共找到92條詞條名為劉俊的結果 展開





劉俊,男,湖北襄陽人,西安交通大學副教授。2008年9月至2010年8月由國家公派到美國Texas A&M University, College Station聯合培養訪學兩年,2012年獲西安交通大學工學博士學位,2012年3月留校任教。主要研究方向為電力系統運行與控制,電力系統穩定性,電力系統在線實時監測,電力系統可靠性,多感測器信息融合技術在電力系統中的應用,人工智慧演演算法,FACTS,HVDC,智能電網用智能電力設備等。




2016/01-至今 西安交通大學電氣工程學院 副教授
2013/03-2016/01 西安交通大學控制科學與工程 博士后(合作導師:韓九強教授)
2012/03-2015/12 西安交通大學電氣工程學院 講師(合作導師:方萬良教授)
2008/10-2010/08 美國Texas A&M University,College Station國家公派訪問學者




1.期刊論文(*通訊作者Corresponding Author)
Jun Liu, Wanliang Fang, Xudong Zhang, Chunxiang Yang. "An Improved Photovoltaic Power Forecasting Model With the Assistance of Aerosol Index Data."IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy. 2015, 6(2): 434-442.(SCI: IDS: CE4WG, WOS:000351830300014, IF: 3.842)
Jun Liu,G. M. Huang,Zhiying Ma, Yingsan Geng."A Novel Smart High-Voltage Circuit Breaker for Smart Grid Applications."IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid. 2011, 2(2): 254-264.(SCI: IDS: V29ZY,WOS: 000208787500004, IF: 4.334)
Jun Liu, Jiuqiang Han, Hongqiang Lv and Bing Li. "An Ultrasonic Sensor System Based on Two-Dimensional State Method for Highway Vehicle Violation Detection Applications."Sensors. 2015, 15(4): 9000-9021. (SCI: IDS: CH7SE, WOS:000354236100102, IF: 2.048)
Jun Liu, Zhanhong Wei, Wanliang Fang, Chao Duan, Junxian Hou and Zutao Xiang. "Modified Quasi-Steady State Model of DC System for Transient Stability Simulation Under Asymmetric Faults."Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2015.(vol. 2015, Article ID 103649, 12 pages, 2015. (SCI: IDS: CV1QZ, WOS:000364034400001,IF: 1.048)
Hongqiang Lv,Jun Liu*, Jiuqiang Han, An Jiang. "An Energy Saving System for a Beam Pumping Unit."Sensors, 2016, 16(5): 685. (SCI, IF: 2.25)
Chao Duan, L. Jiang, Wanliang Fang, andJun Liu. " Moment-sos Approach to Interval Power Flow."IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2016. (Accepted,IF: 2.81)
Chao Duan, Wanliang Fang, Lin Jiang,Jun Liu. "Adaptive Barrier Filter Line-search Interior Point Method for Optimal Power Flow with FACTS Devices."IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution.2015, 9(16): 2792-2798. (SCI:IDS: CW9RC, WOS: 000365334900020,IF:1.35,)
劉俊,段超,方萬良,馬志瀛,聶希,周曉娟. "智能電網用斷路器智能操作演演算法的模擬及其在DSP上的定點實現."電力自動化設備. 2013, 33(11): 88-94.(EI: 20135217144376) Jun Liu, Chao Duan, Wanliang Fang, Zhiying. Ma. "Fixed-point Simulation of Intelligent Operation Algorithms on DSP for Intelligent Operation of Breaker."Electric Power Automation Equipment. 2013, 33(11): 88-94.
劉俊,馬志瀛,閆靜,欒樂,塗煜. "基於改進梯度校正法的短路電流在線實時計算."電工技術學報. 2007, 22(10): 65-70.(EI: 20080911124699)Jun Liu, Zhiying Ma, Jing Yan, Yu Tu, and Le Luan. "Online Real-Time Calculation of Short-Circuit Current Based on Improved Gradient Estimation Algorithm."Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society.2007, 22(10): 65-70.
魏全瑞,劉俊*,韓九強. "改進的無線感測器網路無偏距離估計與節點定位演演算法."西安交通大學學報. 2014, 48(6): 1-6.(EI: 20143118012118)Quanrui Wei,Jun Liu,and Jiuqiang Han. "An Improved DV-Hop Node Localization Algorithm Based on Unbiased Estimation for Wireless Sensor Networks."Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University,2014, 48(6): 1-6.
楊永前,牛拴保,霍超,劉俊*. "提高電力系統暫態穩定性的SVC模糊邏輯控制器設計."陝西電力. 2015, 43(3): 76-82.
王吉利,李小騰,范越,童禮系,劉俊*. "電力系統延遲電壓恢復問題綜述."陝西電力. 2014, 42(8): 34-39, 45.
楊永前,崔勇,楊增輝,劉俊*. "雙芯對稱離散型可控移相器的數學建模."陝西電力. 2014, 42(11): 61-67.
崔勇,陳潔羽,劉俊. "提高輸電斷面傳輸能力的可控移相器最優選址演演算法研究."陝西電力. 2013, 41(11): 75-79,101.
Jun Liu, Wanliang Fang, Chao Duan, Zhanhong Wei, Zenghui Yang, Yong Cui. "Fault Current Limiting by Phase Shifting Angle Control of TCPST."2015 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. Denver, USA, Jul. 2015: 1-5.(EI: 20160601898303)
Jun Liu, Xu Wang, Wanliang Fang, Lin Cheng, Shuanbao Niu, Chao Huo, Jili Wang. "A Novel Load Flow Model for Distribution Systems Based on Current Injections,"2016 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2016).Xi’an, China, 10-13 Aug, 2016: 1-5.(EI)
Kun Ding,Jun Liu*, Xu Wang, Xudong Zhang, Ningbo Wang. " Research of Active and Reactive Power Coordinated Control Method for Photovoltaic Inverters Based on An Improved Double-Loop Control Scheme,"2016 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2016).Xi’an, China, 10-13 Aug, 2016: 1-x.(EI)
Jian He,Jun Liu*, Xudong Hao, Xu Wang, Xudong Zhang. "Study on Inter-harmonics in Short-Circuit Current of Hybrid AC/DC Electric Power Systems,"2016 China International Conference on Electricity Distribution (CICED 2016).Xi’an, China, 10-13 Aug, 2016: 1-5.(EI)
Shuanbao Niu, Jili Wang, Chao Huo,Jun Liu*. "An Novel Power Flow Calculation Model with the Elimination of Interconnecting Nodes."The 2015 4th International Conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE 2015). Dalian, China. May. 2015: 1-8.(EI)
Jun Liu, Wanliang Fang, Yongqian Yang, Chunxiang Yang, Shen Lei, and Suilin Fu. "Increasing Wind Power Penetration Level Based on Hybrid Wind and Photovoltaic Generation."IEEE TENCON 2013, Xi'an, China, Oct. 2013: 1-5.(EI: 20140917392949)
Jiahao Kou,Jun Liu*, Qifan Li, Wanliang Fang, Zhenhuan Chen, Linlin Liu, and Tieying Guan. "Photovoltaic Power Forecasting Based on Artificial Neural Network and Meteorological Data."IEEE TENCON 2013, Xi'an, China, Oct. 2013: 1-4.(EI: 20140917392865)
Jun Liu, G. M. Huang, Z. Ma."Optimizing the Arcing Time for Smart Circuit Breakers Using Synchronous Phase Control.", 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society(IECON 2010).Pheonix, USA, Nov. 2010: 3347-3352.(EI: 20110413615008)
Jun Liu,G. M. Huang,Zhiying Ma. "A Novel Intelligent High Voltage SF6 Circuit Breaker."2010 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting. Minneapolis, USA, Jul. 2010: 1-6.(EI: 20104913448582)
Jun Liu, Z. Ma. "A Novel Algorithm for Online Real-Time Calculation of Short-Circuit Current."Proceedings of the16th International Conference on Gas Discharge and their Applications(GD2006).Xi'an, China, Sep. 2006: 2745-2749.
Quanrui, Wei;Jiuqiang, Han;Jun Liu. "A Linearization Reference Node Selection Strategy for Accurate Multilateration Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks."2013 9th Asian Control Conference (ASCC),Istanbul, Turkey,June 23-26, 2013: 1-5.(EI: 20134416932539)


5. 智能電網中針對“互動”用電信息的假數據注入攻擊危害分析及防禦策略研究(2014/01~2017/12,國家自然科學基金面上項目,61373115)參與
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