send me an angel
send me an angel
蠍子樂隊(Scorpions),德國著名的重金屬搖滾樂團,70年代初期發跡於漢堡北方的工業重地漢諾威。在樂團靈魂人物吉他手,也是創團團員的Rudolf Schenker,以及聲音讓人一聽就難以忘懷的主唱Klaus Meine的帶領下,Scorpions以狂泄的快速吉他演奏、強有力的打擊樂器以及輻射極高能量的演唱風格成為歐洲70年代數一數二的重金屬領導樂團。
蠍子樂隊(Scorpions),德國著名的重金屬搖滾樂團,創始於1965年,70年代初期發跡於漢堡北方的工業重地漢諾威。在樂團靈魂人物吉他手,也是創團團員的Rudolf Schenker,以及聲音讓人一聽就難以忘懷的主唱Klaus Meine的帶領下,Scorpions以狂泄的快速吉他演奏、強有力的打擊樂器以及輻射極高能量的演唱風格成為歐洲70年代數一數二的重金屬領導樂團。50載自始至終都堅持重金屬、硬搖滾風格。樂隊現有成員包括Rudolf Schenker(節奏、主音吉他手)、Klaus Meine(主唱、吉他手)、 Matthias Jabs(主音、節奏吉他手)、James Kottak(鼓手)、Pawel Maciwoda(貝斯手)。一曲《Wind of Change》,自80年代末便風靡全球。悠揚的口哨、魔幻的吉他、穿越時空的韻律 - 蠍子樂隊在歷史的變革中譜寫了一曲後人再難以逾越的音樂里程碑,它的成功超越了種族、語言和年齡的限制。Youtube上高達1.08億次的視頻點擊率讓蠍子成為第一支點擊量突破1億大關的德國樂隊。樂迷對其音樂強有力的節拍、激昂頓挫的旋律和極富感染力的現場氛圍一直頂禮膜拜,這使得他們集聚了世界上最大和最具搖滾精神粉絲團之一。
德國女高音歌手,1972年生於德國北部石勒蘇益格荷爾斯泰因州的胡蘇姆Husum,身高1.60米。伊思嘉早年曾是德國電音樂團Schiller的主唱,並且在2001年以一首《Ein schöner Tag(美好的一天)》震驚歐洲樂壇,拿下包括德國在內七國的排行榜冠軍,並於次年3月,獲得德國ECHO大獎。受過正統的歌劇訓練的伊思嘉如今的歌曲風格既有古典樂的高雅華麗,又有流行樂的親切宜人,嗓音清亮高音通透。伊思嘉的專輯中相鄰曲子間一般都有連續性和故事性,每張專輯都極其整體。
The wise man said just walk this way
To the dawn of the light
The wind will blow into your face
As the years pass you by
Hear this voice from deep insideIt's the call of your heart
Close your eyes and you will find
The passage out of the dark
Here I amWill you send me an angel
Here I amIn the land of the morning star
The wise man said just find your placeIn the eye of the storm
Seek the roses along the way
Just beware of the thorns
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I amIn the land of the morning star
The wise man said just raise your hand
And reach out for the spell
Find the door to the promised landJust believe in yourself
Hear this voice from deep insideIt's the call of your heart
Close your eyes and your will find
The way out of the dark
Here I amWill you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
Here I am
Will you send me an angel
Here I am
In the land of the morning star
I know there's someone
who can hear my silent words
Who can give me shelter
when a leaving memory hurts
So I beg day by day
So I hope and I pray
For a saviour to lead me home
Please send me an angel
To help me out of here
Please send me an angel
To dry my tears
To lead me out of here
If you can hear me
Can you send a silent sign
For me to be sure of this guardian-angel of mine
So I search and I long
cause my heart can't be wrong
For a saint who lead me home.
Please send me an angel
To help me out of here
Please send me an angel
To dry my tears
To lead me out of here
Please send me an angel
To help me out of here
Please send me an angel
To dry my tears
To lead me out of here
So I search and I long
cause my heart can't be wrong
For a saint who lead me home.