Chemosphere 66: 219–225 (SCI源刊, 通訊作者)
51) Zhang WJ, Yang J, Yu YH, Shu SW, Shen YF. 2006. Population genetic structure of Carchesium polypinum (Ciliophora: Peritrichia) in four Chinese lakes inferred from ISSR fingerprinting: high diversity but low differentiation. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 53: 358–363 (SCI源刊)
52) Yang J, Zhang WJ, Feng WS, Shen YF. 2006. Geographical distribution of testate amoebae in Tibet and northwestern Yunnan and their relationships with climate. Hydrobiologia 559: 297–304 (SCI源刊)
53) Yang J, Meisterfeld R, Zhang WJ, Shen YF. 2005. Difflugia mulanensis nov. spec. (Protozoa, Rhizopoda), a freshwater testate amoeba from Lake Mulan, China. European Journal of Protistology 41: 269–276 (SCI源刊, Cover story)
54) Yang J, Zhang WJ, Feng WS, Shen YF. 2005. Freshwater testate amoebae of nine Yunnan Plateau lakes, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 20: 743–750 (SCI源刊)
55) Yang J, Zhang WJ, Feng WS, Shen YF. 2005. Testate amoebae (Protozoa: Rhizopoda) from northwest Yunnan, China. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 20: 583–590 (SCI源刊)
56) Zhang WJ, Yang J, Yu YH, Shen YF. 2005. Identification, cloning and characterization of microsatellite DNA in Euglena gracilis. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 52: 356–359 (SCI源刊)
57) Yang J, Shen YF. 2005. Morphology, biometry and distribution of Difflugia biwae Kawamura, 1918 (Protozoa: Rhizopoda). Acta Protozoologica 44: 103–111 (SCI源刊)
58) 楊軍, 沈韞芬. 2005. 根足類原生動物半圓錶殼蟲殼體生物礦化特徵. 動物學雜誌, 40(1): 1–7
59) 楊軍, 馮偉松, 沈韞芬. 2005. 中國砂殼蟲屬兩新紀錄種形態研究(錶殼目, 砂殼科). 動物分類學報, 30(1): 52–56 (英文)
60) Yang J, Beyens L, Shen YF, Feng WS. 2004. Redescription of Difflugia tuberspinifera Hu, Shen, Gu et Gong, 1997 (Protozoa: Rhizopoda: Arcellinida: Difflugiidae) from China. Acta Protozoologica 43: 281–289 (SCI源刊)
61) 楊軍, Beyens L, 沈韞芬, 馮偉松. 2004. 瘤棘砂殼蟲(肉足亞門: 根足總綱)殼體元素組成. 動物學研究, 25(5): 452–455 (英文)
62) 楊軍, 馮偉松, 沈韞芬. 2004. 中國砂殼蟲屬新紀錄(肉鞭門, 根足總綱, 葉足綱, 錶殼目, 砂殼科). 動物分類學報, 29(2): 239–247
63) 馮偉松, 楊軍, 葉志鴻, 繆煒, 余育和, 黃銘洪, 沈韞芬. 2004. 凡口鉛鋅礦濕地處理系統的土壤原生動物. 動物學雜誌, 39(1): 2–11
64)楊軍, 馮偉松, 繆煒. 2004. 中國淡水與土壤有殼肉足蟲最新分類名錄及其區系分析. 水生生物學報, 28(4): 426–433
20) 國家自然科學基金面上項目:亞熱帶分層水庫營養狀態波動的時空特徵與微生態學機理(31370471)。2014.01-2017.12。主持,在研。
19) 橫向項目:紫金山金銅礦聯合開發項目竣工環境保護驗收水生態影響調查。2013.07-2014.07。主持,完成。
18) 廈門市環境保護科研所項目:蓮花水庫水華風險預警技術研究。2012.07-2013.04。主持,完成。
17) 國家自然科學基金國際(地區)合作交流項目:第六屆國際有殼蟲學術會議(31210303028)。2012.07-2012.12。主持,完成。
16) 國家重大科學研究計劃項目:湖泊與濕地生態系統對全球變化的響應及生態恢復對策研究(2012CB956103)。2012.01-2016.08。專題負責人,在研。
15) 國家國際科技合作專項項目:中國東南沿海城市群環境污染調控技術與示範 (2011DFB91710)。2012.01-2015.01。參加,完成。
13) 福建省傑出青年科學基金項目:福建典型水庫型水源地富營養化特徵、過程和驅動機制(2012J06009)。2012.01-2014.12。主持,完成。
12) 國家自然科學基金面上項目:水庫型水源地有殼蟲多樣性及其與氮磷的關係(31172114)。2012.01-2015.12。主持,在研。
11) 國家自然科學基金重點項目:過去兩千年多重環境壓力對雲南湖泊環境的影響及驅動機制(U1133601)。2012.01-2015.12。參加,在研。
10) 廈門市科技計劃傑出青年項目:微型生物群落在水源地水質監測與預警中的應用(3502Z20116006)。2010.10-2012.09。主持,完成。
9) 教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金:飲用水源地微型生物生態特徵及藻類水華爆發早期預警——以廈門為例。2010.11-2012.11。主持,完成。
8) 廈門市科技計劃項目:九龍江水源安全飲用水保障技術研究(3502Z20101010)。2010.01-2012.12。參加,完成。
7) 中科院知識創新工程重要方向項目:廈門水庫型水源地原生動物多樣性及其水質監測(KZCX2-YW-QN401)。2010.01-2012.12。主持,完成。
6) 國家國際科技合作專項項目:城市群環境複合污染與生態健康研究(2009DFB90120)。2009.06-2012.06。參加,完成。
5) 優秀博士學位論文、院長獎獲得者科研啟動專項資金項目:九龍江河口濕地原生動物群落生態特徵。2009.06-2011.06。主持,完成。
4) 福建省科技計劃重點項目:飲用水水源安全性的微型生物診斷技術(2009Y0044)。2009.03-2011.12。主持,完成。
3) 中科院知識創新工程重要方向項目:城市濱海濕地生源要素循環的界面過程及還原性氣體排放的微生態學機制(KZCX2-YW-Q02-04)。2009.01-2011.12。參加,完成。
2) 加拿大Killam研究項目:加拿大Nova Scotia一萬多年以來的氣候變化與湖泊原生動物群落演替(49722)。2006.11-2008.11。主持,完成。
1) 中國科學院東湖湖泊生態系統試驗站開放研究基金:長江流域有殼肉足蟲時空異質性的研究(200202)。2002.05-2004.05。主持,完成。