共找到3條詞條名為尹峰的結果 展開







Nano Letters, J Nanopart Res, Eur. Phys. J. D, Chinese J. of Catal. 等學術期刊審稿人。


圍繞金屬、半導體納米材料(團簇)、自組裝薄膜及納米微結構的製備及其分析表徵,納米材料在催化、光催化及太陽能電池等方面的應用,石墨烯改性等方向開展研究工作,取得了一些創新的成果。其中新型團簇束流源技術的開發、團簇束流源技術製備結構可控核/殼結構的納米團簇、納/微米結構的製備及結構分析等研究在國際上具有一定影響力。在Nat. Nano.、Adv. Mater.、J Am. Chem. Soc.、Phys. Rev. Lett.、Small、Nanoscale等國際上一流的學術期刊上發表40餘篇論文。


1. 團簇束流源技術開發及複雜納米團簇製備;
2. 納米團簇(顆粒)光電催化性能研究;
3. 相變存儲材料與器件研究;
4. 二維材料結構及改性研究;


1) Feng Yin, Sampo Kulju, Pekka Koskinen, Jaakko Akola & Richard E. Palmer, Simple metal under tensile stress: layer-dependent herringbone reconstruction of thin potassium films on graphite,Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, 10165(2015).
2) Feng Yin, Pekka Koskinen, Sampo Kulju, Jaakko Akola & Richard E. Palmer, Real-space Wigner-Seitz Cells Imaging of Potassium on Graphite via Elastic Atomic Manipulation,Scientific Reports, Vol. 5, 8276(2015).
3) F. Yin, Z. Wang and R. E. Palmer, Ageing of Mass-selected Cu/Au and Au/Cu Core/Shell Clusters Probed with Atomic Resolution,Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, Vol. 7, 703 (2012). (Invited Cover Paper).
4) F. Yin, Z. Wang and R. E. Palmer, Controlled Formation of Mass-selected Cu-Au Core-Shell Cluster Beams,Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 133, 10325 (2011).
5) F. Yin, S. Lee, A. Abdela, S. Vajda, and R. E. Palmer, Communication: Suppression of sintering of size-selected Pd clusters under realistic reaction conditions for catalysis,The Journal of Chemical Physics, vol. 134, 141101 (2011).
6) F. Yin, J. Akola, P. Koskinen, M. Manninen, R. E. Palmer, Bright Beaches of Nanoscale Potassium Islands on Graphite in STM Imaging,Physical Review Letters, vol. 102, 106102 (2009).
7) F. Yin, R. E. Palmer, Q. Guo, Critical Stability of Gold Nanofingers on a Zero-gradient Stepped Surface,Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter, vol. 21, 445001 (2009).
8) J. E. Allen, E. R. Hemesath, D. E. Perea, J. L. Lensch-Falk, Z. Y. Li, F. Yin, M. H. Gass, P. Wang P, A. L. Bleloch, R. E. Palmer, L. J. Lauhon, High-resolution Detection of Au Catalyst Atoms in Si Nanowires,Nature Nanotechnology, vol. 3, p. 168 (2008).
9) F. Yin, R. E. Palmer, Q. Guo, Nanoscale Surface Recrystallization Driven by Localized Electric Field,Physical Review B, vol. 73, 073405 (2006).
10) Q. Guo, F. Yin, R. E. Palmer, Beyond the Herringbone Reconstruction: Magic Gold Fingers,Small, vol. 1, p. 76 (2005).
11) F. Yin, C. Xirouchaki, QM. Guo, R. E. Palmer, High-temperature Stability of Size-selected Gold Nanoclusters Pinned on Graphite,Advanced Materials, vol. 17, p. 731 (2005).