研究方向為農業水土工程。2006年7月至2008年6月在中國科學院遺傳與發育生物學研究所工作,2008年6月調入山東農業大學水利土木工程學院。現承擔國家“973”子課題、山東省高等學校科技計劃項目和山東農業大學青年科技創新基金各1項。參加國家“863”、國家|“973”、國家公益性行業項目及中國科學院知識創新工程重要方向項目等6項課題。以第一作者在Agric. Water Manage., Trans. ASABE, Plant Prod. Sci., 《農業工程學報》《應用生態學報》等國內外學術刊物發表論文16篇,其中SCI收錄5篇,EI收錄3篇,ISTP收錄1篇。合作發表論文20多篇。2006年,獲山東省優秀畢業研究生稱號。2007年,獲山東省研究生優秀科技創新成果一等獎。
1. Q. Li, M Liu, J. Zhang, B. Dong, Q. Bai. Biomass accumulation and radiation use efficiency of winter wheat under deficit irrigation regimes. Plant Soil Environ., 2009, 55(2): 85-91 SCI
2. L.Quanqi, C.Yuhai, L.Mengyu, Z.Xunbo, D.Baodi, Y.Songlie.water potentialcharacteristics and yield of summer maize in different planting patterns. Plant Soil Environ., 2008, 54(1):14-19 SCI
3. Quanqi Li, Yuhai Chen, Mengyu Liu, Xunbo Zhou, Songlie Yu, Baodi Dong. Effects of irrigation and straw mulching on micro-climate characteristics and water use efficiency of winter wheat in north China. Plant Prod. Sci., 2008, 11(2):161-179 SCI
4. Li Quanqi, Chen Yuhai, Liu Mengyu, Zhou Xunbo, Yu Songlie, Dong Baodi. Effects of irrigation and planting patterns on radiation use efficiency and yield of winter wheat in north China. Agric. Water Manage., 2008,95:469-476 SCI、EI
5. Q.QL, Y.H.Chen, M.Y.Liu, X.B.Zhou, B.D.Dong, S.L.Y. Effect of irrigation to winter wheat on the soil moisture, evapotranspiration and water use efficiency of summer maize in north China. Trans. ASABE, 2007,50(6):2073-2080 SCI、EI
6. L.Quanqi, C.Yuhai, L.Mengyu, Y.Songlie, Z.Xunbo, D.Baodi. Effects of planting patterns on biomass accumulation and yield of summer maize. Ecosyst. Sustain. Dev., 2007, 6: 437-445 ISTP
7.李全起,陳雨海,周勛波,余松烈. 灌溉和種植模式對冬小麥農田播前土壤水分含量消耗及水分利用效率的影響. 作物學報,2009,35(1):104-109
8.李全起,陳雨海,於舜章,吳巍,周勛波,董慶裕,余松烈. 覆蓋與灌溉條件下農田耕層土壤養分的動態變化. 水土保持學報,2006,20(1):37~40
9.李全起,陳雨海,吳巍,於舜章,周勛波,董慶裕,余松烈. 秸稈覆蓋和灌溉對冬小麥農田光能利用率的影響. 應用生態學報,2006,17(2):243~246
10.李全起,陳雨海,於舜章,吳巍,周勛波,董慶裕,余松烈. 灌溉與秸稈覆蓋條件下冬小麥農田小氣候特徵. 作物學報,2006,32(2):306~309
11.李全起,陳雨海,於舜章,吳巍,周勛波,董慶裕,余松烈. 灌溉條件下秸稈覆蓋麥田耗水特性研究. 水土保持學報,2005,19(2):130~132,141
12.李全起,房全孝,陳雨海,於舜章,王吉順,羅毅,於強. 底墒差異對夏玉米耗水特性及產量的影響. 農業工程學報,2004,20(2):93~96 EI
13.李全起,陳雨海,韓惠芳,於舜章,於強,羅毅,歐陽竹,王吉順. 底墒差異對夏玉米生理特性及產量的影響. 中國農學通報,2004,116~119
14.李全起,陳雨海,房全孝. 夏玉米種植中水分問題的研究進展. 玉米科學,2004,12(1):72~75
16. X-B Zhou, Q-Q Li, X-Z Yu, W Wei, C-Y Hai. Row spacing and irrigation effects on water consumption of winter wheat inTAIAN, China. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 2007, 87(3): 471-477 SCI
17. Baodi Dong, Mengyu Liu, Shao Hongbo, Quanqi Li, Shi Lei, Du Feng. Investigation on the relationship between leaf water use efficiency andphysio-biochemical traits of winter wheat under rained condition. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2008, 62(2) SCI
18. Quanxiao Fang, Yuhai Chen, Qiang Yu, Zhu Ouyang, Quanqi Li and Shunzhang Yu. Much improvedirrigation use efficiency in an intensive wheat-maize double cropping system in the North China Plain. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 2007, 49(10): 1517-1526 SCI
19. 房全孝,陳雨海,李全起,於舜章,羅毅,於強,歐陽竹。灌溉對冬小麥水分利用效率的影響研究。農業工程學報,2004,20(4):34~39 EI
21. 房全孝,陳雨海,李全起,於舜章,羅毅,於強,歐陽竹。土壤水分對冬小麥生長後期光能利用及水分利用效率的影響。作物學報,2006,32(6):861~866
22. 房全孝,陳雨海,李全起,於舜章,余松烈,董慶裕,羅毅,於強,歐陽竹。灌溉對冬小麥灌漿期光合產物供應和轉化及有關酶活性的影響。作物學報,2004,30(11):1113~1118 23. 吳巍,陳雨海,李全起,周勛波,孫妮娜,徐德力,楊榮光.溝壟耕作條件下滴灌冬小麥田土壤水分的動態變化。土壤學報,2006,43(6):1101~1018