Miss Me

Miss Me

Miss Me是Andy Grammer同名專輯《Andy Gramme》里的一首歌曲。


I wake up and I'm sober 我醒來后,頭腦一片清醒
Don't even know you anymore 才明白原來識你不清
Punch drunk on a feeling 恍然大悟,如夢初醒
Lost in believing,I was sure 信仰竟使我失迷
I don't care what you have to say 你說什麼都不重要
Damn words get in the way,I don't wanna know 我不想知道
I know there'll come a time 我只知道
When I look you in the eyes and say,"I told you so" 我將看著你後悔莫及
And I promise you this 我敢說,你一定
You're gonna miss me,miss me 你一定會想念我
As long as you live 只要還活著的一天
You're gonna miss me,miss me 你一定會想念我
Set me up for the falling 你讓我愛上你
Gave me no warning,you were gone 卻又不告而別
Let me down,I was reeling 讓我心煩意亂
I can't believe what you have done 真不敢信你這麼絕情
Go do what you've gotta do 你就走吧
Damn words will follow you everywhere you go 帶著你編造的借口
And I know there'll come a time 我只知道
When I look you in the eyes and say,"I told you so" 我將看著你的後悔莫及
And I promise you this 我敢說,你一定
You're gonna miss me,miss me 你一定會想念我
As long as you live 只要還活著的一天
You're gonna miss me,miss me 你一定會想念我
I believe in my heart 我問心無愧
When something's wrong,say it's wrong 坦然承認錯誤
I can deal with the part 我可以熬得過
When something's wrong if we both stay strong 要是我們都足夠堅強
I know there will come a time 但我知道
When I look you in the eyes and say,"I told you so" 我將看著你的後悔莫及
And I promise you this 我敢說,你一定
You're gonna miss me,miss me 你一定會想念我
As long as you live 只要還活著的一天
You're gonna miss me,miss me 你一定會想念我
I wake up and I'm sober 我醒來后,頭腦一片清醒


Andy Grammer 於2011年9月7日發布其《Miss Me》的MV,在MV中,被迫分手、撞見第三者、簽訂離婚協議的人悉數登場,他們在愛情中遭遇失落後,紛紛拿起代表希望的綠色熒光棒,最終他們在Andy的現場將熒光棒堆成一道光牆,從高空中給這個城市失落的人們帶去指引。


Andy Grammer是創作型流行音樂歌手。
1983年11月3日其出生於洛杉磯,在紐約Chester長大;畢業於 Monroe-Woodbury高中。其後曾就讀於賓漢姆頓大學,最終他從 California State University, Northridge以文學士的身份畢業。其父親Red Grammar是一名詞曲作者。