共找到11條詞條名為林建平的結果 展開
林建平 1997年和2000年先後在北京大學化學院獲得學士和碩士學位。2005年7月畢業於美國杜克大學,獲得理論生物物理和化學博士學位。2006年在美國希望之城醫學中心從事博士后工作。2009年作為引進人才,回國到南開大學工作。主要工作有:通過分子動力學和虛擬化合物庫計算機篩選以及實驗組合作, 我們找到一個針對癌症增生蛋白(信號傳送和轉錄激活因子,Signal transducers and Activators of Transcription 3 (Stat3))的抑製劑, 從而阻斷癌症增生通道。這個抑製劑是第一個對Stat3有選擇性的抗癌藥。通過計算機輔助設計和分子動力學驗證, 設計出憎水性的脫氧核糖核酸(DNA).設計出的憎水性DNA能穿過水和氯仿界面進入氯仿相。共發表SCI收載論文5篇。
姓名:林建平 性別:男 職稱:教授

2) Jianping Lin; Nadrian C. Seeman; Nagarajan Vaidehi*. “Molecular dynamics simulations of insertion of chemically modified DNA nanostructures into water-chloroform interface” Biophys. J. 2008, 95, 1099-1107.
3) Jianping Lin; Ilya A. Balabin; David N. Beratan*. “The Nature of Aqueous Tunneling Pathways between Electron-transfer Proteins” Science 2005, 310,1311-1313. related news: “Water can ease electron transfer between proteins” Chemical & Engineering News November 28, 2005. Page 11.
4) Jianping Lin; David N. Beratan*. “Simulation of Electron transfer between Cytochrome c2 and the Bacterial Photosynthetic Reaction Center: Brownian Dynamics Analysis of the Native Proteins and Double Mutants.” J. Phys. Chem. B 2005, 109, 7529-7534.
5) Jianping Lin; David N. Beratan*. "Tunneling while Pulling: The Dependence of Tunneling Current on End-to-End Distance in a Flexible Molecule." J. Phys. Chem. A 2004, 108, 5655-5661.
6) James C. Sung; Jianping Lin. Diamond Nanotechnology: Synthesis and applications, Pan Stanford Publishing, 2009.
7) Spiros S. Skourtis; Jianping Lin; David N. Beratan. “The Effects of Bridge Motion on Electron Transfer Reactions Mediated by Tunneling” Chapter 18 in Modern Methods for Theoretical Physical Chemistry of Biopolymers. Edited By E. B. Starikov; S. Tanaka; J. P. Lewis, Elsevier Press, June 2006.