



1962年出生,籍貫重慶。1982年8月畢業於西南農業大學園藝系,獲學士學位;1987年3月於加州大學河邊分校植物科學系獲碩士學位; 1992年10月於愛達荷大學微生物、生物化學及分子生物學系獲博士學位。曾在愛達荷大學微生物、生物化學及分子生物學系、羅格斯大學農業生物技術中心及依阿華州立大學植物系做博士后。1999.7-2001.8,依阿華州立大學植物系助理科學家;2001.8-2002.7,依阿華州立大學植物系助理教授;現為中國科學技術大學生命科學學院教授、博士生導師。在Plant Cell、Plant Physiology等雜誌已發表研究論文二十餘篇。2002年入選教育部長江計劃特聘教授,同年獲中科院“百人計劃”。




1. Xiang, C., and Oliver, D.J. Glutathione metabolic genes coordinately respond to heavy metals and jasmonic acid in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 10,1539-1550, 1998.
2. Xiang , C. and Oliver, D.J. The biological functions of glutathione revisited in transgenic plants with altered glutathione levels. Plant Physiology. 126,564-574, 2001.
3. Xiang, C., Han, P., Lutziger,I., Wang,K.,and Oliver,D.J. Amini binary vector series for plant transformation. Plant Molecular Biology. 40, 711-717, 1999.
4. Xiang, C., Miao, Z., and Lam, E. DNA binding properties, genomic organization and expression patter of TGA6, a new member of the TGA family of bZIP transcription factors in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Molecular Biology. 34, 43-415, 1997.
5. Xaing, C., Miao, Z., and Lam, E. Coordinated activation of as-l type element and a tobacco glutathione S-transferase gene by auxins, salicylic acid, methyl jasmonate and hydrogen peroxide. Plant Molecular Biology. 32, 415-426, 1996.
6. Xaing, C. The activation sequence-1 cognate promoter elements play critical roles in the activation of defense-related genes in higher plants. In Handbook of Crop and Plant Physiology, M. Pessarakli, ed (New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc.). pp527-5237, 2000.
7. Xiang, C.and Oliver, D.J. Mutilevel regulation of GSH homeostasis in higher plants. In Handbook of Crop and Plant Physiology, M. Pessarakli,ed (New York, Marcel Dekker, Inc.). pp539-548,2000.
8. Xiang, C., Han, P., and Oliver, D.J. In solium selection for Arabidopsis transformants resistant to kanamycin. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter. 17, 59-65.
9. Xiang, C., and Oliver, D.J. 1998. Glutathione and its central role in mitigating plant stress. In Handbook of Plant Stress,M. Pessarakli,ed(New York, Marcel Dekker, In.). pp. 697-707,1999.
10. Xiang, C. and Debra Bertrand. Glutathione synthesis in Arabidopsis, multilevel controls coordinate responses to stress. In Sulfur nutrition and sulfur assimilation in higher plants, molecular biochemical and physiological aspects. Brunold, C.,Rennenberger, H., De Kok, L. J., Stulen, I. and Davidian, J. C.(eds), Paul Haupt, Bern, 2000.
11. Frame, B., Xiang, C.B., Pegg, S. E., LI, S, Wang, K. Progress in Agrobacterium-mediated maize transformation at the Plant Transformation Facility of Iowa State University. In, Plant Genetic Engineering, Toward the Third Millennium, A.D. Arenciba(ed), Elsevier Science B.V. (Amsterdam), pp82-87, 2000..
12. Bronwyn Frame, Huixia Shou, Rachel Chikwamba, Zhanyuan Zhang, Chengbin Xiang, Tina Fonger, Sue Ellen Pegg, Baochun Li, Dan Nettleton, Deiqin Pei, Kan Wang Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of maize embryos using a standard binary vector system. Plant Physiology. In press(2002).
13. Falk,K.L., Behal, R.H., Xiang, C., and Oliver D.J. Metabolic bypass of the TCA cycle during lipid mobilization in germinating oil seeds, regulation of NAD+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase versus fumarase. Plant Physiology 117,473-481,1998.
14. Oliver, D.J., Behal, R.H., Xiang, C., and Falk K.L. 1998. Changes in fumarase and NAD+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase during Arabidopsis seed germination. In Plant Mitochondria (E.Glaser, P.Gardestrom,K. Glimelius, and I.M. Moller, eds.) Backhuys Publishers, Warmonderweg.pp.395-399.


“973”,“863”,“Rockefeller Foundation”,“院創新重點”,NNSFC。