



馬國軍;男,大連理工大學 工程力學系教師。
2003.03-2007.06 大連理工大學 工程力學系 博士
2000.09-2003.03 大連理工大學 工程力學系 碩士
1996.09-2000.07 大連理工大學 工程力學系 本科
(1) Ma G J, Wu C W, Zhou P. Hydrodynamics of slip wedge and optimization of surface slip property. Science in China, Series G, 2007, 50(3): 321-330. (中文版: 中國科學G輯, 2008, 38(1): 67-76).
(2) Wu C W, Ma G J. On the Boundary Slip of Fluid Flow. Science in China, Series G, 2005, 48(2):178-187. (中文版: 中國科學 G輯, 2004, 34(6): 681-690).
(3) Ma G J, Wu C W, Zhou P. Influence of wall slip on the hydrodynamic behavior of a two-dimensional slider bearing. Acta Mechenics Sinica, 2007, 23:655-661.
(4) Ma G J, C. W. Wu, Zhou P. Multi-lineaity Algorithm for Wall slip in Two-dimensional Gap Flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2007, 69:2469-2484.
(5) Ma G J, Wu C W, Zhou W L, Guo X L, Ren M F, Guo J T. Initial Study of Strenghtening of NiAl-Cr(Mo)-Hf Alloys by Strong Magnetic Field. Journal of Material Research, 2005, 20(2): 295-298.
(6) Ma G J, Wu C W, Zhou P. Wall Slip and Hydrodynamics of Two-dimensional Journal Bearing. Tribology International, 2007, 40:1056-1066.
(7) Wu C W, Ma G J. Abnormal Behavior of Hydrodynamic Lubrication Journal Bearings Caused by Wall Slip. Tribology International, 2005, 38:492-499.
(8) Wu C W, Zhou P, Ma G J. Squeeze Fluid Film of Spherical Hydrophobic Surfaces with Wall Slip. Tribology International, 2006, 39: 863-872.
(9) Wu C W, Ma G J, H. S. Sun. Viscoplastic Lubrication Analysis in a Metal-rolling Inlet Zone Using Parametric Quadratic Programming. ASME Journal of tribology, 2005, 127:605-610.
(10) Wu C W, Ma G J, Zhou P, C.D. Wu. Low Friction and High Load Support Capacity of Slider Bearing with a Mixed Slip Surface. ASME Journal of Tribology, 2006, 128:904-907.
(11) Zhou P, Wu C W, Ma G J. Contact Resistance Prediction and Structure Optimization of Bipolar Plates. Journal of Power Sources. 2006, 159:1115-1122.
(12) Zhou P, Wu C W, Ma G J. Influence of Clamping Force on the Performance of PEMFCs. Journal of Power Source, 2007, 163:874-881.
(13) Ma G J, Wu C W. Wall Slip and Hydrodynamics of a Fluid Film between Sliding-rolling Surfaces(英文稿). 計算力學學報, 2006, 23(5): 529-535.
(14) Wu C W, Ma G J, Jiang L F. The Role of Pressure-dependent Wall Slip in the Generation of Hydrodynamic Pressure in a Sliding Gap ( 英文稿). 計算力學學報, 2007, 24(6):811-816.
(15) 吳承偉, 馬國軍. 複合表面徑向滑動軸承的概念和性能預報. 計算力學學報. 2007, 24(1): 1-6.
(16) 周平, 吳承偉, 馬國軍. 非線性邊界滑移擠壓膜流動. 應用數學和力學, 2006, 27(9): 1129-1134.(英文版: 2006, 27(9): 1289-1294.)
(17) 馬國軍. 吳承偉. 周文龍, 張鵬程, 季首華, 郭建亭. 強磁場對Ni33Al28Cr5.5Mo0.5Hf合金微觀組織及其室溫力學性能的影響. 稀有金屬材料與工程, 2006, 35(3): 367-370.
(18) 馬國軍, 吳承偉, 周文龍, 郭杏林, 季首華, 郭建亭. 強磁場對Ni33Al28Cr5.5Mo0.5Hf合金強化及其斷裂特徵影響. 大連理工大學學報, 2005,45(5): 640-643.
(19) 吳承偉, 馬國軍, 周 平. 微納米間隙流動的界面滑移研究進展, 力學進展, 2008, 38(3): 1-18.
(20) Ma G J, Wu C W, Zhou P. Influences of Wall Slip on the Dynamic Properties of a Rotor-bearing System. Tribology Transactions, 2008 (In press).
吳承偉,周文龍,馬國軍,郭杏林,一種用強磁場增強鎳鋁系合金的強度和韌性的方法. 專利號:ZL200310105017.5.