

Dr. Hongzhi Chen is currently an Assistant Professor of Management at Nanjing University. His research interests include: social networks, innovation & creativity, human resource management, employee helping & voice, work-life interface, and meta-analysis.



Ph.D. in Management (OBHR), Purdue University, USA, 2018
MS. in Corporate Management, South China University of Technology, China
BS. in Business Administration, South China University of Technology, China


2018-Present Assistant Professor of Management, School of Business, Nanjing University, China


Social networks
Innovation & creativity
Human resource management
Employee extra-role behaviors (voice, workplace helping, etc.)
Work-life interface


Human resource management
Organizational behavior


2016 Summer, Certificate for Distinguished Teaching (HRM, 4.5/5), Krannert School of Management, Purdue University
2017 Spring, Certificate for Distinguished Teaching (HRM, 4.7/5), Krannert School of Management, Purdue University


1. Principle Investigator, 2020-2022, “The Co-Evolution of Thoughts of Mobility and Intra-Organizational Social Networks” National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Young Scientists Grant
2. 陳鴻志 (參與),2011-2014,我國領先企業管理實踐蘊含的本土管理元素及其可移植性研究,教育部人文社科規劃項目
3. 陳鴻志 (參與),2011-2013,中國領先企業的管理理論和實踐研究,中央高校基本科研業務費項目


● 《中國領先企業管理思想研究》,陳春花,樂國林,曹洲濤 等著,機械工業出版社,2014, ISBN: 9787111545675。獲得第五屆中國軟科學獎管理學專項獎。參與撰寫 第2章(中國管理實踐研究評價及實踐路徑探索),第6章(南方報業傳媒集團的“核變”)。


《組織行為學》(第二版),陳春花,楊忠,曹洲濤 等編著,機械工業出版社,2012年,ISBN: 9787111396253。參與編寫 第1章(導論),第13章(組織變革與發展)
《企業文化》,陳春花,曹洲濤,曾昊 等編著,機械工業出版社,2010年,ISBN:9787111310921。參與編寫第7章(企業文化的動態演化),第8章(企業文化的衝突與整合)


He, W., Han, Y., Liu, W., Yang, B.Y., Hu, X.F., &CHEN, H. “From Idea Endorsement to Idea Implementation: A Multilevel Social Network Approach toward Managerial Voice Implementation”.Human Relations. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726719882999.
陳鴻志,呂健權. 從拿來主義到協同共生:人力資源管理與社會網路研究的結合. 人力資源管理評論,forthcoming.
蘇濤, 陳春花, 崔小雨, 陳鴻志. 信任之下,其效何如——來自Meta分析的證據. 南開管理評論, 2017,20(04):179-192.
宋一曉, 陳春花, 陳鴻志. 領導關愛下屬行為、員工表面和諧價值觀與員工沉默行為. 中國人力資源開發, 2015(23):38-45.
楊妍, 陳春花, 陳鴻志. 2012'“中國·實踐·管理”論壇觀點綜述. 管理學報, 2013,10(03):314-321.
陳春花, 陳鴻志.德魯克管理經典著作的價值貢獻. 管理學報, 2013,10(12):1860-1867.
陳春花, 陳鴻志. 基於實踐導向的管理研究成果評價探析. 管理學報, 2012,9(03):315-321. (人大報刊複印資料全文轉載)
陳春花, 陳鴻志, 劉禎. 管理實踐研究價值貢獻的評價. 管理學報, 2011,8(06):791-795. (人大報刊複印資料全文轉載)


陳春花, 陳鴻志. (2011). 百年管理經典的價值貢獻. 經濟界, (6), 5: 16-21.
陳春花, 王正翊, 樂國林, 陳鴻志, 林海燕, & 唐鳳鳳. (2011). 南方報業的“核變”. 中歐商業評論, (10), 94-102.
陳春花, 陳鴻志. (2011). 文化營銷——未來企業的競爭是文化的競爭. 銷售與市場, (22), 44-49.


Chen, Hongzhi; Tasselli, Stefano; Mehra, Ajay; Borgatti, Stephen. The origins and evolution of organizational networks: A multilevel review and research agenda. Working paper.
Chen, Hongzhi; Tasselli, Stefano; Dineen, Brian. When Multiple-group affiliation impedes innovation: Simmelian brokerage, mindfulness, and innovative performance. Working paper.
Chen, Hongzhi; Dunford, Benjamin; Boss, Wayne. Intra-organizational employee mobility and social network evolution. Working paper.
Perrigino, Matthew;Chen, Hongzhi; Pratt, Benjamin R.; Dunford, Benjamin. Discretionary stimuli in contemporary work teams: A review and synthesis of the climate strength literature. Working paper.
Chen, Hongzhi; Dineen, Brian. 2019. Beyond brokerage position: Deployment of multiple brokering behaviors and impacts on performance. Paper presented at The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA, 2019.
Perrigino, Matthew B.;Chen, Hongzhi; Pratt, Benjamin R. 2019. Team climates: More to consider than just shared context. Paper presented at The 79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, USA, 2019.
Chen, Hongzhi. 2018. When membership in multiple cohesive groups harms innovation: Simmelian brokerage, innovation initiatives and mindfulness. INTERACT 2018 Interdisciplinary Symposium on Social Network Analysis, Bogotá, Colombia, 2018.
Wu, Lusi ; Su, Rong;Chen, Hongzhi. 2018. Formal and informal work-family support at work: A meta-analytic comparison, The 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, USA, 2018.
Kossek, Ellen. E. ;Chen, Hongzhi; Lee, Kyung-Hee. 2018. Characteristics of work-life boundary management scales across countries, The 33rd Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Chicago, USA, 2018.
Chen, Hongzhi; Wu, Lusi; Chen, Chunhua. 2017. Dark sides of interpersonal citizenship behaviors for innovation: A social network approach, 2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting, Houston, USA, 2017.
Chen, Hongzhi; Law-Penrose, Jared. 2016. Moving beyond meta-analytic bivariate correlations: A path to utilize HR empirical evidence, The 76th Annual Meeting of Academy of Management, Anaheim, USA, 2016.