2006年至2008年期間在美國Emory University從事醫學圖像處理與分析方面的研究工作。
1.Wu Li*, Xiaoping Hu*, Robust tract skeleton extraction of cingulum based on active contour model from diffusion tensor MR imaging
2.Wu Li, Jiangtao Liu, Frank Skidmore, Yijun Liu, Jie Tian*, Kuncheng Li. White Matter Microstructure Changes in the Thalamus in Parkinson Disease with Depression: A Diffusion Tensor MR Imaging Study
3.Wu Li, Jie Tian, Enzhong Li, Jianping Dai. Robust unsupervised segmentation of infarct lesion from diffusion tensor MR images using multiscale statistical classification and partial volume voxel reclassification
4.Yueying Kao, Wu Li*, Huadan Xue, Cui Ren, Jie Tian, An automatic tumor segmentation framework of cervical cancer in T2-weighted and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance images. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2013, Orlando, Florida, USA.
5.Wu Li, Jiangtao Liu, Kuncheng Li, Yijun Liu, Jie Tian. Voxelwise and region of interest analysis of Parkinson’s disease with or without depression. Proceedings of 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM 2013)
6.Wu Li, Jiangtao Liu, Jie Tian, Yijun Liu, Kuncheng Li. Diffusion changes in thalamus and subthalamus for Parkinson’s disease with depression. Proceedings of ISMRM 2012, Melbourne, Australia
7.Lixiong Liu*, Qi Zhang, Min Wu, Wu Li, Fei Shang. Adaptive segmentation of magnetic resonance images with intensity inhomogeneity using level set method. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 2013 May
8.Hui Zhang, Xiaopeng Zhang, Yingshi Sun, Jiangang Liu, Wu Li, Jie Tian. A Weighted-RV Method to Detect Fine-Scale Functional Connectivity during Resting State
“Method and apparatus for intracerebral hemorrhage lesion segmentation”, United States Patent.
“Image reconstruction method and X-ray CT apparatus”, United States Patent.
IEEE member、ISMRM member、HBM member。擔任NeuroImage等期刊的審稿人。