



2005年—2007年:香港城市大學物理及材料科學系,超金剛石及先進薄膜研究中心研究員(Research Fellow)。師從著名納米科技領域專家李述湯院士(Shuit-Tong Lee)、張文軍(Wenjun Zhang)教授,從事准一維半導體輸運特性、納米器件製備、集成及應用方面的研究。曾領導多人研究小組進行納米器件開發工作。
揭建勝教授長期從事低維納米材料的可控合成、結構分析、物性表徵以及相應新型微納器件的設計、製備、性能的研究工作,在納米材料與納米器件領域取得了相當的成就。已在重要國際刊物 Nano Lett.、Adv. Mater.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、Small、Appl. Phys. Lett.、J. Phys. Chem. B等上發表SCI論文30多篇,平均影響因子4.4,論文被SCI檢索引用420多次,其中第一作者論文被引用290多次, h-因子為11。包括 Angew. Chem. Int. Edit、 Prog. Mater. Sci.、 Small等頂級期刊上的多篇綜述性論文對申請者的工作進行了近20篇次引用和評論。
揭建勝教授的工作獲得廣泛關注,如 Nature China曾兩次在研究亮點專欄中報道了揭教授的工作,一次是以《集成光子學:納米尺度的軍隊》為題報道發表在 Appl. Phys. Lett.上關於無催化ZnO納米線陣列合成的工作;另一次是以《光探測器:納米帶的新認識》為題報道 發表在Nano Lett.上關於單根CdS納米帶光電特性的工作,後者也得到中國科學院、中科院理化所等多個網站的詳細報道與高度評價。而發表在 Chem. Phys. Lett.上關於 n-型摻雜ZnO納米帶合成與表徵的文章亦入選此期刊2003-2007年度“ Top-50 most cited articles”論文之列。近期關於合成規則有序多孔結構MgO納米管的文章也被納米專業期刊Nanotechnology的姐妹網站Nano techweb . org以短新聞的形式報道。還多次在美國材料協會(MRS)年會等國際國內學術會議上報告最新研究進展。


1、國家自然科學青年基金,基於准一維半導體高性能場效應器件的研究,2009.1-2011.12,60806028,21萬,主持人。 2、2008年度教育部新世紀優秀人才計劃,基於低維半導體納米結構新型微納器件的設計、構建與應用研究,2009-2011,50萬,主持人。 3、中國高技術研究發展計劃(國家863計劃),基於II-VI族半導體納米結構的光電子器件研究,2007AA03Z301,100萬,主持人(副組長)。
長期致力於低維半導體納米結構的製備、表徵及應用研究,探索納米材料在新一代電子、光電子、感測器等重要領域的應用。在 Nano. Lett.、Adv. Funct. Mater.、J. Mater. Chem、Appl. Phys. Lett.等國際重要刊物發表論文70餘篇,被引1400多次,H因子=21,多篇論文被“ Nature China”等期刊與網站作為研究亮點報道。目前申請發明專利8項,已授權1項。擔任 Small、 Appl. Phys. Lett.、J. Phys. Chem. C、J. Mater. Chem等20多個國際期刊審稿人。主持國家自然科學基金、教育部新世紀優秀人才計劃,參與國家863、973等多項國家級研究項目。
1. Jiansheng Jie,Wenjun Zhang, Kuiqing Peng,Guodong Yuan, Chun-Sing Lee,and Shuit-Tong Lee, “The surface-dominated transport properties of silicon nanowires”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 18, 3251-3257 (2008). ( Impact Factor: 7.496 )
2. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Yang Jiang, Xiangmin Meng, Yanqing Li, S. T. Lee, “Photoconductive characteristics of single-crystal CdS nanoribbons”, Nano Letters 6, 1887-1892 (2006). (Impact Factor: 9.627 Times Cited: 37 ) (Highlighted by Nature China, http://www.nature .com/nchina/2007/070502/full/nchina.2007.68.html)
3. Jiansheng Jie, Chunyan Wu, Yongqiang Yu, Li Wang and Zhizhong Hu,“ Gallium-assisted growth of flute-like MgO nanotubes, Ga2O3-filled MgO nanotubes, and MgO/Ga2O3 co-axial nanotubes”,Nanotechnology20, 075602 (2009). (Reported by Nano techweb . orgin Lab Talk: http://nano techweb. org/cws/article/lab/37727) ( Impact Factor: 3.31 )
4. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Yang Jiang, S. T. Lee, “Single-crystal CdSe nanoribbon field-effect transistors and photoelectric applications”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 133118 (2006). (Impact Factor: 3.596 Times Cited: 7 )
5. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Yang Jiang, S. T. Lee, “Transport properties of single-crystal CdS nanoribbons”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 223117 (2006). (Impact Factor: 3.596 Times Cited: 6 )
6. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Yang Jiang, Xiangmin Meng, J. A. Zapien, M. W. Shao, S. T. Lee, “Heterocrystal and bicrystal structures of ZnS nanowires synthesized by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition”, Nanotechnology 17, 2913-2917 (2006). (Impact Factor: 3.31 Times Cited: 4 )
7. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Yiming Chen, Xinhai Han, Qingtao Wang, and J. G. Hou. “Synthesis and optical properties of the well-aligned ZnO nanorods on undoped ZnO film”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 031909 (2005). (Impact Factor: 3.596 Times Cited: 71 ) (Highlighted by Nature China, http://www.nature .com/nchina/2007/070118/full/nchina.2007.070118-5.html)
8. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Qingtao Wang,Yiming Chen, Xinhai Han, Xiaoping Wang, and J. G. Hou. “Synthesis and characterizations of well aligned ZnO nanorods on porous aluminum oxide template”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 11976-11980 (2004). (Impact Factor: 4.086 Times Cited: 41 )
9. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Xinhai Han, Gongpu Li, and J. G. Hou. “Synthesis and Characterization of ZnO:In nanowires with superlattice structure”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 17027-17031 (2004). (Impact Factor: 4.086 Times Cited: 25 )
10. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Xinhai Han, Jieping Fang, Qingxuan Yu, Yuan Liao, Bo Xu, Qingtao Wang, Rongchuan Fang, J. G. Hou. “Growth of ternary oxide nanowires by Au-catalyzed vapor-phase evaporation”, J. Phys. Chem. B 108, 8249-8253 (2004). (Impact Factor: 4.086 Times Cited: 25 )
11. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Xinhai Han, Qingxuan Yu, Yuan Liao, Gongpu Li, and J. G. Hou. “Indium-doped zinc oxide nanobelts”, Chem. Phys. Lett. 387, 466-470 (2004). (2003-2007年度Chem. Phys. Lett. Top-50 most cited articles) (Impact Factor: 2.207 Times Cited: 64 )
12. Jiansheng Jie, Guanzhong Wang, Xinhai Han, Jieping Fang, Bo Xu, Qingxuan Yu, Yuan Liao, Fanqing Li, and J. G. Hou. “Growth and properties of well-aligned ZnO hexagonal cones prepared by carbonthermal reaction”, J. Crystal Growth 267, 223-230 (2004). (Impact Factor: 1.95 Times Cited: 11 )
13. Guodong Yuan, Wenjun Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, X. Fan, J. A. Zapien, Y. H. Leung, L. B. Luo, P. F. Wang, C. S. Lee, S. T. Lee, “P-type ZnO Nanowire Arrays”, Nano Lett. 8, 2591-2597 (2008). (Impact Factor: 9.627 Times Cited: 5 )
14. Zhubing He, Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Wenfeng Zhang, Linbao Luo, Xia Fan, Guodong Yuan, Igor Bello, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Tuning electrical and photoelectrical properties of CdSe nanowires via indium doping”, Small5, 345-350 (2009). (Impact Factor: 6.408)
15. Xiujuan Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Wenfeng Zhang, Linbao Luo, Zhubin He, Chengyi Zhang, Xiaohong Zhang, Wenjun Zhang, Chun-Sing Lee, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Photoconductivity of a single small molecular organic nanowire”, Adv. Mater. 20, 2427 (2008). (Impact Factor: 8.191)
16. Wenfeng Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Zhubing He, Silu Tao, Xia Fan, Yechun Zhou, Guodong Yuan, Linbao Luo, Chun-Sing Lee, Wenjun Zhang, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Single zinc-doped indium oxide nanowire as driving transistor for organic light-emitting diode”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 153312 (2008). (Impact Factor: 3.596)
17. Kuiqing Peng, Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Silicon nanowires for rechargeable lithium-ion battery anodes”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 033105 (2008).
18. Wenfeng Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Linbao Luo, Guodong Yuan, Zhubing He, Zhiqiang Yao, Zhenhua Chen, Chun-Sing Lee, Wenjun Zhang, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Hysteresis in In2O3:Zn nanowire field-effect transistor and its application as a nonvolatile memory device”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 183111 (2008).
19. Z. H. Chen, Jiansheng Jie, L. B. Luo, H. Wang, C. S. Lee, and S. T. Lee, “Applications of silicon nanowires functionalized with palladium nanoparticles in hydrogen sensors”, Nanotechnology 18, 345502 (2007).
20. Guodong Yuan, Wenjun Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Xia Fan, Jinxin Tang, Ismathullakhan Shafiq, Zhizhen Ye, Chun-Sing Lee, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Tunable n-type conductivity and transport properties of Ga-doped ZnO nanowire arrays”, Adv. Mater. 20, 168-173 (2008).
21. Mingliang Zhang, Xia Fan, Jiansheng Jie, J. P. Hsu, N. B. Wong, “Millimeter-long and uniform silicon nanocables”, J. Phys. Chem. C
22. Yang Jiang, Wenjun Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Xiangmin Meng, Xia Fan, and S. T. Lee, “Photoresponse properties of CdSe single-nanoribbon photodetectors”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 17, 1795-1800 (2007).
23. Yang Jiang, Wenjun Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, Xiangmin Meng, J. A. Zapien, S. T. Lee, “Homoepitaxial growth and lasing properties of ZnS nanowire and nanoribbon arrays”, Adv. Mater. 18, 1527-1532 (2006).
24. Xinhai Han, Guanzhong Wang, Jiansheng Jie, Wallace C. H. Choy, Yi Luo, T. I. Yuk, and J. G. Hou, “Controllable synthesis and optical properties of novel ZnO cone arrays via vapor transport at low temperature”, J. Phys. Chem. B 109, 2733-2738 (2005).
25. Xinhai Han, Guanzhong Wang, Jiansheng Jie, Xuelian Zhu, and J. G. Hou, “Properties of Zn1-xCoxO thin films grown on silicon substrates prepared by pulsed laser deposition”, Thin Solid Films 491, 249-252 (2005).
26. Qingtao Wang, Guanzhong Wang, Jiansheng Jie, Xinhai Han, Bo Xu, and J. G. Hou, “Annealing effect on optical properties of ZnO films fabricated by cathodic electrodeposition”, Thin Solid Films 492, 61-65 (2005).
27. Chengyi Zhang , Xiujuan Zhang , Xiaohong Zhang , Xia Fan , Jiansheng Jie, Jack C. Chang , Chun-Sing Lee , Wenjun Zhang , and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Facile one-Step growth and patterning of aligned squaraine nanowires via evaporation-induced self-assembly”, Adv. Mater. 20, 1716 (2008)
28. Mingliang Zhang, Kui-Qing Peng, Xia Fan, Jiansheng Jie, Rui-Qin Zhang, Shuit-Tong Lee, Ning-Bew Wong, “Preparation of Large-Area Uniform Silicon Nanowires Arrays through Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching”, J. Phy. Chem. C 112, 4444-4450 (2008).
29. X. Fan, X. M. Meng, X. H. Zhang, M. L. Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, W. J. Zhang, C. S. Lee, and S. T. Lee, “Formation and photoelectric properties of periodically twinned ZnSe/SiO2 nanocables”, J. Phys. Chem. C 113(3), 834-838 (2009).
30. Zhenhua Chen, Hao Tang, Xia Fan, Jiansheng Jie, Sing-Chun Lee, and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Epitaxial ZnS/Si core-shell nanowires and single-crystal silicon tube field-effect transistors”, J. Crystal Growth, 310, 165-170 (2007).
31. Qingtao Wang, Guanzhong Wang, Bo Xu, Jiansheng Jie, Xinhai Han, Gongpu Li, Qingshan Li, and J. G. Hou, “Non-aqueous cathodic electrodeposition of large-scale uniform ZnO nanowire arrays embedded in anodic alumina membrane”, Mater. Lett. 59, 1378-1382 (2005).
32. Qihong Wu, Yurong Ma, Jiansheng Jie, Qingxuan Yu, Yuan Liao, Rongchuan Fang, X. L. Chen, K. Wang, “Hole drilling of Inconel 718 by high intensity pulsed ultraviolet laser”, J. Laser Applications 15, 168-171 (2003).
33. Qihong Wu, Jiansheng Jie, Yurong Ma, Qingxuan Yu, Bin Miao, Guanzhong Wang, Yuan Liao, Rongcuan Fang, Xiangli Chen, and Kelvin Wang. “Study of superalloy topography d uring ultrahigh intensity nanosecond ultraviolet laser ablation”, J. Appl. Phys. 91, 6761-6764 (2002).
34. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, and S. T. Lee, “Transport properties and device applications of novel semiconductor nanostructures”, 2007 CAS International Symposium on Nanomaterials Nanodevices and Thin Film Solar Cell, Ningbo, China(Invited Talk)
35. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Y. Jiang, and S. T. Lee, “DC plasma CVD synthesis of ZnS nanowires with heterocrystalline and bicrystal structures” 2005 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Symposium R: Assembly at the Nanoscale -- Toward Functional Nanostructured Materials, Nov.28-Dec.2, Boston, USA. (Oral Presentation)
36. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Kuiqing Peng, Zhenhua Chen, Mingliang Zhang, Guodong Yuan, Linbao Luo, Chun-Sing, and S. T. Lee, “The role of surface states in the transport properties of Si nanowires prepared by chemical etching”, 2007 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Symposium JJ, Nov.26-30, Boston, USA.
37. Jiansheng Jie, Wenjun Zhang, Yang Jiang, and S. T. Lee, “Photoconductive characteristics of single-crystal CdSxSe1-x nanoribbons”, Asia-Pacific Conf. Surf. Sci. Eng. 2006, HK.
38. Y. Jiang, Jiansheng Jie, W. J. Zhang, and S. T. Lee, “Homo-epitaxial growth of ZnS cross nanowires array and Its Photoluminescence properties”, 2005 Materials Research Society (MRS) Fall Meeting, Symposium R: Assembly at the Nanoscale -- Toward Functional Nanostructured Materials, Nov.28-Dec.2, Boston, USA.
39. Xinhai Han, Guanzhong Wang, Jiansheng Jie, Qingtao Wang, and Dapeng Li “Optical properties of ZnO cone arrays and influence of annealing on optical properties of ZnO-Zn coaxial nanocables” Nanophotonics, Nanostructure, and Nanometrology, edited by Xing Zhu, Stephen Y. Chou, Yasuhiko Arakawa, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5635 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005).
40. Qingtao Wang, Guanzhong Wang, Jiansheng Jie, Xinhai Han, Yuan Liao, Qingshan Li “Non-aqueous cathodic electrodeposition of large-scale uniform ZnO and CdO nanowire arrays” Nanophotonics, Nanostructure, and Nanometrology, edited by Xing Zhu, Stephen Y. Chou, Yasuhiko Arakawa, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5635 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005).
41. Qingtao Wang, Guanzhong Wang, Bo Xu, Jiansheng Jie, Xinhai Han, Qingxuan Yu “Preparation and optical properties of ZnO films by cathodic electrodeposition” Light-Emitting Diode Materials and Devices, edited by Gang Yu, Chuangtian Chen, Changhee Lee, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 5632 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2005).
42. Qihong Wu, Yurong Ma, Jiansheng Jie “Short pulse high intensity laser machining of Ni-base superalloy”, Proceeding of the Inter. Conf. On Engineering and Technology Science 2000, New World Press, ISBN 7-80005-534-5, V2. 1288 (2000), 1 edition.