

趙世傑,男, 1960年9月生。教授,碩士生導師,現任作物生物學國家重點實驗室辦公室主任(副處級),兼任山東省植物生理學會理事、民盟泰安市委委員。主要從事逆境脅迫下光合作用及其調控機理研究,重點研究植物在逆境條件下光合作用光抑制及光保護機制的分子基礎。先後承擔並完成了國家自然科學基金、山東省科技發展計劃項目、國家“973”計劃子課題、山東省自然科學基金、山東省農業良種工程等項目的研究課題。獲山東省科技進步二等獎二項,國家教委科技進步二等獎一項,在《Plant Cell Rep.》、《Euphytica》、《Journal of Integrative Plant Biology》、《Planta》、《中國農業科學》、《作物學報》等學術刊物上發表論文50餘篇。


2. 植物逆境生理 與分子基礎


國家自然科學基金:番茄ω-3 脂肪酸去飽和酶基因的表達與功能分析,2005-2007;


主要進行逆境脅迫下光合作用及其調控機理研究,重點研究植物在逆境條件下光合作用光抑制及光保護機制的分子基礎。先後承擔並完成了國家“973”計劃項目、國家自然科學基金、山東省自然科學基金、山東省農業良種工程、山東省教育廳等項目的研究課題。獲山東省科技進步二等獎二次, 國家教委科技進步二等獎一次,發表論文30餘篇.


1. Zhongcai Xue, Huiyuan Gao*,Shijie Zhao*, Effects of cadmium on the photosynthetic activity in mature and young leaves of soybean plants. Environ Sci Pollut Res,2014,21:465-4664
2. Zhongcai Xue*,Shijie Zhao*, Huiyuan Gao, Shan Sun, The salt resistance of wild soybean (Glycine sojaSieb. et Zucc. ZYD 03262) under NaCl stress is mainly determined by Nadistribution in the plant. Acta Physiol Plant,2014,36:61-70
3. Dong Li, Na-Na Ma, Jie-Ru Wang, Dong-Yue Yang,Shi-Jie Zhao*, Qing-Wei Meng*, Overexpression of tomato enhancer of SOS3-1 (LeENH1) in tobacco enhanced salinity tolerance by excluding Nafrom the cytosol. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,2013,70:150-158
4. Xiao-lin Sun, Sha Yang, Li-Yan Wang, Qiu-Yu Zhang,Shi-Jie Zhao*, Qing-Wei Meng*. The unsaturation of phosphatidylglycerol in thylakoid membrane alleviates PSII photoinhibition under chilling stress. Plant Cell Rep, 2011,30:1939-1947
5. Yan Liang, Kunpu Zhang, Liang Zhao, Bin Liu, Qingwei Meng, Jichun Tian,Shijie Zhao*,Identification of chromosome regions conferring dry matter accumulation and photosynthesis in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).Euphytica, 2010,171:145–156
6. Kun Yan, Na Chen, Yan-Yan Qu, Xin-Chun Dong, Qing-Wei Meng*,Shi-Jie Zhao*.Overexpression of sweet pepper glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase gene enhanced thermotolerance of photosynthetic apparatus in transgenic tobacco. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology,2008,50:613-621
7. Sui Na, Li Meng, Meng Qing-wei, Tian Ji-chun andZhao Shi-jie*.Photosynthetic Characteristics of a Super High Yield Cultivar of Winter Wheat During Late Growth Period. Agricultural Sciences inChina,2010, 9(3): 346-354
8.周連傑,謝彥慶,徐文,郭騫歡,戴雙,趙世傑 ,宋健民,去除遮陰后自然強光對小偃54和8602及其雜交後代光合特性的影響。作物學報, 2015, 41(4): 671~677
9.郭騫歡,謝彥慶,程敦公,周連傑,戴雙,李豪聖,趙世傑*,宋健民,山東省不同時期主推小麥品種的籽粒澱粉合成比較。植物生理學報, 2013,49:949~958
11.彭芹,戴雙,郭騫歡,程敦公,李豪聖,劉愛峰,劉建軍,趙世傑,*宋健民*, 1950年以來山東省主推小麥品種的遺傳多樣性演變。分子植物育種, 2012,10 (2):228-237
12.梁雪,顏坤,梁燕,張雯婷,魏佑營,董新純,孟慶偉,趙世傑*,高溫對耐熱大蔥品種PSⅡ和抗氧化酶活性的影響。園藝學報, 2012,39(1):175-181
13.張雯婷,孫曉琳,彭芹,張西斌,楊興洪,孟慶偉,趙世傑*.小偃54和8602及其雜交後代小偃41和小偃81花后旗葉光合特性比較,作物學報, 2011,37(11):2053-2058
17.陳鋒,田紀春,孟慶偉,趙世傑*.短期高溫脅迫對高產小麥品系灌漿後期旗葉PSⅡ功能的影響,應用生態學報, 2006,17(10):1854-1858
18. Xinguo Li,Yuping Bi,Shijie Zhao*,Qingwei Meng,Qi Zou. Effects of Short-Term Chilling Stress on the Phtotsystems and Chloroplast Ultrastructure in Sweet Pepper. Agricultural Sciences inChina, 2005,4(6)429-435
19.隋娜,李萌,田紀春,孟慶偉,趙世傑*.超高產小麥品種(系)生於後期光合特性的研究,作物學報, 2005,31(6):808-814
20.付振書,趙世傑*,孟慶偉,魏佑營。高溫強光下耐熱性不同的兩個甘藍品種幼苗光合作用差異的研究,園藝學報, 2005,32(1):25-29
24. Kun Yan, Peng Chen, Hongbo Shao, Chuyang Shao,Shijie Zhao, Marian Brestic, Dissection of photosynthetic electron transport process in sweet sorghum under heat stress. PLoS ONE, 2013,8:e62100
25. Kun Yan, Hongbo Shao, Chuyang Shao, Peng Chen,Shijie Zhao, Marian Brestic, Xiaobing Chen, Physiological adaptive mechanisms of plants grown in saline soil and implications for sustainable saline agriculture in coastal zone. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2013,35:2867-2878
26. Peng Chen, Kun Yan* Hongbo Shao,Shijie Zhao,Physiological mechanisms for high salt tolerance in wild soybean (Glycine soja) from Yellow RiverDelta,China: photosynthesis, osmotic regulation, ion flux and antioxidant capacity. PLoS ONE, 2013,8:e83227
27. Kun Yan, Peng Chen, Hongbo Shao,Shijie Zhao, Characterization of photosynthetic electron transport chain inbioenergy crop Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) underheat stress for sustainable cultivation. Industrial Crops and Products, 2013,50:809-815
28. Kun Yan, Peng Chen, Hongbo Shao,Shijie Zhao, Lihua Zhang,Responses of Photosynthesis and Photosystem II to Higher Temperature and Salt Stress in Sorghum. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 2012,198:218-226
29. Kun Yan, Peng Chen, Hongbo Shao,Shijie Zhao, Lihua Zhang, Liwen Zhang, Gang Xu & Junna Sun,Photosynthetic characterization of Jerusalem artichoke during leaf expansion.Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2012.34:353-360
30. Shan Gao, Han Han, Hai-Long Feng,Shi-Jie Zhaoand Qing-Wei Meng, Overexpression and Suppression of Violaxanthin De-epoxidase Affects the Sensitivity of Photosystem II Photoinhibition to High Light and Chilling Stress in Transgenic Tobacco. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2010, 52 (3): 332–339
31. Y.L. SUN, F. LI, N. SU, X.L. SUN,S.J. ZHAO,and Q.W. MENG,The increase in unsaturation of fatty acids of phosphatidylglycerol in thylakoid membrane enhanced salt tolerance in tomato.Photosynthetica,2010,48:400-408
32. Na Suia, Meng Lib, De-Feng Shua,Shi-Jie Zhaoa, Qing-Wei Menga. Antisense-mediated depletion of tomato chloroplast glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase affects male fertility and increases thermal tolerance, Physiologia Plantarum, 2007,130: 301–314
33. Na Sui, Meng Li,Shi-Jie Zhao, Feng Li, Hui Liang, Qing-Wei Meng. Overexpression of glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase gene improves chilling tolerance in tomato, Planta,2007,226:1097–1108
34. Xinguo Li,Yuping Bi,Shijie Zhao,Qingwei Meng,Qi Zou.Cooperation of xanthophylls cycle with water-water cycle in the protection of photosystems 1 and 2 against inactivation during chilling stress unter low irradiance, Photosynthetica, 2005,43(2):261-266
35. Y.L. SUN, F. LI,N. SU, X.L. SUN,S.J. ZHAO, and Q.W. MENG. The increase in unsaturation of fatty acids of phosphatidylglycerol in thylakoid membrane enhanced salt tolerance in tomato,PHOTOSYNTHETICA, 2010,48(3):400-408
36.彭濤,姚廣,高輝遠,李鵬民,王未未,孫山,趙世傑.植物葉片和冠層光化學反射指數與葉黃素循環的關係,生態學報, 2009,29(4):1988-1993
37.楊秀梅,劉訓言,董新純,趙世傑,孟慶偉。膜脂不飽和和度的增加對番茄耐鹽性類囊體的影響,中國農業科學, 2008,41(10):3177-3183
38.李萌,隋娜,王鵬,趙世傑 ,孟慶偉,田紀春。生育後期冠層結構對超高產小麥品種(系)光能利用及產量的影響,麥類作物學報, 2009,29(2):279-282
39.楊興洪,鄒琦,趙世傑.遮蔭和全光下生長的棉花光合作用和葉綠素熒光特性,植物生態學報, 2005,29(1):8-15
40.李萌,隋娜,賈曦,趙世傑,孟慶偉,田紀春。超高產小麥品種(系)生育後期抗氧化酶活性的變化,華北農學報, 2009,24(增刊):145-149
41.郭峰,田紀春,孟慶偉,趙世傑*.遮陰后不同小麥品種(系)旗葉光系統II對強光的響應,山東農業科學, 2008,8:40-43
42.張玉紅,梁燕,陳立平,趙世傑.人工氣候室條件下小麥DH群體苗期光合性狀基因定位實驗設計與實施,山東農業科學, 2008,8:106-107,109

