








Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho, Dale W. Jorgenson, "The Local and Global Benefits of Green Tax Policies in China",Review of Environmental Economics and Policy , June 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 189-208.
Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho, Dale W. Jorgenson, Ruoen Ren, Linlin Sun, Ximing Yue, "Industrial and Aggregate Measures of Productivity Growth in China, 1982-2000",Review of Income and Wealth , July 2009, Series 55, Issue 1, pp. 485-513.
Jing Cao, Richard Garbaccio, Mun S. Ho, "China's 11th Five-Year Plan and the Environment:Reducing SO2 Emisions",Review of Environmental Economic and Policy, June 2009, Volume 3, Issue 2, pp. 231-250.
Jing Cao, "Measuring Green Productivity Growth for China's Manufacture Sectors",Asian Economic Journal, December 2007, Volume 21, Issue, pp.425-451.
Jing Cao and K. Bachus, "Lagging behind or catching up? A comparison of Chinese and European environmentally related taxes," presented at 11th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation Issues, Bangkok, Thailand, November 3-5, 2010.
Jing Cao, "Reconciling Control of Carbon and Air Pollution with Economic Growth in China," presented at the 13rd Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis in Penang, Malaysia, June 9-11, 2010.
Jing Cao, "The Incidence of Carbon Tax in China," presented at Lincoln Institute China Program Annual May Conference, Cambridge, USA, May 17, 2010.
Xue Qiao, Jing Cao and Liyang Tang, "Dynamic Inefficiency, Environmental Tax and Climate Change - An OLG model Analysis," presented at 2010 Chinese Economic Society Annual Meeting, Xiamen, China, June 19-20, 2010.
Jing Cao, Richard Garbaccio and Mun Ho, "Benefits and Costs of SO2 Abatement Policies in China", 11th GTAP Annual Conference “Future of Global Economy”, June 12-14, Helsinki, Finland, 2009.
Xue Qiao and Jing Cao, "Dynamic Inefficiency, Environmental Tax and Climate Change", 2009 APJAE Symposium on Trade, Environment and Resources, 2009.
Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho and Dale W. Jorgenson, "The Co-Benefits of Mitigating the Global Greenhouse Gases in China – An Integrated Top-Down and Bottom-Up Modeling Analysis", the 16th Annual Conference of European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE) , Gothenburg, Sweden, June 25-28, 2008.
Jing Cao and Xue Qiao, "Environmental Tax, Double Dividend and Golden Rule: an Overlapping Generation Model Analysis", presented at CES 2008 Annual Conference, Tianjin, April 17-19, 2008; and Workshop on "Trade, growth and environment", Venice International University, June 9-10, 2008.
Jing Cao, "China and East Asian's KLEMS", presented at the conference of "Productivity in a Globalizing Economy: Implications for Business and Policy", Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations, Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi, January 21-22, 2008.
Jing Cao, Richard Garbaccio and Mun S. Ho, "Benefits and Costs of SO2 Abatement Policies in China", 11th GTAP Annual Conference "Future of Global Economy", Helsinki, Finland, June 12-14, 2008.
Jing Cao, "Reconciling Human Development and Climate Protection," Presented at UNFCCC – Cop 14, Harvard University Side-event, organized by Harvard Project on International Climate Agreement, Poznan, Poland, December 6, 2008.
Jing Cao, "An Analysis of Gasoline Tax Reform and Its Implications for China" – Research Proposal, presented at the second Annual Environment for Development Initiative Meeting in China, Beijing, China, November 3-7,2008.
Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho and Dale W. Jorgenson, "Costs and Benefits of a Carbon Policy for China," Presented at “Technology and Policies to Mitigate Climate Change – Chinese Challenges in Addressing Climate Change” Workshop, organized by CICERO, Econ Pöyry and Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, October 15-16, 2008.
Also presented at the second Annual Environment for Development Initiative Meeting in China, Beijing, China, November 3-7, 2008.
Jing Cao, Richard Garbaccio and Mun S. Ho, "Benefits and Costs of SO2 Abatement Policies in China," presented at the 11th GTAP Annual Conference “Future of Global Economy”, Helsinki, Finland, June 12-14, 2008
Jing Cao and Xue Qiao, "Environmental Tax, Double Dividend and Golden Rule: an Overlapping Generation Model Analysis," presented at CES 2008 Annual Conference, Tianjin, April 17-19, 2008; and Workshop on "Trade, growth and environment", Venice International University, June 9-10, 2008.
Jing Cao, "Reconcile Human Development and Climate Protection – China's Perspective on Post-Kyoto Climate Policy Framework," presented at the International Conference on “Post 2012 International Policy Architecture for Global Climate Change”, Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Venice, Italy, May 14-16, 2008.
Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho, and Dale W. Jorgenson, "The Co-Benefits of Mitigating the Global Greenhouse Gases in China – An Integrated Top-Down and Bottom-Up Modeling Analysis," Presented at PACE Forum on Sustainable Development, Oct. 15-16, 2007, Washington D.C. ; also presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Global Institute China-Russia Conference Series – Resources, Energy and Institutions for Sustainable Development, Beijing, September 29-30, 2007, and invited talk at Harvard China Project, June 2007.
Jing Cao, "Measuring Green Productivity Growth for China's Manufacture Sectors," Presented at Tsinghua-Stanford SCID "Sustaining China's Growth" Conference, Tsinghua University, Beijing, September 16-18, 2007; also presented at the 10th East Asia Economic Association Conference, Beijing, and invited talk at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho, Dale W. Jorgenson, R. Ren, L. Sun and X. Yue, "Industrial and Aggregate Measures of Productivity Growth in China, " Presented at IARIW-NBS Special Conference on Transition Economies, Beijing, China, 19-20 September, 2007; and NBER-CCER workshop, Beijing, China, June 3-5, 2008.
Jing Cao, and Mun S. Ho, "Trends in Productivity Change and Energy Use in China: Modeling Environmental Policies," Presented at "Linking Issues to Motivate Chinese Climate Policies – Energy, Air Pollution, and Sustainable Rural Development," Oslo, Norway, Aug 30-31, 2007.
Jing Cao, "A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Environmental Taxation and "Rural-Urban" Migration Distortions in China, " has been presented at 26th EEPSEA workshop, Philippines; and has been accepted to be presented at 2007 China Annual Conference (CEAC), Shenzhen and Hong Kong, China, December 15-17, 2007.
Jing Cao and Mun S. Ho, "The Changes in China's Energy Intensity: Its Origins and Implications for Long-Run Carbon Emission Projections and Climate Policies".
Jing Cao and Xue Qiao, "Environmental Tax, Double Dividend and Golden Rule: an Overlapping Generation Model Analysis", presented at CES 2008 Annual Conference, Tianjin, April 17-19, 2008; and Workshop on "Trade, growth and environment", Venice International University, June 9-10, 2008.
Xue Qiao and Jing Cao, "Dynamic Inefficiency, Environmental Tax and Climate Change", 2009 APJAE Symposium on Trade, Environment and Resources, 2009.
Jing Cao, "Is Fuel Taxation Progressive or Regressive in China?" in Thomas Sterner (ed.) Do Fuel Taxes Hurt the Poor?RFF Press (forthcoming).
Jing Cao, "Exploring Carbon Tax in China," in Fan et. al (ed.) The Economics of Climate Change in China ——Towards a Low Carbon Economy,Earthscan Publishing, 2011.
Jing Cao, "Reconcile Human Development and Climate Protection –A Multi-Stage Hybrid Climate Policy Architecture," in Joseph E. Aldy and Robert N. Stavins (ed.) Post-Kyoto International Climate Policy: Implementing Architectures for Agreement: Addressing Global Climate Change in the Post-Kyoto World,Cambridge Press, 2010, pp.563-598.
Jing Cao. "Reconcile Human Development and Climate Protection – Perspectives from Developing Countries on Post-2012 International Climate Change Policy,"Research Report for Harvard Project on International Climate Agreements, December, 2008.
Jing Cao, Mun S. Ho, and Dale W. Jorgenson, "The Co-Benefits of Mitigating the Global Greenhouse Gases in China – An Integrated Top-Down and Bottom-Up Modeling Analysis,"EfD working paper series, 2008.
Jing Cao, "A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium Analysis of Environmental Taxation and "Rural-Urban" Migration Distortions in China,"EEPSEA Research Report, No. 2006-RR9, 2007.
曹靜,Low-Carbon Institute Grant on Economic Instruments for Carbon Mitigation in China,PI,清華大學,2008-2009。
曹靜,清華大學(經濟管理學院,環境科學與工程學院)和哈佛大學哈佛中國基金項目和能源基金會資助的項目, 2007-2009。





